Welcome to Stargate Oversight, a podcast featuring three British people who try to understand the perspective of the American military as presented by a Canadian television show. We’re here to talk about the good stuff episode by episode. Covering ideas of patriotism/nationalism among other things, we talk about how great our troops are and how they have never done anything wrong. Sometimes we even tell the truth about what happens in each episode.
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Inside Oversight is an official podcast of the Department of Veteran Affairs, Office of Inspector General. Each episode examines in detail some of our more nuanced oversight reporting. To understand the complexities of the topics, we talk with the report authors to gain insight into how the team conducted its work, what it found, and the impact on veterans and the public. Visit the VA OIG website for recently published reports.
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Veteran Oversight Now is an official podcast of the Department of Veteran Affairs, Office of Inspector General. Each episode features interviews with key stakeholders, discussions on high-impact reports, and highlights of recent oversight work. Listen regularly for the inside story on how the VA OIG investigates crimes and wrongdoings, audits programs that provide benefits and services to veterans, and inspects medical facilities to ensure our nation’s veterans receive safe and timely health ...
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