The Wirecutter Show is a podcast offering expert advice on everyday products that will make your life better. Each week, co-hosts Christine Cyr Clisset and Caira Blackwell, alongside producer Rosie Guerin, speak with Wirecutter’s best-in-class journalists and other expert guests for actionable advice, surprising life hacks, and delightful product discoveries. From which stand-mixer will last you a lifetime, to the best way to travel with pets, to figuring out if your smart lock is spying on ...
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Trust in the media is at an all-time low. And there’s a reason—endless virtue signaling and manufactured outrage. Finally, there’s an alternative. Morning Wire is presented by Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief, John Bickley, and co-host Georgia Howe. Get daily coverage of the latest developments in politics, culture, education, sports, and more. Wake up with Morning Wire and get the facts first on the news you need to know.
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Jeder Mensch ‚tickt‘ anders - doch warum? Psychologie hilft, unsere Wahrnehmung zu schärfen und sich und andere besser zu verstehen. Ihr wollt erfahren, weshalb Dankbarkeit befreiend wirken kann, Neid uns einengt, was unsere Partnerwahl über uns aussagt,
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tech, politics, culture
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Welcome to Uncanny Valley—an insider look at the people, power, and influence of Silicon Valley– where each week, WIRED’s writers and editors bring you original reporting and analysis about some of the biggest stories in tech. On Tuesdays, WIRED’s Global Editorial Director Katie Drummond has an urgent conversation about this week in news. And on Thursdays, hosts Lauren Goode, Michael Calore, and Zoë Schiffer break down a recent story or phenomena bubbling up in Silicon Valley and explain its ...
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聴く『WIRED』。好評サブスクリプションサービス「SZ MEMBERSHIP」で公開した記事のなかから、厳選のストーリーを編集長が読み解くSNEAK PEEKS at SZ MEMBERSHIP(毎週土曜日に配信)のほか、雑誌の編集後記、SF作家やフードイノベーションのスペシャリスト、クリエイターなど、さまざまなゲストを交えたトークをポッドキャストでお届けします。 ◼︎ ︎️️『WIRED』日本版 『WIRED』は"未来"を実装するメディアです。この絶え間なく変化し続ける世界を理解するために必要な情報とアイデアの源泉であり、カルチャーからビジネス、科学、デザインに至るまで、生活のあらゆる側面をテクノロジーがいかに変えていくのかに光を当てます。わたしたちが"発見"するブレイクスルーやイノベーションが、新たな思考や人と人とのつながり、そして新しい産業を生み出すのです。
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Stay informed with Wiregrass Daily News, your go-to podcast for the latest local headlines, community stories, and insightful interviews with businesses and residents in the Wiregrass area of Alabama.
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Loyalty industry podcasts tailored for marketing professionals. Stay ahead with the latest news and best practices from around the globe, designed to empower, inform and inspire. Brought to you by Loyalty Wired.
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Ingo Zamperoni ist mit der US-Amerikanerin Jiffer Bourguignon verheiratet. Der Moderator der tagesthemen und die US-Journalistin haben viele Freunde in den Staaten, die sich ideologisch immer mehr voneinander entfernen. Für Jiffers Mutter Lynn ist Trumps Wahlsieg der traurigste Tag in der Geschichte der USA. Ihr Vater Paul hingegen freut sich sehr, die Republikaner haben auch die Mehrheit im Senat gewonnen. Was bedeutet das für die Demokratie und welche Rolle spielt dabei Elon Musk, der reic ...
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Independent alternative current affairs from Australian community and indigenous radio
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Located in Southeast Alabama, The Wiregrass Local is your source for finding out about events, entertainment and how to #bewhatshappening!
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Welche Werte zählen wirklich? Und wie wird daraus echte Wirkung? Andrea Knoll-Nechutny und Sigrid Tschiedl ziehen Werte aus dem Topf und beleuchten, durchleuchten und erleuchten sie gemeinsam. Klar, praxisnah und inspirierend! In diesem Podcast geht es um Werte, die nicht nur gedacht, sondern gezeigt und gelebt werden. Die beiden sprechen über innere Haltungen, die Orientierung geben und Handlungen, die Werte unverwechselbar lebendig machen. Hinhören, hinterfragen, handeln! Andrea Knoll-Nech ...
