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Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Überirdisch und überaus irdisch – Glaube prägt ganze Gesellschaften. In "Religionen" erfahren Sie Hintergründiges aus verschiedensten Glaubensgebäuden.
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Religion und Orientierung

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Zwischen Himmel und Erde - das Magazin für Religion und Kirche. Für Grenzfragen, gelingendes Leben und Spiritualität. Aktuelle Debatten rings um Geburt und Tod, Krieg und Frieden, Historie und Zukunft.
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Laidos autoriai ieško brandaus kultūros ir religijos sąlyčio pavyzdžių šiandienos pasaulyje, aptaria aktualias Lietuvos bei tarptautinio gyvenimo problemas, supažindina su intriguojančiomis biografijomis. Sekmadieniais 17.03 val. per LRT RADIJĄ ir pirmadieniais 17.30 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ.
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Sternstunde Religion

Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)

Information: Dieser Video Podcast wird per Ende Juli 2021 eingestellt. Künftige und bisherige Episoden finden Sie auf unserem Play SRF Portal ( Die «Sternstunde Religion» ordnet ein, fragt nach und schafft Zusammenhänge – in Form von Dokumentarfilmen oder Gesprächen.
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Politics and Religion. We’re not supposed to talk about that, right? Wrong! We only say that nowadays because the loudest, most extreme voices have taken over the whole conversation. Well, we‘re taking some of that space back! If you’re dying for some dialogue instead of all the yelling; if you know it’s okay to have differences without having to hate each other; if you believe politics and religion are too important to let ”the screamers” drown out the rest of us and would love some engagin ...
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Religionen können Menschen inspirieren und zusammenbringen. Oder ein Grund für Kriege sein. Eine Sendung über das verbindende bis zerstörerische Potential von Religionen. Von Judentum über Christentum, Islam bis hin zum Buddhismus – und Atheismus.
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Do you owe back taxes to the IRS or your state government or have unfiled tax returns? Then this is the podcast for you! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Logan Allec, CPA — owner of A+ BBB-accredited tax resolution firm Choice Tax Relief — explains exactly how to get tax relief for your back tax debt. Would you like a FREE tax relief consultation with Logan's company, Choice Tax Relief? Schedule your consultation now by calling 866-8000-TAX!
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Welcome to our Podcast series wherein our Research Desk shares daily and weekly market updates to apprise you on the equity and commodity market trends. Start your investment journey today! Click to open a Free Demat and Trading Account. For more updates, follow our reports and recommendations. You can also contact your relationship manager or nearest branch. Please read the disclaimer document available on before trading or investing.
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Cosmic Relief

Rachel Hubbard

with Cosmic Relief: Your Weekly Astrology Forecast with Rachel Hubbard Your weekly astrology forecast to help you navigate life’s twists and turns with clarity, humor, and a little help from the stars. Sometimes it’s a sigh of relief to realize the planets are just setting the vibe—and you’re not losing it. Let’s explore the cosmic energies of the week ahead together and realign, one breath at a time.
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Religion Media Centre Podcast

Religion Media Centre

The only podcast to sit firmly in the space where religion and the media collide. We ease that relationship, strengthen links that already exist, and be part of building new ones through chat, reflection, and comment, with a panel of regular contributors of journalists, broadcasters, writers, comedians, and experts.
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Allergies impact millions, but relief is possible. The AllergyXus Podcast shares expert-backed strategies for avoiding triggers, improving immunity, and finding the best treatments. Whether you struggle with MCAS, sinus issues, or allergic skin reactions, this podcast helps you regain control and feel your best. Book an Appointment:
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Institute for Religious and Cultural Understanding

ReligionWise features educators, researchers, and other professionals discussing their work and the place of religion in the public conversation. Host Chip Gruen, the Director of the Institute for Religious and Cultural Understanding of Muhlenberg College, facilitates conversations that aim to provide better understanding of varieties of religious expression and their impacts on the human experience. For more about the Institute for Religious and Cultural Understanding, visit www.religionand ...
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This podcast aims to educate on the subject of religion from an academic perspective and to open up for informed discussions on the subject. You will find episodes discussing the big religions of the world and historical overviews of important figures from different religious traditions. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Bankruptcy Unlocked is a podcast dedicated to helping individuals and businesses navigate financial difficulties and find relief through bankruptcy law. Hosted by Abigail Vaka, the show features expert insights from attorneys and financial professionals who offer guidance, strategies, and hope to those seeking a fresh financial start. Each episode covers key topics in bankruptcy law, financial literacy, and long-term financial planning.
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A Kentucky Sports Podcast for fans by fans: With the realist sports talk in college sports, covering the Kentucky Wildcats and proud members of the greatest fanbase in the World (Big Blue Nation). Jay Hāzze (The wild child) & JD Hall (The voice of reason) give their opinionated takes on Kentucky Basketball and Football like no others.
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Y Religion

