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Radical Broccoli

Radical Broccoli

Sisters Anette Anette and Susanne talk about everything Radical Broccoli related - life as entrepreneurs, eco-friendly living, wellness, plant-based food, and self-empowerment. Website: Instagram: For advertising: [email protected]
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Reality-TV, moteskandaler, maskerte artister, TikTok-mat, Twitter-feider, filmfestivaler, og seriene alle sier du bare må se. Poprådet tar seg av de aller viktigste sakene hver uke med ett mål for øye: Finne ut hva feedene våre forteller om tiden vi lever i. Kontakt: [email protected]
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Trening etter fødsel

Pia Seeberg & Acast

I denne podcasten intervjuer Pia Seeberg inspirerende (trenings)jenter om tiden etter fødsel med fokus på fysisk trening, et sunt topplokk og ikke minst matglede. Når begynte de å trene igjen? Hvilke øvelser funker best? Hvordan trente de? Hva ville de gjort annerledes, og hva er deres beste tips til en så god barseltid som mulig? Dette, og mye mer, får du svaret på i podcasten "Trening etter fødsel". Psst! Husk å sjekke ut boken Trening etter fødsel, som gir deg alt du trenger for en så spr ...
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show series
In this episode, Anette shares her experience with living an intuition-based life. She shares how she has always had a voice within her telling her what to do, but she didn't quite trust it. But life gave her experiences to sharpen and to trust her intuition again. Anette shares her best tips to live an intuition-based life. Costa Rica retreat: htt…
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I denne episoden møter du Tonje Jenssen, en dyktig PT med mange års erfaring, deriblant med kjente navn på blokka. Hun har også en bachelorgrad i psykologi og har generelt mye kompetanse på oss mennesker, fysisk og mentalt. Tonje har lang fartstid som trener, men også som fitnessutøver. Med mye fokus på kropp, trening og utseende, hvordan påvirker …
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In today's episode, Anette talks about the concept that Energy is your currency. She reminds you of how important your energy is. Spend it well, invest it wisely, because your energy affects everything. Anette also shares how she got into balance again after a month that felt off, and the big aha moments that followed. Lastly, our Costa Rica retrea…
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This week, Susi takes a deep dive into your requested topic; namely relationships and the balance between masculine and feminine energy. We talk about healing our relationship wounds, what our triggers are telling us, how we can create the foundation for a strong relationship and so much more. Let us know how you liked the episode and the podcast e…
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Today’s episode is a solo episode with Susanne where she shares an update on life in Bali so far, recent findings, discoveries and challenges. In this episode Susanne dives deeper into where she is balancing in life lately, and common topics from her clients transformational journeys. Hope you love it! Links: Coaching 1:1 with Susanne https://www.r…
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Anette shares her experiences from her first weeks in Costa Rica. She started to feel out of balance when she came there, and what she does to come back into it. She shares her two favorite podcasts to get back into balance: MindChange and Kim Anami. Linker: Course: Emotional Journey of Pregnancy…
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In this heartfelt episode, sisters Susanne and Anette sit down to reflect on the life-changing transformation that happens when you become a mother. We both became moms in the same year, and in this conversation, we share the emotional, mental, and personal shifts we’ve experienced. From the evolution of our identities to the new roles we embraced,…
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Beskrivelse: In this episode, we dive deep into the journey of preparing ourselves energetically before taking a major leap in life—whether it’s a new career, a big move, or a personal transformation. We explore how raising our self-worth and trusting our intuition are crucial steps in this process, yet often the most challenging. It’s easy to feel…
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Join us, two sisters and coaches, for a heart-to-heart Q&A where we dive into the emotional dynamics that often surface around the holidays. From navigating family triggers during Christmas to healing past wounds in dating, we’re unpacking it all. We also explore how jealousy can unexpectedly spark our manifestation journey and help us clarify our …
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We are nearing the end of the year, and we want to take some time to set our intentions for the final days of 2024. There is still time to make this the best month of the year, and we are not talking about «lets cram in more things to do», but rather lets take inventory of our state of presence, gratitude and energetic hygiene. We discuss the 4 val…
