Welcome to the Vik Duggal on Audio hosted by an independent consultant, venture capital leader, and entrepreneur. On this podcast you will find Vik's thoughts, tips and guidance on sales, business and personal growth.
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Hitch Bottle | Launching a brand in 2020 during uncertain times (coronavirus)
Spill senere
Spill senere
Vik Duggal hosts a discussion with Sky Gilbar and David Silverander, co-founders of Remaker Labs who launched their flagship product, the Hitch carrier, in the middle of coronavirus and achieved 2000% of goal in a week.
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It's been a challenging few weeks and I wanted to do some Q&A today LIVE. Hope this adds value -- — Please leave comments, say Hi and let me know what you think of this video. — My consulting practice: https://duggal.io Learn about my FREE Strategy call: https://alufx6tduyi8.landen.co
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