BYU Religious Education

Each year, religion professors at Brigham Young University (BYU) produce hundreds of publications on subjects related to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This podcast brings this research into one place to enlighten the everyday seeker of truth. Interviewing the author, we discuss why the study was done, why it matters, and why the professor chooses to be both a scholar, and a disciple. This is Y Religion.
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Tax Man, Tax Relief Podcast

Jonathan Donenfeld

Welcome to The Tax Man, Tax Relief Podcast that helps guide you through the process of resolving your tax debt, taking overall communication with the IRS or the state and finding the best possible outcome for your situation, with your host, CPA, Jonathan Donenfeld.
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Join us in the Sacred Garden, a podcast dedicated to exploring the rich tapestry of stories found within canonical religious books. Through readings and insightful commentary, we embark on a journey of religious literacy, understanding the profound impact these stories have had on human history and culture. Whether you're seeking to deepen your own faith, broaden your understanding of different belief systems, or simply satisfy your curiosity about the human experience, Sacred Garden offers ...
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Religion Unplugged

The Media Project

Religion explored through candid conversations and original reporting. This podcast is powered by The Media Project, a network of more than 1,000 journalists worldwide. TMP acknowledges that religion is growing and becoming more, not less important in the world.
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The Power of Peacefulness is dedicated to helping professional women cultivate inner peace in their careers, relationships, and personal growth. It features insightful topics like resilience, mindfulness, and setting boundaries, along with expert perspectives from mental health professionals. It also highlights real-life reader experiences and provides actionable tips to inspire a journey toward greater balance and fulfillment. Through expert insights, and practical advice, Power of Peaceful ...
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A Catholic’s Perspective with The Religious Hippie is a podcast hosted by Amber Rose, a passionate Catholic Communicator who dives into the richness of the faith and how it applies to our daily lives. Each episode offers a fresh take on Catholicism, blending tradition with relatable, real-life experiences.
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D. Ashley Campbell

