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Radical Broccoli

Radical Broccoli

Sisters Anette Anette and Susanne talk about everything Radical Broccoli related - life as entrepreneurs, eco-friendly living, wellness, plant-based food, and self-empowerment. Website: radicalbroccoli.com Instagram: instagram.com/radicalbroccoli For advertising: [email protected]
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Christopher Vonheim

Christopher Vonheim is the host of the Vonheim Podcast. Vonheim speaks with inspiring people about business, ocean industries, investing and start-ups. Ed Conway, Adam Draper, Øystein Kalleklev, Pål Ringholm, Sofie Olsen, Mark Yusko, Hugo De Stoop, Vaishali Kathuria, Lars Tvede, Anthony Pompliano, Peter C. Warren, Børge Brende, Nejra Macic, Lars Barstad and Amy Novogratz are just some of the guests on the podcast. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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The Venn Dialogues

Christine & Jacoby

Join Christine & Jacoby, weekly, as they discuss a wide-range of topics they find interesting. The pair will give their perspective on the topic of the week and then look at the research, facts and literature associated with the topic to see if it expands the conversation. These topics will create a dialogue that encourages our listeners to learn more about the world and ourselves. Listen weekly to find out how you can add to the conversation. Follow us at Venn.Dialogues on Instagram and at ...
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MetaDAMA - Data Management in the Nordics

Winfried Adalbert Etzel - DAMA Norway

This is DAMA Norway's podcast to create an arena for sharing experiences within Data Management, showcase competence and level of knowledge in this field in the Nordics, get in touch with professionals, spread the word about Data Management and not least promote the profession Data Management. ----------------------------------- Dette er DAMA Norge sin podcast for å skape en arena for deling av erfaringer med Data Management​, vise frem kompetanse og kunnskapsnivå innen fagfeltet i Norden​, ...
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Snakk med Silje

Silje Schevig

Jeg heter Silje Schevig og inviterer interessante personligheter som jeg ønsker å bli bedre kjent med. I tillegg til at gjestene forteller om sitt interessefelt forteller de også hva som gjør at de engasjerer seg i det de gjør, gjerne også hva i livet deres som har bidratt til at de i dag er opptatt av disse tingene og ikke minst hva de føler og tenker om samfunnet og fremtiden. Noe av målet med podcasten er at vi skal forstå hverandre bedre, bringe folk nærmere hverandre, redusere stigma og ...
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Debt Justice Norway jobber for rettferdig internasjonal finanspolitikk, ansvarlig utlån og låneopptak og sletting av illegitim gjeld. Gjeldsslette for utviklingsland handler ikke om veldedighet - det handler om rettferdighet. Gjeldsbrevet er produsert av Von kommunikasjon med støtte fra Norad.
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Bikelife Norge - Podkast