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Welcome to Wirex News - Your Crypto Podcast, where we have engaging conversations with experts, thought leaders, and innovators exploring wide-ranging topics around cryptocurrency, financial management, security, and many more interesting subjects.
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Weekly broadcasts of the WIA news
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Every story from Australian community radio's best source of independent news and current affairs
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Real News For Real New Mexicans.
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Join in on a relaxed discussion featuring wireless mobile executives, with a simple goal of sharing knowledge and educating those who need wireless products in the market.
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In meinem Podcast dreht sich alles um die Themen Wirkung, Mimik, Körpersprache und Profiling. Wir schauen uns verschiedenen Themen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven an. In einigen Folgen habe ich Gäste, die auf die Themen aus anderen Perspektiven im Business, Sport oder privaten Bereich schauen. Achtung, die Wahrnehmung und Empathiefähigkeit wird automatisch geschärft ;-) Viel Spaß beim Zuhören.
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OHNE AKTIEN WIRD SCHWER ist der tägliche Börsenpodcast von OMR und Scalable Capital. Oder anders gesagt: In 12 Minuten liefern Noah Leidinger und ein Expertenteam alles, was man zum Investieren braucht: Tagesaktuelle Updates zu den wichtigsten Börsen-News, Aktienanalysen von Hidden- Champions oder bekannten Firmen und Insights von den besten Investoren der Welt. Dazu gibt's viel nützliches Wissen zum Investieren, Handeln und Sparen. Wer hier nicht zuhört, hat Börse nie geliebt.
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Wires from the Deep is co-hosted by Crystal Watanabe and Angela Traficante and focuses on discussion about the Apple TV+ show Silo, based on Hugh Howey’s bestselling book series.
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Jan Marsalek ist zurück - und dieses Mal erscheint er mutmaßlich in Gestalt eines russischen Spions. Das Phantom, das seit dem Zusammenbruch von Wirecard auf der Flucht ist, war im Exil offenbar nicht untätig. Er soll eine ganze Agentenzelle von - vermutlich - Moskau aus für russische Geheimdienste gesteuert haben, die in ganz Europa aktiv war. Diebstahl, Einbruch, Beschattungen, Geldübergaben und Schmuggel wird ihnen vorgeworfen und noch mehr: Angeblich sollen auch Anschläge und Entführunge ...
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Live Wire is a podcast powered by Kosciusko REMC. Here we discuss co-op matters, energy, community topics, and communicate with KREMC members.
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Welcome to the new Live Wire Network. On this channel you can expect to hear International stories, personality interviews, music and conversation.
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Welcome to the Wire 2 Wire Podcast. We're all playing and trying to figure out this game called life. It doesn't come with an instruction manual, but we learn something new about it along the way. This podcast is a digital safe space for people wanting to learn more about the game, and to get better at it. We offer unique perspectives that will keep you entertained and informed!
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Join Adam Howe (@EightyGrade) and Kevin Hasting (@HastingKevin) every Sunday with insights and updates on how to use your fantasy baseball FAAB before your bid deadlines hit.
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Heavy Wireless is a deep dive into Wi-Fi, IoT, wireless security, and more. Host Keith Parsons, CWNE#3, draws on his decades of experience to educate, entertain, and inspire those working in the WLAN industry. Each twice-monthly episode explores an aspect of wireless technology with guests including Wi-Fi engineers, industry experts, and vendors. Whether you're already a WLAN specialist or looking to expand your skills in this high-demand sector of IT, Heavy Wireless gives you the technical ...
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Our society is in great need of a revival guided by the Holy Spirit. This podcast aims to provide listeners with practical tools to ignite this revival in their own lives and communities, one episode at a time
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Warum wir reden wie ma schwätze. Der Mundart auf's Maul geschaut.
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Local news stories for Palm Beach County and the state of Florida.
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Hot Off The Wire is a collection of news, sports and entertainment reports. The program is produced by Lee Enterprises with audio provided by The Associated Press.
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The Domain Name Wire Podcast brings you the latest news and happenings in the domain name industry every week.
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Tune in each week as wildlife advocates Samantha Miller and Mark Surls deliver the top 4 wildlife stories making waves across the U.S. and chat with humans making a difference for wild animals. From Florida panthers to Washington orcas and Colorado wolves to Montana grizzlies, Wildlife Wire is your go-to podcast for wildlife news and the humans who care about animals.
