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Audiomorphs is an Animorphs podcast which is actually not so much a podcast as a bootleg Animorphs audiobook. Releases every Friday.
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Kaycie a normal fan and Alex a rabid fan re read and discuss the Animorphs one book at a time.
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Is Rachel stupidly brave or lovably impulsive? Are Taxxons unambiguously evil or just another victim of the anti-swarm agenda? Is a cockroach morph ever just a cockroach morph? Read along with three friends as they go through the series and try to answer the Animorphs’ toughest questions.
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Someone who read all the Animorphs books like ten years ago introduces them to a few friends.
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Dungeons and Dracon Beams is an Animorphs Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventure with an entirely different team of Animorphs in a homebrewed world. What would happen if the events of the Yeerk invasion played out differently? The players will shape their own story, in their own city, fighting their own war. Will they make the change? Join Savannah, Zac, Dylan, Kamren and Aximili as they gain the power to turn into any animal they can touch and go claw to tail blade with Visser Three and ...
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Brent & Jenna's weekly discussion of K. A. Applegate's Animorphs series. New episodes every Friday!
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a feedfeeder podcast
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Lifelong Animorphs fans (and a lifelong hater) revisit the series to see if it still holds up.
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a feedfeeder podcast
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Two friends revisit the Animorphs! Join us while we laugh and cry about sad morphing teens and the horrible aliens who hate them.
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This is a fandub that is from the creator of Beyond the Stars: The Series. A new twist and take on the animorphs. Follow along in the audio series as it takes its winding twist through the stories of Jake, Marco, Cassie, Rachel and Tobias and all there new friends they make along the way.
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Taxxon in a Pringles Can (Book 18)
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1:06:07Ax finds himself more torn than ever between his allegiance to the Animorphs and to his own people. A traitor is revealed aboard the Ascalin and the kids are forced to seek out possibly the most tragic Andalite of all. What might be the translation for the Andalite curse “yaolin”? Why are the Yeerks so determined to take the only landmass on a plan…
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Chapter 23 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Big red buttons to press, and weapons that conveniently need a middle finger to push? I feel like there's some kind of symbolism here... Dracon beam sound effect a combo of:https://freesound.org/people/nearsight_00/sounds/164048/;ht…
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Class 5 -- Audiomorphs is an Animorphs podcast which is actually not so much a podcast as a bootleg Animorphs audiobook. Releases every Friday. Visit https://www.theapodcalypse.com/ Twitter: @audiomorphsAv Audiomorphs
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Hirac Delest - Book 4 - Chapter 11: Friends Forever
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1:26:08The cast sits down and talks about the Book 4 Chapter 11 and tell if the Humanimals plan on going to college or not. Dungeons and Dracon Beams is an Animorph's Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventure with an entirely different team of Animorph's in an alternate homebrewed world. What would happen if the events of the Yeerk invasion played out di…
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Emergency Transmission - We talk to Chris Grine about The Capture!
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46:34Chris Grine is back to talk to us about the newest Animorphs graphic novel, "The Capture"! In this episode Chris pitches a new book to us and we eat it up, man wears crocs and socks, and we all decide to leave lobsters and insects behind us. Join us on the 1st and 15th of each month for new episodes!…
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Chapter 22 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Ah, it makes me so happy to be able to do back-to-back chapters for you guys again! (Though admittedly, it's partly because these past few are so short.) Thanks for listening!
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Chapter 21 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for listening!
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Chapter 20 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for being so patient with me, friends! I got the last chapters of my latest audiobook submitted for review last night. I'll be immediately starting on the next this week, but I should still have some breathing room for a bit,…
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Sometimes you have to close a door to open a window, yes, but sometimes you have to open a window to Hulk-smash out of another. The Animorphs morph into mosquitoes and develop a lust for blood. The kids go to Z-space. Is it rude to ask an Andalite to lift their hoof to reveal what exactly is going on down there? Does Eddy know how to say the word “…
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Book 4: Chapter 11: Friends Forever
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1:08:46Ech has entered the battle. Will Mytaya stay true to her word, or we she betray the Humanimals yet again? Dungeons and Dracon Beams is an Animorph's Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventure with an entirely different team of Animorph's in an alternate homebrewed world. What would happen if the events of the Yeerk invasion played out differently? …
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My Name is Eva -- Audiomorphs is an Animorphs podcast which is actually not so much a podcast as a bootleg Animorphs audiobook. Releases every Friday. Visit https://www.theapodcalypse.com/ Twitter: @audiomorphsAv Audiomorphs
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Chapter 19 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for listening!