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Today we are creating a powerful plan for moments in life when we feel really stuck. We believe this happens to most us at one point or another (or many times), and learning how to navigate stuck-ness is so crucial for further growth. In this episode we share 5 things we always do when feeling stuck, and the 5 things we avoid doing, in order to mov…
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Hi loves! Welcome to another podcast episode. Today, in the spirit of the upcoming Joy Month in our membership in December, wanted to make an episode filled with joy. We are doing a challenge of who's most likely to, and we are very curious to how many of the answers you got right? Hope you loved today's episode, and we are so happy to hear from yo…
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Today’s episode is a deep dive into manifestation - what is it, how do we manifest, are we all doing it? We talk about our manifestation processes, how to overcome inner blocks, how it’s tied into nervous system regulation to access our subconscious mind, and so much more. We share lots of fun examples of things we have manifested, and how we are c…
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I ukas episode møter du Jørgine Vasstrand, best kjent som Funkygine. Med hele fire barn er hun godt kjent med prosessen gravid - føde - bli mamma, og alt som hører med. Vi har fulgt henne gjennom noen av både graviditetene og fødslene, men når alt kommer til alt, hva syns hun om det hele, sånn egentlig? Hvordan har hun tenkt rundt faktorer som vekt…
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I en jungel av livsstilsråd og trender kan ukens gjest, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, berolige unge identitetssøkende individer med at de vil få barn en gang. Vi spør om vår generelle lave intelligens er suksessen bak «Norges Dummeste», om man blir kriminell av «Brekket» og spekulerer på hvem som får årets album-grammy. OG selvfølgelig: «Maskorama».Med The…
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In today´s solo episode I am sharing my recent experiences of going through a rock bottom moment. I am finally on the other side, and these events truly shaped and formed me as a human. I share the lessons learned and how I navigated through a very tough period in my life. Hope this helps you when you are going through a hard time. Lots of love fro…
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Today we are sharing an episode about life changing habits - a session that was held inside the Radical Broccoli membership earlier in October. We thought it was the perfect way to inspire you for fall, and to give you a taster of what the membership is like. Maybe you’ll pick up a new habit or two, that will change your life? Links: Susanne’s new …
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I ukas episode er det me, myself and I i studio, i det jeg spiller inn en etterspurt episode, dvs Q&A rundt trening etter fødsel, selve fødselen, livet med nr. 2, hva er annerledes fra nr. 1 - you name it! Jeg snakket blant annet om.. Hvordan søvnmangel påvirker meg. Hva som motiverer meg til å trene og spise bra. Om fødekurs hjalp meg til en bedre…
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Today’s episode is dedicated to boundaries. Do you know that feeling of not being heard, or not being seen? When it feels like someone gets more from you than you are authentically willing to give? When you don’t know how to say no? When you try to set a boundary but you don’t feel its received well? We’ve got a treat for you <3 In today’s episode,…
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Welcome back to the RB podcast & the sister duo Anette & Susanne. Today’s episode is a Q&A where you have asked us questions on Instagram. Questions: Changing your life and reaching your dreams: where to start Starting a business in Noway: run through Why does netters not have insta anymore How to find passion in life. I feel lost in between everyt…
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I ukas episode har jeg besøk av Aurora Hoel, en ung tobarnsmamma, kjent som aurora_hoel på TikTok. Hun er altså av "den yngre garde", men fikk barn i tidlig i alder, og i denne episoden snakker vi om nettopp det, men også en haug av andre ting. Hva vil det si å være en "fitness mom"? Hvordan er det å kombinere mammarollen med å jobbe med sosiale me…
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Today we are tuning into fall with Anette and Susanne who share their favorite things about this season and how to embrace the change. Anette shares a bit about her upcoming solo-mom journey and current ups and downs with motherhood, and cross-cultural babies. How can we thrive when times get challenging? We share our experience from our past retre…