Bikelife Norge - Podkast

Podkast for motorsyklister av motorsyklister.Vi kommer til å ha reviews om div sykler,litt testing, kjøring og ren mc prat. Ikke alt er like seriøst. men vi liker å ha det gøy. Vi har begge kjørt i mange år, og mange km.René Holmen. - Mc entusiast, teknisk leder mc verksted, track og touring kjørerliker mc gadgets, tekniske duppediter og modding av sykler. Thomas Winther - Norges raskeste sexolog, liker alt fra Cafe racere, trackere til streetfigter og race sykler. ofte påkostet og shiney
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show series
Christian Ellefsrud, aka Runforkovver, driver podcasten Springskalle, som "er en podcast om løping, og alt annet" i følge podcast-beskrivelsen. I ukas episode gjester undertegnede i Springskalle. Med tillatelse fra Christian legger jeg den ut her og. Husk å abonnere på Springskalle: Springskalle på Spotify Springskalle i Apple Podcasts Enjoy! Suppo…
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Håvard skal løpe fra Oslo til Bergen i sommer. La oss bli kjent! Det er totalt gjennomført over 20 slike intervjuer av årets OBT-deltakere. De blir sluppet sakte men sikkert her på gratis-kanalene, men du kan høre alle sammen på Patreon allerede nå. Lenker: NEDA-hjørnet på Fjellsport.no Bli Patreon! Support the show…
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Ramadan Kareem! Ramadan Mubarak! These are traditional greetings for Ramadan which translate to “generous Ramadan” & “blessed Ramadan” respectively. Today we talk Ramadan and a bit of fasting. Come for the knowledge, stay for the laughs! Join us in the “Two in The Think” Segment where we explore our thoughts on fasting, the difference between Islam…
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In this episode, Anette shares her experience with living an intuition-based life. She shares how she has always had a voice within her telling her what to do, but she didn't quite trust it. But life gave her experiences to sharpen and to trust her intuition again. Anette shares her best tips to live an intuition-based life. Costa Rica retreat: htt…
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Svein Harfjeld is the CEO of DHT, a tanker company listed in New York Stock Exchange. Svein Harfjeld has more than 30 years of experience in the shipping industry. Prior to joining DHT, he was with the BW Group, where he held senior management positions including CEO of BW Offshore, Director of Bergesen and Director of World-Wide Shipping. Christop…
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Join Jacoby & Christine as they recap all their episodes so far! They discuss lessons learned, how they developed their topics, common themes between topics and any expansion of the topics since the initial podcast episode. Challenge: Let us know your favorite episode so far on any of our Instagram posts @Venn.Dialogues and talk about your favorite…
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«Leadership is about sowing the common vision and the common way forward, bringing the people with you.» How can a nuclear physicist transform into a data leader in the industrial sector? Kristiina Tiilas from Finland shares her fascinating journey from leading digitalization programs at Fortum to shaping data-driven organizations at companies like…
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Elias Omberg (21 år) er psykologistudent, influenser, samfunnsdebattant, poet og foredragsholder. I denne episoden snakker vi om maskulinitet, hook-up kultur og mental helse blant ungdom. Han deler også åpent og sårbart om sine egne vonde opplevelser og følelsesmessige sår og hvordan han har jobbet seg igjennom det vonde. ► STØTT SNAKK MED SILJE: J…
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Black History Month is celebrated in February because it started as just a week in February starting in 1926. It remains in February as a whole month because it includes and honors Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. So, no Dick Gregory, they didn’t just give black people the shortest month of the year! What do YOU know about Black H…
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Livmorhalskreft kan ramme alle, men ikke alle har like lett tilgang til helsetjenester. I denne episoden setter vi fokus på #sjekkdeg-kampanjen og hvorfor det er ekstra viktig for kvinner i fengsel å ta celleprøve. Vi har besøkt kvinnefengsler, snakket med innsatte og nå tar vi praten i studio med Kreftforeningen og gynekolog Ingvild. Hvorfor sjekk…
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Svein Harfjeld is the CEO of DHT, a tanker company listed in New York Stock Exchange. Svein Harfjeld has more than 30 years of experience in the shipping industry. Prior to joining DHT, he was with the BW Group, where he held senior management positions including CEO of BW Offshore, Director of Bergesen and Director of World-Wide Shipping. 00:00 - …
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Ole Østlid er siviløkonom og jobber med databehandling og analyser. Tidligere kunne vi se værutviklingen over hundre år tilbake på Yr.no, men så ble værstatistikkene plutselig fjernet. Heldigvis har Ole laget nettstedet Værstat.no – hvor statistikk og innsikt om været igjen er tilgjengelig for oss alle. I tillegg har ny statistikk blitt lagt til. F…
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In today's episode, Anette talks about the concept that Energy is your currency. She reminds you of how important your energy is. Spend it well, invest it wisely, because your energy affects everything. Anette also shares how she got into balance again after a month that felt off, and the big aha moments that followed. Lastly, our Costa Rica retrea…