Religionish is a nerdy podcast about everything religion...ish. The show uses interviews and reflective narration, with a smidge of sarcasm, to illustrate how religion is everywhere from politics and pop culture to feasting and friendships. Soon you’ll see how everything is a little bit religion…ish. Join your host Ashley Campbell and become a #ReligionNerd.
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Was unterscheidet Menschen von Cyborgs? Was passiert, wenn wir sterben? Was hat Rap mit Religion zu tun? Gibt es Schuld und einen freien Willen? Was steht wirklich in der Bibel und wie ernst nehmen Muslime den Koran? In der Theologie und Religionswissenschaft der Universität Zürich wird zu diesen Fragen, zu Spiritualität und verschiedenen Religionen geforscht. Jeden zweiten Freitagabend spricht Dorothea Lüddeckens mit Kolleg:innen und Gästen über ihre Forschung, ihre Perspektiven auf Spiritu ...
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show series
Der US-Theologe James H. Cone entwickelte in den 1960er-Jahren die sogenannte Black Theology. Diese nimmt die Rassismus-Erfahrungen von Afro-Amerikanern als Ausgangspunkt für eine neue Deutung der Passionsgeschichte. Sie bleibt aktuell. Schulz, Benedikt, Aus Religion und Gesellschaft…
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Yale SOM grad Bryan Enriquez ’21 discusses launching the Hallow prayer app, argues that technology and artificial intelligence are good for religion and religious practice, and responds to critics who say that the marketing of Hallow commercializes faith. Transcript available here:…
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Die neue Bundesregierung will den Familiennachzug stoppen. Kirchliche NGOs wie Caritas und Diakonie halten dagegen ++ Im Regierungsprogramm gibt es ein eigenes Maßnahmenpaket gegen Online-Radikalisierung ++ Die Initiative "Autofasten" ruft wieder dazu auf, in der Fastenzeit nachhaltige Fortbewegungsmittel zu nutzen Moderation: Susanne Krischke gese…
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Ayesha Adamo is an academic, performing artist, and filmmaker currently working towards a PhD in Religion at Rice University under Jeffrey J. Kripal. Her dissertation project explores fluid cosmological ideas, both historically and in current quantum mechanics. She holds an MA in Religious Studies from Universiteit van Amsterdam’s Centre for the Hi…
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In dieser Folge von adraba ist Yael Burchak zu Gast. Sie erzählt von ihren persönlichen Erfahrungen als Jüdin in Ostdeutschland, ihre Arbeit in der jüdischen Gemeinschaft und ihren politischen Aktivismus. Wir sprechen darüber, was die jüdischen Gemeinden in den ostdeutschen Flächenländern von westdeutschen unterscheidet. Dabei geht es u.a. um Säkul…
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From the vibrant arc of rainbow covenants to the bewildering chaos of Babel, Genesis 9-11 lays bare the raw, unfiltered struggle of humanity. We begin with the earth still soaked, God offering a 'fresh start' sealed with an unbreakable promise—a pledge never to unleash such devastation again. But this isn't just a story of divine mercy. It's also a…
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With so many religions in the world it can be hard to keep up with what everyone believes. Religiously Literate is here to help! Join Jay and Ryan on this episode as we learn about the religious origins of basketball, the man who invented it, and the movement that inspired him. SHOW NOTES: KU Origins: Naismith’s Rules:…
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With "Walden," Henry David Thoreau presented fresh viewpoints about materialism, independence and community which have challenged readers for well over a century. But what did the famed American writer believe about religion? Matthew Peterson speaks with Richard Higgins about his recent book, "Thoreau's God," to find out.…
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US-Präsident Donald Trump spricht nie von Verhandlungen über ein Ende des Kriegs in der Ukraine, die auf klaren völkerrechtlichen Regeln basieren müssten, er schlägt sich auf die Seite von Russlands, will Deals und der Ukraine einen Waffenstillstand verordnen ++ In Italien sorgt der Fall einer angeblichen Seherin für Aufsehen ++ In mehreren österre…
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Matt and Eric review Last Breath. Last Breath is a documentary turned feature film from director Alex Parkinson. A true story about seasoned deep-sea divers who battle the raging elements to rescue their crewmate trapped hundreds of feet below the ocean’s surface, Last Breath stars Woody Harrelson, Simu Liu, and Finn Cole. Matt and Eric also discus…
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Do you ever find yourself replaying the same conversation, mistake, or worry over and over? 🤯 You’re not alone! Our minds have a way of getting stuck in endless loops of rumination—but the good news is, we can break the cycle. In my latest blog post, "The Mind’s Replay Button: Why We Ruminate and What to Do About It," I dive into the science behind…
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Die neue Regierung will ein Kopftuchverbot für Mädchen bis 14 einführen ++ In der Gemelli-Klinik in Rom wagt man weiterhin keine Prognose über den Gesundheitszustand des Papstes ++ Die neue Kanzleramtsministerin Claudia Plakolm (ÖVP) ist unter anderem für Kirchen und Religionsgemeinschaften zuständig Moderation: Susanne Krischke gesendet in Ö1 am 0…
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This week, we’re breaking down the cosmic forecast as we head toward the full Moon! If last week felt a little slow, don’t stress—this week’s energy is here to give you a boost. Venus is still retrograde, so we’re revisiting January 2017 (what even was happening back then?), and Mercury’s about to shake things up in Aries. Get ready for bold conver…
