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ROI com Cast

Ciclo E-commerce

A missão do ROI com Cast é ajudar empreendedores e gestores de marketing a desenvolver estratégias mais eficientes para alcançar os resultados planejados pela sua empresa. Venha aprender com a gente ouvindo grandes nomes do mercado e os experts da equipe Ciclo toda sexta-feira. #Podcast #Ecommerce #Varejo #Negócios
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First Trust ROI Podcast

First Trust Portfolios

On the ROI podcast, we discuss some of the most important questions facing investment professionals today, ranging from macroeconomic views, to perspectives on the equity and fixed income markets, to insights on practice management. We aim to cut through the noise, examine the data, and provide fresh insights to investment professionals as they help their clients find better ways to invest…seeking to generate attractive returns on their investments.
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Better ROI from Software Development

Red Folder Consultancy Ltd

Providing advice on how to get the best Return On Investment from your Software Development. Hosted by Mark Taylor of Red Folder Consultancy, this series is targeted at those that fund software development in improving their return on investment. Through a series of short weekly podcasts, Mark explores and explains why "traditional" management techniques will not only produce poor returns, but actively encourage it. Find out more about Red Folder Consultancy at Or rea ...
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ROI Hunters é o podcast oficial de marketing & growth da V4 Company, a maior assessoria de marketing digital do Brasil. Aqui, você encontra conteúdos técnicos e profundos para maximizar seu ROI. Trazemos insights práticos e aplicáveis à sua realidade, além de contar com convidados de peso, os melhores do mercado, que compartilham estratégias valiosas e suas experiências. Inscreva-se e fique por dentro de todas as tendências do marketing digital!
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Weekly podcast hosted by cali girl @rosonise & friends. They discuss all things from hot topics, politics, relationships, life, sex and current events. It's real's real fun's the RoIntheCitypodcast! Support this podcast:
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The road to the middle market CEO corner office is paved with mile markers that guide in surprising, unpredictable, and some might even say “mysterious” ways! But how do you get such a widely coveted position? This is the question often heard during decades of ROI’s executive search interviews, conducted with top-level executives. ROI’s Into the Corner Office podcast is a new inspiration and answer platform which premieres visionary tales of adventure with great endings and highlights, from ...
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Róisín Meets Podcast

Róisín Meets Podcast

Róisín Ingle interviews good people on this weekly podcast. There are stories of personal triumph and tragedy, there's music, there's engaging conversation and lots of laughs. 761976
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ROI! Podcast

ROI! Radio

Sebuah program rekaman audio yang mengulas macam-macam secara seenaknya. Dengan gaya sesuka hati, kami ulas semua hal berbau Bandung yang sering luput dari pengawasanmu. Jikalau kamu tidak suka, sukailah.
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Amis Poditeurs, venez partager avec nous la passion du mystère, de l'horreur et des petites villes perdues du fin fond de l'Amérique dans Le Roi Stephen, le podcast du label Podcut consacré au maître Stephen King. Aymeric, Emilie, GrandPoil, Julien, Dulca et Urd étudient chaque mois une oeuvre de Stephen King sous le même format : résumé avec spoil, genèse et place de l'histoire dans le multivers de King, adaptations, et théorie d'Urd. Les chroniques sont également disponibles en épisodes in ...
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How the digital transition can help achieve higher ROI?In this podcast, let’s understand the transition of brands from offline to online marketing! Find out the secrets this Marketing expert used to help brands grow with his amazing skills and hard-hitting campaigns.
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ROI Positive +

Gerardo Rivera

Keeping a positive energy throughout; our TRiME Hats & Clothing team plan to help small businesses, start ups, and regular dreamers build off of collective ideas with positive promotional clothing and marketing strategies, all while building Trust, Respect, Inspiration, Motivation, and Education.
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Em Busca do ROI

Filipe Machado

Ideias, papos e entrevistas sobre marketing e mídia digital. Dicas e novidades sobre Facebook Ads, Google Ads e performance na web. Me siga no: Cover art photo provided by Lilly Rum on Unsplash:
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Le Roi du Silence