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Happy Valentine’s day, Single Awareness Day & Galentine's Day to everyone out there who celebrates! And if you're like me, well, a Happy Friday will suffice! This episode we dive into dating and the history of how it developed to what we experience in our modern time. As usual it was a journey and a lot of good nuggets of information were shared an…
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Even Brøndbo Dahl (30) en av landets raskeste 1500 m-løpere gjennom tidene, med NM-gull i 2022 på distansen og en pers på svimlende 3:37.89. Med sin utdanning som idrettsfysiolog liker han å gå vitenskapelig til verks i treningen, og har det siste året gått hardt til verks på varmetrening for å øke kapasiteten. Det er neppe tilfeldig at han for bar…
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Torkil Færø er lege, forfatter, fotograf og foredragsholder. Som legestudent var han den første som dro ut for norske Leger Uten Grenser da han i 1996 jobbet i krigsherjede Angola. Gjennom 25 år som frilanslege har han fått et unikt bilde av sykdommene som plager oss. Han har erfart at årsaken oftest finnes i en livsstil som stresser kroppen vår. I…
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Serien Leo og de farlige tok for seg 4 forvaringsdømte og angivelig 4 av Norges farligste mennesker. I denne episoden forteller Leo Ajkic hvorfor han ville lage mer fengsels-TV, men det er ikke Røverradio uten innsatte. Elise er en av de som Leo følger i serien, hun forteller hvordan hun havnet bak murene. Du skal også få historien til forvaringsdø…
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Picture this: America, 1582. Yeah, I know, it’s not like the America we know now – no highways, no Wi-Fi, just a bunch of guys in tights and hats with feathers. Anyway, the Pope decides to change the calendar. One day, it’s October 4th, and the next, poof, it’s October 15th. Ten days just vanish! So my cousin, Rosalie *God rest her* she’s all excit…
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"Vi modellerer for å forstå, organisere og strukturere dataene." / "We model to understand, organize, and structure the data." This episode with Geir Myrind, Chief Information Architect, offers a deep dive into the value of data modeling in organizations. We explore how unified models can enhance the value of data analysis across platforms and disc…
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I denne episoden har jeg en interessant og morsom prat med Are Søberg som er økonom og kjent som «Sløseriombudsmannen» i sosiale medier hvor han gransker hvordan byråkrater og politikere sløser bort skattepengene. Vi snakker om hva skattepengene våre går til. Are får frem absurditetene i hvordan politikerne tenker helt annerledes enn man normalt gj…
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This week, Susi takes a deep dive into your requested topic; namely relationships and the balance between masculine and feminine energy. We talk about healing our relationship wounds, what our triggers are telling us, how we can create the foundation for a strong relationship and so much more. Let us know how you liked the episode and the podcast e…
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I denne episoden snakker jeg med sexolog og parterapeut Tone Ollestad som er dama bak den populære kanalen «Kvinnemanualen» i sosiale medier. Selv om denne episoden primært handler om kvinnehelse, så er den absolutt meget relevant for menn å høre på, både de som er i parforhold og de som er ute etter en kjæreste. Vi snakker om kvinners kropp, psyke…
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Translation: “I hope you get your bag this year” or more literally “May good fortune fall upon you.” It’s Chinese New Year’s Eve! Celebrated during the first New Moon of the year, Chinese New Year is celebrated not only in China, but across the globe with fireworks, lantern festivals, and all the dumplings you can eat! Join us while we explore the …
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August 2024 løp Stian Dahl Sommerseth CCC (101 km 6062 m+) på tiden 12:21:31. Dette holdt til 28. plass på herresiden og 31. plass totalt og er en av de raskeste CCC-debutene til en nordmann gjennom tidene. Denne praten ble spilt inn og gitt ut på Patreon bare noen dager etter målgang. Takk til Fjellsport som tilgjengeliggjør episoden her på alle g…
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Today’s episode is a solo episode with Susanne where she shares an update on life in Bali so far, recent findings, discoveries and challenges. In this episode Susanne dives deeper into where she is balancing in life lately, and common topics from her clients transformational journeys. Hope you love it! Links: Coaching 1:1 with Susanne https://www.r…
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Follow us on social media (see bottom of notes for accounts) and share an episode with a friend or family member. Join the conversation on socials using #RecycleMe Life in plastic is actually not fantastic. Today we talk about Recycling. The big, small and in-between about how we can all try more in our recycling efforts and WHY. In the “What's Fac…
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My name is Silje Schevig and I am a clinical psychologist from Norway. In my podcast “Snakk med Silje», in English “Talk with Silje”. Dr. Erica Anderson is my first international guest. In this episode we are discussing the harms of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones. We also discuss how the society can influence more children to believe they …
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Verdensmester Stian Angermund testet positivt på det forbudte stoffet Klortalidon etter seieren på OCC i 2023. Her åpner han opp om saken og hvordan det siste året har vært. Intervjuet ble spilt inn torsdag 16. januar 2025. Lenker: NRK-saken om Stian (publisert 16.01.2025) NEDA-hjørnet på Fjellsport.no Kampanje: 7 dager gratis tilgang til Patreon! …