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Audio horror and thriller plays from the award winning Wireless Theatre Ltd. Visit for more award winning audio dramas, and look out for the Wireless Theatre Binaural Audio Drama podcast for truly terrifying horror.
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If you are in need of wireless monitoring system that helps you maintain the required condition on remote location then contact TempGenius. It is the leading company provides smart and effective wireless monitoring system which is ideal for a range of monitoring applications. To know more about these wireless temperature monitoring systems and its applications simply, visit at:
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Jeder Mensch 'tickt' anders - doch warum? Psychologie hilft, unsere Wahrnehmung zu schärfen und sich und andere besser zu verstehen. Ihr wollt erfahren, weshalb Dankbarkeit befreiend wirken kann, Neid uns einengt, was unsere Partnerwahl über uns aussagt, und wieso wir dazu neigen, unangenehme Dinge aufzuschieben? Das und viel mehr beantwortet unser Psychologie-Podcast "Wie wir ticken" vom BR und SWR jede Woche mit einer neuen Folge. Immer mittwochs in der ARD Audiothek und am Freitag auf all ...
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Ein Podcast über unser Leben als Neurodivergente Mitglieder der Gesellschaft
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Like late-night for radio, Live Wire is hosted by Luke Burbank (Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me) and artfully blends an eclectic mix of artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers, comedians, and cultural observers.
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Wir, Heiko und Marci, labern 1x wöchentlich über alles, was uns in den Sinn kommt. Egal ob wir über uns oder andere, über alltägliche oder spektakuläre Themen reden, lasst Euch überraschen! Über was auch immer wir quatschen, auf Eins könnt Ihr Euch immer verlassen! Wir labern frei Schnauze, ohne Skript, ohne Beschränkungen und ohne Beeinflussung von außen. Wir sind wie wir sind! Der Berliner lässt sich nicht den Mund verbieten, der Frankfurter noch weniger. Also seid gespannt und hört rein. ...
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Clear To Send is a podcast about wireless engineering where we educate you on WiFi technology, talk about design tips, troubleshooting, interviews, and the tools.
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Warum töten Menschen? Wie freundlich darf ein Richter sein? Ist Strafe gleich Gerechtigkeit? ARD Terrorismusexperte Holger Schmidt und der ehemalige Bundesrichter Prof. Dr. Thomas Fischer sprechen über wahre Verbrechen.
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SHRM CEO Johnny C. Taylor, Jr. and Bob Goodwin, President of Career Club, host a lively conversation on how the latest news impacts all things work-related.
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Wie ticken Familienunternehmer? Der Podcast des „wir-Magazins für Unternehmerfamilien“ berichtet über Themen, die Gesellschafter von Familienunternehmen umtreiben: Nachfolge, Next Gen, Familien- und Unternehmensstrategie, Vermögenserhalt und vieles mehr! Wir geben Einblicke in unsere Arbeit, an Beispielen aus der „wir“-Community und im Gespräch mit Experten. Journalistisch kuratiert, eingeordnet und unterhaltsam aufbereitet.
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Join Justin Henson every week as he analyzes and gives brutally honest reviews to the newest, hottest, movies (spoiler free) that are now playing in theaters and are available to stream right now. Listen to Justin’s movie verdict today!
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Listen back to features and interviews from 95bFM's daily news and current affairs show. Jessica Hopkins, Castor Chacko, Nicholas Lindstrom, and Caeden Tipler focus on the issues of Tāmaki Makaurau and elsewhere in independent-thinking bFM style. Monday-Thursday 12-1pm on 95bFM.
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Ein Podcast, bei dem wir die Filmgeschichte durch die Linse der Best-Picture-Oscarkategorie und aller Nominierten betrachten... und möglicherweise verzweifeln.