Fondation Ramsay Santé

En France, 700 000 élèves sont officiellement victimes chaque année de harcèlement scolaire. Soit environ 1 élève sur 10. Mais quelle réalité se cache derrière ces chiffres qui donnent le vertige ? Pour mieux comprendre l’ampleur de ce phénomène et ses conséquences, nous sommes allées à la rencontre de celles et ceux qui en ont été victimes et de celles et ceux qui agissent au quotidien pour lutter contre. Retrouvez leurs témoignages dans une série de 4 épisodes à retrouver tous les mois à p ...
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If you want to stay ahead in the Digital marketing game then you got to be updated with the most important news of the industry! Here, you get it all! Advance techniques, News, Strategies related to hardcore marketing... And good news is you get all that meaty information every week for free!
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The ROI Podcast

The Kelley School of Business

The ROI Podcast provides professionals from all industries with actionable insight from world-renowned faculty members at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business. Learn not only from award-winning faculty but business experts who are disrupting their respective industries. The ROI Podcast equips you and your organization with the knowledge to keep a competitive edge over the competition.
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The Uncle Roi Morning Show is your morning motivation! We are featured on the Amazon Alexa as a flash briefing and the host Ryan Smith will be bringing you a tip of the day from top performs around the world. This short and simple motivational podcast is always 10 minutes or less.
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E-Commerce Speaks - with ROI Hunter features interviews with e-commerce professionals about their companies and their roles there. We get into the challenges they face, along with their industry outlook and advice. For any business owner, large or small, this podcast contains key insights into how top retailer leaders plan their campaigns, measure their progress, and optimise for success.
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The ROI Guy

Thomas Pisello

If you are like most B2B vendors, you face a new breed of buyer who is committee driven, risk averse and more frugal than ever. In this new environment, its difficult to gain consensus, overcome skepticism and get to a timely positive decision. The ROI Guy podcast will provide you the insights and help you need today, to better communicate and quantify your unique value to the modern buyer - to engage better, discount less and win more. Led by Tom Pisello, CEO & founder of ROI / TCO agency A ...
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Kingdom ROI

Eric Dunavant

Paradiem, President & CEO and "Kingdom ROI: The Return on Intention" podcast host, Eric L. Dunavant has recorded many episodes on his YouTube channel for almost 2 years and he's been a guest on 20 plus podcast guest appearances himself. His 30 to 45-min podcast shares amazing founder stories who reveal the smartest strategies for building abundance TODAY without sacrificing their family and faith along the way. Eric realized that most people in business can be so determined to build their we ...
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Já pensou em aprender dirigindo, no ônibus, em casa ou até mesmo na academia? Nós sim! E por isso trazemos o Show me the ROI, o podcast oficial da RD Station. Mensalmente conversamos com experts nos temas de Marketing, Business, Gestão, Customer Success, Vendas e claro, como ter um uso otimizado dos nossos produtos, o RD Station Marketing e o RD Station CRM.
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This is a safe space for anyone who has ever lost a job, left a job, or is sitting at their desks bored out of their mind right now! Based on the hit live digital talk show, "The Unemployed Show," where Anna and guests would wear pajamas every week and commiserate about bad jobs, this podcast is a more intimate look into the world of unemployment and underemployment. Anna sat in front of a camera on her couch for 'The Unemployed Show' for 2 years and then got a job hosting a show in front of ...
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ROI Wealth Watch

Jared Garfield & Daniel Ray

Are you interested in real estate investing? Perhaps you’re new to real estate or maybe you’ve been doing this a while. Either way, you’ll find the ROI Wealth Watch podcast to be full of insider knowledge. You might even say real estate secrets, but only if by secrets you mean the things only a true real estate veteran has learned the hard way. This is the show that will help you learn to buy real estate in the right markets at the right times. The ROI Wealth Watch podcast is hosted by Jared ...
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The ROI Online Podcast