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Anette shares her experiences from her first weeks in Costa Rica. She started to feel out of balance when she came there, and what she does to come back into it. She shares her two favorite podcasts to get back into balance: MindChange and Kim Anami. Linker: Course: Emotional Journey of Pregnancy https://www.radicalbroccoli.com/the-emotional-journe…
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How do you comfort others in a time of need? Do you ever find it difficult to know what to do or say? It’s tough for everyone! However, there are some things that would be ok to say, and other things we should keep to ourselves. Join us while we discover different comfort languages and sort through the best and worst things to do for each. Challeng…
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"Den største utfordringen, det viktigste å ta tak i, det er å standardisere på nasjonalt nivå. / The biggest challenge, the most important thing to address, is standardizing at the national level." The healthcare industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the need to modernize health registries and create a cohesive approach to …
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Follow us on socials (tags at the bottom of the show notes). Share an episode with someone. Join the conversation on all socials by using #MindOverMatter or send us a DM. Today we dive into crystals! We explore our outlook on crystals in the “Two in The Think” Segment. In the “What's Facts Got to Do With It? Segment”, we explore the history of crys…
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In this heartfelt episode, sisters Susanne and Anette sit down to reflect on the life-changing transformation that happens when you become a mother. We both became moms in the same year, and in this conversation, we share the emotional, mental, and personal shifts we’ve experienced. From the evolution of our identities to the new roles we embraced,…
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Bernt Berg-Nielsen is an investor and portfolio manager in Stolt Explorer. Bernt operates a fund inspired by lessons from Warren Buffett, with a special focus on the Nordics and Global equities. Follow Bernt on X: https://x.com/berg_bernt 00:00 - Why Become An Investor? 03:00 - Lessons From The Financial Crises 2008 08:15 - Interest Rates VS Stock …
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HAPPY NEW YEAR! This week we get into New Year resolutions and goals, how to stay on track, and things you can do to make sure you’re not having the same year you did in 2024. Two in the Think: How do you prepare for the new year? (Resolutions? Vision Board? Letters to self?) Do you tend to fail or put your goals on pause? Why? We also recap 2024 w…
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Grethe Bøe er en internasjonalt prisvinnende filmregissør, bestselgende forfatter og uredd samfunnsdebattant. Hun er utdannet innen både østlig og vestlig filosofi og har jobbet frivillig ved rumenske barnehjem, spilt hovedrolle i amerikansk spillefilm og jobbet som assistent for Steven Spielberg. I 2022 brakdebuterte hun som thrillerforfatter med …
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Part 1/2 Baby, the mic battles may have won a bit in this episode. We apologize for the insane audio in this episode, Christine saved Jacoby's audio as much as she could - so be kind to us. Remember to give us a show rating, go follow us on socials (tags are in the show notes) and share an episode or social post with someone. And if you have anythi…
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Part 2/2 Baby, the mic battles may have won a bit in this episode. We apologize for the insane audio in this episode, Christine saved Jacoby's audio as much as she could - so be kind to us. Remember to give us a show rating, go follow us on socials (tags are in the show notes) and share an episode or social post with someone. And if you have anythi…
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Beskrivelse: In this episode, we dive deep into the journey of preparing ourselves energetically before taking a major leap in life—whether it’s a new career, a big move, or a personal transformation. We explore how raising our self-worth and trusting our intuition are crucial steps in this process, yet often the most challenging. It’s easy to feel…
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[Opprinnelig publisert 22. februar 2024 på Patreon. Takk til Fjellsport.no som åpnet denne opp til alle ikke-abonnenter der ute!] Frode Lein er tilbake i podden og går i dybden på utstyr i ekstreme kulder. Selv om det er snakk om løp i 50 kuldegrader på Antarktis og Alaska er det veldig mye lærdom vi kan ta med oss og bruke her hjemme i standard vi…
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Share an episode with a friend! Go follow us on socials (all tags at the bottom of the show notes). Like, comment and share. Join the conversation this week using #OnMyPapa. Ever heard of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? Well, neither have we! Jacoby and Christine discussed PCOS and how that affects not only women, but men too! You heard that righ…
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«Data Management is an interesting one: If it fails, what’s the feedback loop?» For the Holiday Special of Season 4, we’ve invited the author of «Fundamentals of Data Engineering», podcast host of the «Joe Reis Show», «Mixed Model Arts» sensei, and «recovering Data Scientist» Joe Reis. Joe has been a transformative voice in the field of data engine…
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