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Gaute Grøtta Grav har kanskje hvilepuls, men opptredenen i “71 grader nord” får kommentarfeltene til å koke. Jakob Semb Aasmundsen ER vaskekte TV-skurk og hjelpe oss analysere rollen til reality-karakteren vi elsker å hate. Hvor mye sminke burde Therese Sollien og Pamela Anderson bruke? Sexy religiøse ledere er tilbake i TV-ruta - er religion pluts…
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I denne episoden møter jeg nok en gang Line, grunnleggeren av nettkurset Positiv Fødsel og forfatter av boken med samme navn. Jeg poddet med Line før fødsel, og bestemte meg for å ta kurset - så, hvordan syns jeg det gikk og på hvilken måte fikk jeg utbytte av det jeg lærte i fødselen? I episoden blir det naturlig at jeg deler min fødeopplevelse me…
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I denne episoden møter du Maren Erdvik, en kollega og venn gjennom mange år for min del, men også en av de eldste i «bloggbransjen», om du tenker år i felten - hun var en av de første som startet med å blogge om trening! Hun har blitt mamma til lille Amalie for et drøyt år siden og deler raust om trening som gravid, selve fødselen og aller viktigst…
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Today, Anette and Susanne are in the studio, and wanted to dive into how our world as mothers feel like recently, what our biggest challenges our, our lessons, and how we are (trying to) balance everything and also create space and time for self-care and wellbeing. This episode is for the moms and dads and all of you who are just curious and want t…
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In this weeks episode Anette talks about the topic of overcoming our own limitations. One of the big keys is learning when to let go of control and when to take it. This is actually a theme of self worth! She shared examples from her own life and how she spent the two last years learning exactly about this. Hope you enjoy the episode! Links: Radica…
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I denne episoden møter du Benedicte Haugaard, influencer to the T, men så mye mer enn det! Jeg er aller mest nysgjerrig på hvordan hun sjonglerer alt; to barn, familieliv, gründervirksomhet, flere bedrifter samtidig, flytting til utlandet (permanent, ække noe late som).. får hun vært tilstede med kidsa og seg selv, selv med en trillion baller i luf…
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Hi friends! Today I am back with a solo episode touching upon the tools that have really helped me lately. I wanted to share a bit about a few practices that have felt so incredibly supportive lately, to remind you that changing from feeling really out of it into feeling good again is available to you every single day. We talk about how we need to …
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This week Anette is back in the studio with us! Today we are sharing the ways we have been going about our latest inner (and outer) challenges, and how we are doing the inner work as new mothers. We are doing a one-month summer challenge, which is all about finding our biggest block, reprogramming our subconscious mind, and taking aligned action. I…
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Attraktive rottemenn, en programleder med babynyhet og politikere som provoserer med rabarbarasaft. Det er stikkord når Poprådet i dag har skrudd på produsent Ulla Rafaelsens mikrofon. Du får også guttastemning, tips til sommerantrekk, Louis CKs tilbakekomst og Bridgerton som fremkaller tårer.
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In today’s episode Susanne shares with you her favorite ways of supporting her cyclical living, and the female body during the different stages of the cycle. It’s cycle wellness month in the RB membership, and we are diving all in to how we can feel our best during our cycles, and to exploring how we can support ourselves. In the episode, we talk a…
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I sesongens siste episode svarer jeg på det jeg opplever at mange lurer på knyttet til trening som gravid, deriblant.. Kan jeg trene som vanlig i 1. trimester? Tips til økter/øvelser når man sliter med svangerskapskvalme? Kan jeg trene magemuskler som vanlig før magen blir større? Er det sant at man ikke skal trene med høy intensitet mtp. fosterets…
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Today we are so lucky to have Fertility Awareness coach Siri Kalla join us on the podcast, to share about her deep wisdom and experience in the field of fertility and hormonal health. In the episode, we learn about Siri's life path to finding her passions, we talk about the patriarchy, and why we often experience imbalance in our cycles in today's …
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Welcome to another episode, my friends. Today we're diving even deeper into the topic of worthiness, and I am sharing some recent experiences with you. What happens when we hold ourselves back? What happens when we procrastinate? I recently invested in myself, and it was such an interesting rollercoaster of emotions. It brought up so many limiting …