Steve Brown

Steve Brown believes you, the entrepreneur, are the invisible hero of today’s economy. You fight hard to create value for your customers and provide jobs for over half of the American workforce. As an entrepreneur himself, Steve knows what you face today as you fight to grow your business. That’s why, on The ROI Online Podcast, he introduces you to forward-thinking business leaders you can enjoy meeting. As you listen to these fun conversations, you’ll realize you’re not alone. Many of your ...
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Welcome to The Digital Traffic Show where I help businesses market to the right people, at the right time, with the right messaging! If you are ready to learn any of the following, you’re in the right place: Building an online brand Reaching your ideal customer Understanding Organic traffic Learning all about Paid traffic Various types of online advertising How to Get more Clients How to use Storytelling as a marketing tool Social media marketing 101 Unique selling proposition Standing out f ...
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show series
Amid a sharp drawdown in US equities, Dave McGarel highlights the risks and opportunities that may lie on the horizon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe Here to the ROI Podcast & other First Trust Market News Website: First Trust Portfolios Connect with us on LinkedIn: First Tru…
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A TikTok Shop está prestes a desembarcar no Brasil e pode transformar completamente o cenário do e-commerce. Com um modelo que une entretenimento e compras, a plataforma tem potencial para capturar 5% a 9% do e-commerce brasileiro nos próximos três anos, segundo projeções do Santander. No novo episódio do ROI com Cast, analisamos essa movimentação …
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🔴 Reunião estratégica e gratuita para times comerciais: clique aqui e garanta sua vaga No sábado, 22 de março, às 10h da manhã, Dener Lippert e Alfredo Soares estarão juntos em uma reunião estratégica para revelar as estratégias e os bastidores dos maiores times comerciais do Brasil. Você vai descobrir exatamente o que fazer para que seu time bata …
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This episode is a wrap-up for a mini-series looking at estimation in software development - recapping the guidelines I provided in Episode 189 and providing some additional tips that didn't have a home elsewhere in the series.----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to se…
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Dans ce deuxième épisode consacré à Bazaar, la bande du Roi décide de tout saccager, tout doit disparaitre : les objets sur les étals, la boutique, la ville et ses habitants, on vous le dit : TOUT DOIT DISPARAITRE, HAHA HAHA ! D'ailleurs un membre du podcast a disparu pendant l'enregistrement, préparant patiemment la 3eme partie, mais de qui s'agit…
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Tim Murphy is the CEO of APX Operating Company LLC, dba Boomers Parks, owned by Cerberus Private Equity ($60B AUM). Boomers Parks operates six family entertainment centers and two water parks in California, Florida, and New Jersey. Since becoming CEO in 2020, Tim led Boomers Parks from bankruptcy to profitability within a year, amidst a global pand…
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Como Liderar o Time do E-commerce e Construir um Time de Alta Performance! 🚀Gerenciar um e-commerce vai muito além da tecnologia. Liderar times, desenvolver talentos e criar estratégias alinhadas ao crescimento do negócio são desafios constantes para quem está à frente da operação.No novo episódio do ROI com Cast, recebemos Gabriella Zielk, coorden…
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At age 26, Andy Hilliard had a quarter-life crisis that changed the trajectory of his life. In an effort to find himself, Andy joined the Peace Corps in 1988. On assignment in Costa Rica, he fell in love with the culture—and the woman who became his wife. The experience led Andy to dedicate himself to enriching businesses and individuals through va…
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🔴Reunião estratégica e gratuita para times comerciais: clique aqui e garanta sua vaga No sábado, 22 de março, às 11h da manhã, Dener Lippert e Alfredo Soares estarão juntos em uma reunião estratégica para revelar as estratégias e os bastidores dos maiores times comerciais do Brasil. Você vai descobrir exatamente o que fazer para que seu time bata m…
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A digitalização dos supermercados não é mais uma tendência – é uma necessidade. Mas quais são os desafios, oportunidades e impactos dessa revolução no varejo alimentar?No novo episódio do ROI com Cast, recebemos Sara Rodrigues, especialista com mais de 10 anos de experiência no mercado digital, para uma conversa essencial sobre como a tecnologia es…
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Gibson Smith, founder and CEO of Smith Capital, discusses some of the unique challenges—and opportunities—facing fixed income investors today. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe Here to the ROI Podcast & other First Trust Market News Website: First Trust Portfolios Connect with u…