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Die unsichtbare Brille – Wie Glaubenssätze unser Leben lenken
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25:02Jeder Mensch trägt tiefe Überzeugungen über sich selbst, seine Mitmenschen und die Welt in sich. Diese Glaubenssätze sind die Brille, durch die jeder dann seine eigene Realität sieht. Wie kommen die Glaubenssätze in uns? Kann man negative Glaubenssätze löschen und welche Auswirkungen haben sie auf unsere Beziehungen? Von Victoria Marciniak Credits …
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Taliban Frees George Glezmann & Trump Gives Maine Deadline | Afternoon Update | 3.20.25
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6:55An American held hostage by the Taliban for two years heads home, Hamas restarts rocket launches, and Republicans gear up to fight judges blocking Trump’s agenda. Developing stories you need to know just in time for your drive home. Get the facts first on Morning Wire. Balance of Nature: Go to and use promo code WIRE for…
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Jesus used parables for a reason—stories captivate and transform. In this episode, I share a campfire tale from my youth and explore how storytelling can make evangelization more powerful and memorable. Tune in! My latest book:
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Israeli strikes kill at least 85 Palestinians; Latin Grammys add categories
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24:22On today's episodes: Israeli hits Gaza with deadly overnight airstrikes; President Donald Trump targets Houthi rebels; Trump wants to close the Department of Education; an inmate is executed in Arizona; North Carolina approves funds for Hurricane Helen cleanup; the Latin Grammy Awards add new categories; and Finland is once again the world's happie…
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wir reden mit #28: Wie macht man Fahrradreifen grün? Felix Jahn, CSR-Chef bei Schwalbe
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45:25Die Fahrradreifenmarke Schwalbe gilt als Vorreiter in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit, die beim Hersteller, der Ralf Bohle GmbH, lieber „Verantwortung“ genannt wird. Ihr Produkt „Green Marathon“ gewann 2024 den Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreis. Was ist das Erfolgsgeheimnis von Schwalbe? Welches Verständnis von Nachhaltigkeit herrscht vor in der Ralf Bohle GmbH…
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Thursday 20 March 2025
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Episode 172 Reviews for: Black Bag -- The Electric State -- The Golden Voice
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34:53Send us a text This week on the show! It takes a spy to hunt a spy in: Black Bag Rage with the machines in the Netflix exclusive: The Electric State and finally A movie that has gone under the radar is my video on demand pick of the week is: The Golden Voice Ready for my verdict. Let's get into it. **Help support the show by leaving a review on App…
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For our weekly catch-up with the Labour Party, Wire Host Caeden speaks to Deputy Leader Carmel Sepuloni about a potential trade deal with India spearheaded by the Prime Minister, the liquidation of school lunch provider Libelle, and the Labour-led Wage Theft Bill passing its third reading in Parliament. For International Desk, they speak to Tania S…
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Von grünen Bohnen und wichtigen Botschaften
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1:12:34Kim und Timo quatschen sich mal wieder quer durchs ADHS-Universum – von wirren, witzigen Alltagsgeschichten bis hin zu völlig absurden Themenverirrungen. Zwischendurch geht’s um „Fott“ (was auch immer das genau heißen soll) und grüne Bohnen. Zum Ende hin wird’s nochmal ernst: Kim erzählt von dem Ablauf der ADHS-Diagnostik bei Kindern und wie sie se…
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Cold Weather, Hot Topics: Winter Electrical Safety with Kosciusko REMC
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31:30Prepare for winter weather with this podcast, as we learn from our Operations Manager, Mike Whitaker, about winter electric safety, ways to save on our winter electric bill, and how to handle winter power outages.Av Kosciusko REMC
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Income and Social Security Taxes with Elaine Sena Cortez
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17:13Chile Wire Host, Abenicio Baldonado sits down and has a great conversation with State Representative Elaine Sena Cortez about the state of our New Mexico economy. These two dive into topics like income and social security taxes and the Paid Family and Medical Leave Act. Elaine Sena Cortez outlines her personal income tax bill and also her Silver Ac…
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The Wire’s stories of the Week all in one compact edition!
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Av SR 3 Saarlandwelle
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Schnick, Schnack, Schnuck, so schallte es bei einem Firmenevent durch den Saal bei dem die beiden Labertaschen sich im Finale gegenüberstanden. Neben der Anerkennung ihrer spielerischen Glanzleistung durch die Kollegen erhielten die Beiden auch noch eine Idee für die heutige Podcastfolge. Papiertiger Marci erklärt, warum bei diesem intransitiven Ha…
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Playboi Carti's I Am Music Album Review!