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In this episode we sit down with Congressman Ritchie Torres, a fighter from the Bronx who has spent his life advocating for his community. We discuss pressing issues such as the social safety net, housing inequality, mental health, bipartisanship, and Rep. Torres’ personal journey from public housing to Congress. We also touch on Israel, antisemiti…
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When Only God Can See: The Faith of Muslim Political Prisoners (Pluto Press, 2024), uncovers the unique experiences of Muslim political prisoners held in Egypt and under US custody at Guantanamo Bay and other detention black sites. This groundbreaking book explores the intricate interplay between their religious beliefs, practices of ritual purity,…
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Warum es Notfallseelsorge braucht / Der Fastenmonat Ramadan beginnt / Rituale für den Ruhestand / Fakten zur Seelsorge im Altenheim / Werden die Senioren von der Kirche vergessen? Interview mit Edith Öxler // Beiträge von: Julia Rupprich, Veronika Wawatschek, Jasper Riemann, Markus Kaiser, Irene Esmann / Moderation: Matthias Morgenroth…
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Prior to their exodus west, nearly 90,000 converts journeyed across the seas to join the saints in America. In this episode Fred E. Woods, professor of Church history and doctrine, details the faith and immigration experiences of these saints as he discusses his recent publication Ports to Posts: Latter-day Saints Gathering in the Nineteenth Centur…
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Kirchliche NGOs wie Diakonie und Caritas sehen bei der Sozialhilfe, die neu gestaltetn werden soll, Licht und Schatten und offene Fragen ++ Der Fastenmonat Ramadan beginnt ++ Die Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft sieht das geplante Kopftuchverbot für Mädchen unter 14, wie im Regierungsprgramm vorgesehen, kritisch Moderation: Susanne Krischke gesendet…
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Weshalb werden in Vietnam viel mehr Jungen als Mädchen geboren? Warum führte hier der Wirtschaftsaufschwung auch zu einer Wiederbelebung von religiösen Praktiken? Und wieso werden in Vietnam nicht Geburtstage, sondern Todestage gefeiert? Die Ethnologin Prof. Dr. Annuska Derks forscht seit Jahrzehnten zu Südostasien, insbesondere zu Vietnam. Sie erz…
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In this episode, I sit down with Franco Aurelio for a candid conversation about Pope Francis. We tackle the common misconceptions and controversies surrounding his papacy. Whether you’re a staunch supporter or a cautious skeptic, this episode offers insights to help you better understand the Pope's role and how to defend him with clarity and respec…
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Berührung kann Ängste lösen, den Blutdruck senken und uns schneller gesund werden lassen. Der Tastsinn ist unsere Ur-Sprache, denn er ermöglicht uns den ersten Kontakt überhaupt. Was macht Berührung mit uns und welchen Stellenwert hat sie in unserer Zeit, die vor allem geprägt ist, den Computer oder Bildschirm zu streicheln? Kristina Dumas geht die…
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Das Thomasevangelium: 114 Jesus-Worte. Manche sehr knapp, andere rätselhaft. Manche klingen wie spirituelle Anweisungen, und es gibt Dialoge. Etwa die Hälfte davon hat parallele Überlieferungen in den Evangelien der Bibel. Als Autor dieses apokryphen (nichtbiblischen) Evangeliums wird der Jünger Thomas angegeben. Viele Wissenschaftler meinen, in di…
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Can we bridge the partisan divide and have constructive dialogue about politics and religion with "them" - people who have different beliefs about democracy, politics and religion? Are we able to simply have civil, civic conversations? (We're grateful to have a number of new listeners. So we thought it'd be good to revisit this episode that was fir…
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Moderation Martin Gross/Gesendet in Ö12 am 27.2.2025++Nach der Vorstellung des Regierungsprogramms von ÖVP, SPÖ und NEOS hat sich Caritas-Generalsekretärin Anna Parr über das Zusammenkommen der Bundesregierung in einer Aussendung erleichtert gezeigt. Unklar bleibe die Finanzierung der Maßnahmen.++Die rund 200 Imame, die derzeit hauptberuflich in Ös…
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Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss a story that circulated widely in the middle ages about a highly learned woman who lived in the ninth century, dressed as a man, travelled to Rome, and was elected Pope. Her papacy came to a dramatic end when it was revealed that she was a woman, a discovery that is said to have occurred when she gave birth in the st…
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"Stop Over-Apologizing: Reclaim Your Space and Voice" Have you ever caught yourself saying “sorry” for things that don’t require an apology—like asking a question, expressing an opinion, or simply taking up space? If so, you’re not alone. Over-apologizing is a deeply ingrained habit for many of us, shaped by psychology, social conditioning, and eve…
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This special issue of Nidān: International Journal for Indian Studies is the product of a collective experiment with materials that are assembled, imagined, and agentive in the context of South Asian religions. The articles are available here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Support our show by becoming a premium mem…
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This special issue of Nidan: International Journal for Indian Studies is the product of a collective experiment with materials that are assembled, imagined, and agentive in the context of South Asian religions. The articles are available here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Support our show by becoming a premium memb…
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