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Brian Will is a Serial Entrepreneur, a Two-time Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author, and an industry-leading Business and Sales Management Consultant. Brian has created or co-created seven successful companies in four different industries during his career. These companies were worth over half a billion dollars at their peak. He has also done m…
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ROI com Cast: As Grandes Tendências de Marketing para E-commerce em 2025! O que esperar do marketing no e-commerce para 2025? 📊 O jogo está mudando, e quem não se adaptar, vai ficar para trás. No novo episódio do ROI com Cast, falamos sobre as principais tendências que vão impactar as vendas online no próximo ano. 🔥 Destaques do episódio: ✔ IA e Au…
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Thomas Rivera is the Executive Director for Xcel Mentoring Network in Florida. Xcel furthers the ability to educate youth holistically through hands-on career training & certifications, mentoring, apprenticeship, and job placement. Tom began mentoring in early 1990 by helping the poor, the afflicted, and the abused. He reached out to gang members a…
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No episódio de hoje, recebemos Alba Alves, profissional de e-commerce com mais de 15 anos de experiência e atual gerente de e-commerce da Guess. Juntos, exploramos estratégias práticas para otimizar sua operação e aumentar as vendas sem necessariamente investir mais em tráfego pago.🔎 O que você vai aprender neste episódio?✅ Os sinais de que seu e-c…
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In this episode, the penultimate episode in the Software Estimation mini-series, I want to discuss how Software Estimation works in terms of professionalism - and in many cases, surprisingly, the professional response is not to provide an estimate. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episo…
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🔴 Agende um diagnóstico gratuito do seu marketing com um especialista da V4 Company: clique aqui e acesse _ Descubra as estratégias da BYD para dominar o mercado de carros elétricos no Brasil. No episódio de hoje, recebemos Alexandre Baldy, Vice-Presidente Sênior do Grupo BYD, para entender como a empresa se tornou referência global em veículos elé…
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Dale Wills is the owner and founder of Centra Companies, a group of land development, real estate, and construction companies based out of the Twin Cities. Since 2011, he has overseen the completion of more than $500 million in new construction across 50+ projects spanning 28 Twin Cities suburbs, ranging from new home construction to apartment reha…
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Electricity demand is poised to soar after decades of slow growth, driven by AI, reshoring, and EVs. Jim Murchie, CEO and portfolio manager at Energy Income Partners, unpacks how natural gas, nuclear power, and renewables will fuel this surge, as utilities scramble to keep up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------…
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🎙️ ROI com Cast - Episódio Especial: ChatGPT vai matar o Google? Isso é um problema para o e-commerce?Neste episódio do ROI com Cast, recebemos Tatiana Reimberg, especialista em E-commerce e Marketing com mais de 16 anos de experiência, para um bate-papo essencial sobre o impacto da IA no futuro do e-commerce.🔍 O que você vai ouvir neste episódio?🛒…
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This episode is part of a wider mini-series looking at Estimation in Software Development. In this episode, I ask the question, is AI the answer? Following on from the episodes on Qualitative and Quantitative approaches, it's easy to see there are pros and cons to individual practices. And realistically, it feels like you will need a blend of vario…
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🔴 Agende um diagnóstico gratuito do seu marketing com um especialista da V4 Company: clique aqui e acesse _ Descubra as estratégias de um dos maiores cases de sucesso do mercado digital. No episódio de hoje, recebemos Matheus Beirão, fundador da Queima Diária, para compartilhar sua trajetória – da criação do negócio até a venda por mais de 100 milh…
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As the Founder and CEO of a pioneering fractional legal team, I specialize in delivering tailored legal solutions that drive growth, reduce risk, protect intellectual property, and navigate complex regulations in the fast-paced worlds of SaaS, Ecommerce, and emerging technologies. With a background that spans engineering, business, and law, I bring…
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🔊 E-commerce com alta concorrência: como se tornar competitivo?No episódio de hoje do ROI com Cast, recebemos Allan Katayama, Head de E-commerce e Marketplace, para um bate-papo sobre os desafios e estratégias para se destacar em um mercado altamente competitivo.📌 O que você vai aprender neste episódio:✅ Como construir uma estratégia sólida em merc…
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🔴 Seu marketing mais profissional em apenas 4 semanas. Saiba como a maior assessoria de marketing do Brasil pode te ajudar a vender mais: clique aqui e descubra _ No episódio de hoje, você vai descobrir qual é um dos maiores segredos de gestão das empresas bilionárias — o mesmo que ajudou o Airbnb a crescer após uma de suas maiores crises e que aju…