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11:43Welcome to the Wire 2 Wire Podcast! In this episode, Yusuf is joined by series regular Jordan to break down Playboi Carti’s highly anticipated album, I Am Music. From the production to the lyrics and guest features, they dive deep into the highs, the lows, and whether Carti delivered on the hype. Tune in for a raw, unfiltered review you won’t want …
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Nearly 20 Puppies & Two Adult Dogs Brought To Florida From Asheville
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7:48Dr. Brian Rambarran is a surgeon in Buffalo, New York who uses his pilot skills and love for animals to rescue pets from around the country. His most recent trip resulted in two mother dogs and 19 puppies. They were brought to Big Dog Ranch Rescue in Palm Beach County and Crossed Paws Pet Rescue in Winter Haven.…
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Ep. 11, Human impacts on wildlife in North America with Dan Flores
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1:31:28Join Mark and Sam for the top four news stories of the week including: "Furbearer" policies in Colorado Washington Governor rescinds appointment of leading scientist to wildlife commission Central Park coyote in parking garage Trump increases logging in National Forests Followed by an incredibly important conversation with Dan Flores, author, histo…
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Widerstand gegen Trump? Frieden mit Putin?
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51:12Wo bleibt der Widerstand gegen Donald Trump? Wie reagieren die Demokraten in den USA? Viele Fragen wie diese sind US-Journalistin Jiffer Bourguignon und Tagesthemen-Moderator Ingo Zamperoni nach ihrer vergangenen Podcast-Folge gestellt worden. Wer wehrt sich gegen den radikalen Umbau des Staates? Und wie erfolgreich? "Die demokratischen Wähler sind…
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What I learned at ICANN82 in Seattle. The domain name industry gathered in Seattle last week for ICANN’s annual community forum. During the show, I caught up on what’s happening with two important topics: Adsense for Domains and new top level domains. On today’s show I recap what I learned. You will then hear from […] Post link: ICANN82 Recap – DNW…
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On The Wire Adam and Kevin finish up the offseason with a preview of the early 2025 regular season schedule News and Notes Grayson Rodriguez received a cortisone shot for right elbow inflammation; and shut down from throwing for 7-10 days. Bobby Witt Jr. receives negative X-rays on his forearm Same with Austin Riley (hand) Francisco Alvarez to miss…
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Everything's Computer: Tesla & Elon Attacked, Columbia Protestor Detained, & ChatGPTs New AI Writer
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1:14:39EPISODE #90: Welcome back to the pod! Elon took hits from all angles this week. Tesla cars & chargers are being attacked, the stock is down, X went down on Monday, and the people are protesting. The good news? Trump will take one of those Teslas! Our president seemed very impressed with the car, proclaiming “Wow… everything’s computer”. A battle of…
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Cultural critic and podcaster Ira Madison III (Pure Innocent Fun) discusses how popular culture has largely shaped his reality... a notion that is put to the test when he faces off with his favorite author (and surprisel guest) Chuck Klosterman in a quiz about Chuck's cultural manifesto Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs. Comedian Riki Lindhome, of the co…
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Kenzie Vois, born Mackenzie Richards, is a 19-year-old dynamic singer-songwriter. and multi-instrumentalist from North Wales. He first captivated the public in 2019 on 'The Voice Kids' under Will. i am. He was diagnosed with Left Vocal Cord Paralysis, which moved his focus to music production, beat-making and songwriting. In 2023, his life changed …
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Overview: Angela and Crystal do a quick spoiler-free review of Hulu’s Paradise, which many Silo fans have been recommending online, then go into a deep dive for the full season. Hosted by: Crystal Watanabe and Angela Traficante Community Links: r/SiloSeries (subreddit) Email: Follow Wires from the Deep on Instagram @wiresfro…
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Tödliche Schwester – True Crime | Der Badewannen-Fall
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43:00Thomas Fischer und Holger Schmidt treten am 14.03.2025 mit "Sprechen wir über Mord?!" live beim SWR Podcastfestival in Mannheim auf! Tickets gibt es hier!Das Baby atmet noch, als seine Tante es in die Badewanne legt und das Neugeborene ertränkt. Es ist das Kind ihrer Schwester. Maria Anna R. hatte sie angefleht, ihr zu helfen und das Baby zu töten.…
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Busted, Broken, and Leaky: Fixing America’s Education-to-Workforce Pipeline
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34:22In this compelling episode of The Work Wire, Bob Goodwin sits down with Johnny C. Taylor Jr., President & CEO of SHRM, to unpack his recent Congressional testimony on the state of education, workforce readiness, and untapped talent pools. Johnny shares unfiltered insights on why America’s education system is failing both students and employers, why…
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