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Jeg har besøk av Christine Strøm Fjære, tidligere fitnessutøver og generelt en over snittet sporty dame, somle tobarnsmamma for et snaut år siden. Hvordan er livet, og hvilke råd vil hun gi meg idet jeg går fra én til to? Det er spesielt tre ting jeg snakker med Christina om; 1) graviditet, fødsel og generelt konseptet «å få barn for andre gang» - …
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Hi friends, today we are diving into something very important that has been surfacing lately. It's difficult to talk about, but we need to go there. What happens when we make a mistake, and let ourselves feel like a mistake? What happens when we fail, but tell ourselves that it makes us a failure? We also talk about rest-month in the RB membership,…
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I denne episoden har jeg besøk av Line Elise Sloper-Svanevik, som driver og har skrevet bok om samme tema. For du ville trolig ikke tatt eksamen uten å lese først, eller løpt maraton uten å ha trent.. så hvorfor føde uten å forberede deg til det som blir den desidert største dagen i livet ditt? Slik lyder innledningen til episoden,…
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Today I am sharing my favorite spiritual practices that I do regularly, in order to regulate my energy and connect with the universe. We're gonna explore these fun practices together, and I would love to hear from you which ones you do too. Love, Susi Links: Radical Broccoli website and membership Radical Broccoli Retrea…
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Today I am back with another solo episode on a topic close to my heart, namely sensitivity and being deeply affected by things going on in our environment. I share how it has felt being sensitive growing up, how it at some point tipped over to be experienced as anxiety, and then learning about it and transforming it to a power and a tool. I share m…
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I denne episoden dykker vi inn i tematikken delte magemuskler, trening for gravide, både generelt og hva angår spesifikk magetrening; kan det du gjør på trening provosere frem delte magemuskler i etterkant av et svangerskap og en fødsel? Episoden starter med en kort gjennomgang av noen av de tingene som skjer i kroppen når vi er gravide før vi stup…
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In today’s episode, Susanne shares her experience during the intense astrological period in April so far. More specifically she does a deep dive into her fear of being seen, on how this triggers keeps showing up in her life, and how she deals with it. We talk about shame and guilt, and these intense emotions that often tell us that we should «hide»…
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Welcome back to a solo episode with Susanne. We are tuning in today with a little life update, and diving into a topic that has been on my mind lately - perfectionism. What is perfectionism really, and how is it holding us back? What are the symptoms of a perfectionist mind, and how is it actually a lack mindset rather than abundance? Susanne share…
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Jeg har besøk av Anita Wiig, forfatter av boken Mamma og magen, med blant annet en bachelorgrad i ernæring med ekstra interesse for kosthold som gravid og etter fødsel. I denne episoden dykker vi inn i nettopp dette og får svar på spørsmål som.. Hva er egentlig et «bra» kosthold som gravid? Noe spesielt man bør tenke på? Hvorfor får mange lyst på «…
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I denne episoden har jeg besøk av Mari Fevaag Heger, også kjent som @fertilitetscoachen_ på Instagram. Mari har selv gjennomgått utfordringer med å bli gravid, men kom ut på den andre siden og har i dag tre barn, takket være IVF, som i dag er hennes lidenskap; å spre kunnskap, åpenhet og tilby støtte til de som sliter med fertilitet på den ene elle…
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I ukas episode møter du Charlotte Karlsen, blant annet kjent som @charlottemsk på Instagram. Hun brenner for et aktivt og positivt livssyn med tre små barn, noe som kjentes ut som et friskt pust i en verden der familieforøkelse fort forbindes med stress, kjas, mas og tap av egentid. Er vi for negative til småbarnslivet? Videre snakker vi om det gen…
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Wait a minute, what!? Yes, we can make bigger changes than we think we are capable of. Today's episode will give you a new way of viewing any challenging situations that you find yourself in. If you have any relational problems or drama going on right now, this episode is for you. In the episode, we discuss why we attract these situations, what hap…
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I denne episoden har jeg besøk av Kristin Holte, en av verdens (!) beste utøvere innen CrossFit. Hun er nå ferdig med å konkurrere (eller..?) men ligger ikke på latsiden av den grunn, åpenbart. Jeg spør Kristin om alt fra graviditet, kroppsendringer, kosthold og gravidtrening, til fødsel, keisersnitt og opptreningen etterpå. Det er lite informasjon…
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