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This episode is part of a wider mini-series looking at Estimation in Software Development. In the last couple of episodes, I've looked at a number of methods that fall under the Qualitative approach to software estimation. Qualitative estimation is predominantly based on expert judgment, some think based on subjective thought process. In this week'…
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About Jonas Bordo Jonas Bordo is the CEO and Co-Founder of Dwellsy, the free residential rental marketplace that makes it easy to find hard-to-find rentals. Prior to co-founding Dwellsy, Jonas was a senior executive at several leading real estate firms including Essex Property Trust and Bentall GreenOak and was with the Boston Consulting Group afte…
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Brian Wesbury explains why cutting government spending could be painful in the near-term but boost longer-term economic growth, similarities and difference between Trump and Reagan, and how he thinks about investing in an overvalued market. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe Here…
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Seu marketing mais profissional em apenas 4 semanas. 🔴 Saiba como a maior assessoria de marketing do Brasil pode te ajudar a vender mais: clique aqui e descubra _ Esse episódio é imperdível! Preparamos um compilado com os melhores insights de Marketing e Growth de 2024. Você vai aprender sobre planejamento de marketing, estratégias para e-commerce,…
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📢 ROI Com Cast | Episódio: Construção da Comunidade E-commerce House 🎙️ Neste episódio, recebemos Cesar Martins, o Cesinha, fundador da E-commerce House e profissional com mais de 15 anos de experiência em marketing, e-commerce e vendas. 🔍 O que você vai aprender neste episódio? 👉 A trajetória de Cesar Martins no mercado digital 👉 Como surgiu a E-c…
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This episode is part of a wider mini-series looking at Estimation in Software Development. In last week's episode, I looked at a number of methods that fall under the Qualitative approach to software estimation. Qualitative estimation is predominantly based on expert judgment, something based on subjective thought process. In this episode I wanted …
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Craig Barber is the past CEO of Restaurant Growth Services, with several years of experience as a C-level executive for a multi-concept franchisor along with owning a franchise while serving as board chair for the franchisee association provides unique insight into the opportunities (and challenges) of franchise relationships. Have served on the bo…
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Seu marketing mais profissional em apenas 4 semanas. 🔴 Saiba como a maior assessoria de marketing do Brasil pode te ajudar a vender mais: clique aqui e descubra _ Quem é o maior comunicador do Brasil: Pablo Marçal, Renato Cariani ou Raiam Santos? No episódio de hoje, recebemos Giovanni Begossi, bicampeão brasileiro de oratória, para revelar os segr…
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📢 ROI Com Cast | Episódio: Como usar Branding e Performance no E-commerce🎙️ No episódio de hoje, recebemos Joyce Pedroso, uma especialista com mais de 14 anos de experiência em marketing e e-commerce, que já passou por grandes marcas como Multilaser, Xiaomi, Centauro, Grupo Pão de Açúcar e, atualmente, Belliz Company.🔍 O que você vai aprender neste…
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Cameron Gunter is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of PEG Companies, a full-service commercial real estate investment firm known for its unique approach to creating value. A bold leader, Cameron has a widespread reputation for successfully guiding his teams through challenging endeavors that many others in the commercial real estate space ha…
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This episode is part of a wider mini-series looking at Estimation in Software Development. In last week's episode, I introduced two approaches to software estimation, Qualitative and Quantitative estimation. Qualitative estimation is predominantly based on expert judgment, something based on subjective thought process. Whereas Quantitative is based…
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Mandeep Singh, Global Head of Technology Research at Bloomberg Intelligence, joins the podcast to explore how massive investments in artificial intelligence made over the past few years could drive future innovations and profits. From humanoid robots to self-driving vehicles, Mandeep shares his expert analysis on the potential impact of these techn…
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Après trois mois d’attente, une toute nouvelle boutique s’installe en ville. Pas besoin d’avoir peur, venez voir par vous-même. Dans ce premier épisode consacré à Bazaar, la bande du Roi vous ouvre les portes de son antre mystérieux. Trois heures d’immersion pour explorer les 16 premiers chapitres du roman, sans débourser un centime – sortir votre …
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