We are just some No-Namers, who started from nothing, that have something to say about anything and everything.
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7 Year Ich The 7th Year Anniversary Podcast
Spill senere
Spill senere
1:58:11This week we come back after quarantining to celebrate 7 years doing the nonamers podcast we back and will try to be more consistent thank you guys for sticking around
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We are back juans back from school and we trying to catch up sorry for being MIA but we back with it and still saying dumb stuff miss you guys hope yall miss us too
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Juan brings a very special guest and we get a rare insight into his new partnered life check i out subscribe WE BACK
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This week after a hiatus the #nonamerspodcast is back we talk about starting and how we would be treated in a cult we catch up after a while its awesome to be back funny episode
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After not doing the pod and then once doing it and not posting we get back to it its a heavy episode were we question our friendship why we are no longer close what we are up to and whats holding us back its really introspective and good show a real look inside a friendship on the rocks but where theres a lot of love…
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we get toghether after a while talk about hobbys we are interested in and what we would like to get into but juan believes we just fronting funny stuff check it out
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This week on the #Nonamerspodcast we read from a journal we take it back a few years and discover some secrets funny pod check it out
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about not being consistent putting up pod we talk about seeing an accident going up to santa barbara and bowling with the fam its a cool episode nice to come back cool podcast
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we are joined by one of juans coworkers and the spill the tea on what happens in a casino check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about getting hot pot vibes shakras getting healthy getting out there collecting health rocks it a chill episode check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast art talks about his action star gene and would he rise to the occasion if ever it presented itself or would he run away check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we reunite with missfit harley and we talk about her new found singleness getting out there, work and other craziness we made it through six years of podcast thanks to all of you who have been on the journey and those who are just getting here please subscribe
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his week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about the supposed end of the world and how it turned a man into madness and recklessness its a funny episode check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about rank water and how some of it tastes bad also we speculate how dentist can pass on viruses its a funny episode check it out
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about the beluga spys and funny animal storys funny episode check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we catch up and talk about what it would take to pass the bar exam with out studying or going to school its a funny episode check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we get back to it after not being able to do the pod for a few weeks we are back we talk about taxes we talk about building a future buying homes getting to go on vacations and getting burnt in our jobs the boys trying to be grown check out this episode and subscribe…
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This week on the #nonamerspdocast adrian gets his car juan goes to disney and we dont lose weight we check in check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about sad music keeping up a diet drinking and vegeta from dragon ball z being a good father funny episode check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we are joined by Joe salas and we talk about making the nonamers softball league adrian talks about buying a new car and then we try to figure out the potato diet
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about adrians birthday party and then talk about when arthur was picked on for wearing his pants way too tight hilarious episode check it out and sub
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about failing at losing weight and watch crazy videos and make each other laugh check it out and subscribe
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this week on the #nonamerspodcast we welcome back juan and talk about being up north for work and catch up on what hes been up to cool episode check it out
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about grief losing an important person in our life we talk grieve and tell some stories to help with the sadness check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about juan being gone getting in shape try to hit goals check it out subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about art super computer and the possibilities of changing the world hilarious episode check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcasst we talk about our new years resolution and set some goals art wants to build a computer to beat all computers hilarious episode check it out
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about being a walking meme going to the theater by ourselves getting caught eating in our car by hot girls funny episode check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #Nonamerspodcast we talk about a weird encounter we had while at work and we talk about how we couldnt work at in the service industry because the crazy people awesome show check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about playing Dungeons and Dragons for 18 hours and going in heavy on growing up cool episode check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about old school traditions we grew up with like Christmas posadas and the type of food we ate and what traditions we would want to pass down to new generations awesome podcast check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about floating around a sense deprivation pool and what wed see we catch up and talk about the journey and what we would want to happen its chill introspective check it out
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we get back after missing some time and immediately get introspective talk about the future about anxiety and about what makes us tick its a our therapy from missing some times hope you guys enjoy
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about would we turn on each other if we would win the billion dollar lotto funny check it out and sub
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about going back and time and changing one thing about our life to change the course of our lives we also celebrate art as he turns 28 awesome podcast
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This week nonamerspodcast we talk about one of our own getting older going to concerts and being an OG of the game check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we continue part 2 of the story of sinaloa and the failed weekend and mosquito attacks the guys had to endure while in mexico check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast the guys recap the first day of of the recent trip between juan and adrian in the home country and the things they got into on day 1
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we take on some bad takes Beatles being too familiar with each other katt williams acting out and chevy chase being a legend so you have to take a stand
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast adrian and juan recap their trip to San Francisco and they attend opening Raider Game at Oklands Black hole amazing experience and funny recap check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about back in the day getting in an altercation with an old head and diffused the situation with asking him why he was flexing then we recall every time one of us has been in an argument that could have gotten physical funny episode check it out and subscribe…
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about bad cheeses, aligning our Chakras, the bridezilla from hell and finish talking about great feats humans have overcomed check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we lament the fallen of our hero computer and recap the episode we lost in the computer when the guys go the the laughlin river run check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about a security guard who can hit 250mph baseballs from a pitching machine and arthur who is a high school baseball player says he could beat the man at 1v1 hilarious episode the guys just having a good time check it out and subscribe
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On this weeks #nonamerspodacast The Cali-Ente Crew joins us without a member to talk about how they started their channel they talk to us about their dreams and finish with a looking back at the applajacks mascot CINNAMON check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about the MacDonalds manager who handed out beat downs to someone stealing soda and then talk about what the scientific advantages of taking Gas Station Rhino Pills check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspdocast we talk about how competitive arthur and his family get when they play board games check it out its funny and also subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about going to Disney California adventure and how it went down then Juan talks about going on a day trip to Vegas and the craziness that ensues check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we talk about having a dog run away and being crazy and the crazy people from our lives from when we where children check it out and subscribe
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This week on the #nonamerspodcast we are joined by guest Flipmode Fozzy we talk about arts car troubles getting 2nd degree burns and then talk to Felipe about growing up and seeing where life's is gonna go check it out and subscribe
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