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Ax tries to get a part-time job and fights Visser 3 on top of a McDonalds. Chapman hits a guy with a minivan. Who is Jane Carnegie and where is she?! If every Aristh gets a kafit morph, why is Ax so suspicious that Visser 3 has one? Where we robbed of an entire book of the Animorphs trying to prove that Chapman hit a Secret Service agent with a min…
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Marco already knows he has a few problems: the constant battle with the Yeerks; finding out his mother was infested...and is now Visser One. The leader of the Yeerk invasion of Earth. But things are about to get even weirder. Marco's father is thinking of getting married again. Meanwhile, the Animorphs and Ax have other things to worry about. It se…
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Chapter 18 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for listening!
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Life's a Joke -- Audiomorphs is an Animorphs podcast which is actually not so much a podcast as a bootleg Animorphs audiobook. Releases every Friday. Visit https://www.theapodcalypse.com/ Twitter: @audiomorphsAv Audiomorphs
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Chapter 17 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for listening!
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The Enemy of My Enemy is a Q-Tip (Minisode)
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1:01:31We empty the mailbag and take a quiz for babies to test our knowledge of the series so far. How would Ax place the other Animorphs on his MySpace Top 8? Is Eddy being contrarian for the sake of the podcast? And is Cassie a little more comfortable with violence as a solution to the problems that the Animorphs faced than we realized? Support the show…
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Chapter 16 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for listening!
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Animorphs Anonymous RETURNS! We Re-read Books #14-18!
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1:50:53Kaycie and Alex are back to discuss the Animorphs -- along with two new friends! We are joined by Jenna, a longtime fan, and Emily, who is reading the books for the first time! We will be Twitch streaming these discussions, you can subscribe and watch live when they happen! ⭐️twitch.tv/animorphsanonymous⭐️ Or you can watch the recap of our twitch s…
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Since its the end of the love month we wanted to share our Vampire Teen Drama from our Patreon. Enjoy Thotsferatu: Part 2! We're back with Part 2 of our comedic tragedy. I'm not saying your heart is gonna be broken by the end, I'm just saying the vamps are gonna have an easier time getting the blood while you're sobbing. Cast Jenna - @Jennachil Ale…
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Since its the end of the love month we wanted to share our Vampire Teen Drama from our Patreon. Enjoy Thotsferatu: Part 1! Happy Valentines Day! This holiday is all about love! What symbol is associated with love? A heart! What does a heart do? Pumps blood! Who loves blood? Vampires! Who loves love? People! Join us for the first part of our smolder…
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Doggoned -- Audiomorphs is an Animorphs podcast which is actually not so much a podcast as a bootleg Animorphs audiobook. Releases every Friday. Visit https://www.theapodcalypse.com/ Twitter: @audiomorphsAv Audiomorphs
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Chapter 15 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for listening!
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Chapter 14 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. I was going to be so productive this weekend, and then my body had the audacity to go and catch norovirus! -_- Don't get norovirus, it sucks. Also, Cassie says in this chapter that she thinks moles don't bite. 10-year-old me can cat…
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What Could Go Wrong content warning for loud screaming -- Audiomorphs is an Animorphs podcast which is actually not so much a podcast as a bootleg Animorphs audiobook. Releases every Friday. Visit https://www.theapodcalypse.com/ Twitter: @audiomorphsAv Audiomorphs
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The kids humiliate Visser 3. He retaliates by morphing into a very slow porcupine bird with bad eye sight. Has any book in the series come together so well in the ending as this one? Shouldn’t the Yeerks be cleaning all of those dead bats out of the Yeerk pool? Now that George Edelman is free, is he destined to play on the next season of Animorphs …
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Chapter 13 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Alarm sound effect from: https://freesound.org/people/danielnieto7/sounds/135613/ Sorry this is so late in the day, I'm in one of the areas getting lots of snow, so I had some delays this morning. Thanks for listening!…
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Book 24 - The Stir Sleeps Episode
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1:45:35We discuss “The Suspicion” and then play the Animorphs board game. Rachel is suspiciously clean. They surprisingly didn’t vore the Helmacrons in this book. Listen to our music: https://mushymustard.bandcamp.com/ Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/rbX3dC6 Email: AABCpodcast@gmail.com Twitter: @AABCpodcast…
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Chapter 12 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for listening!
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AppleGrant Book Club Episode 81: Mouse and His Dog
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1:17:41Welcome back to the AppleGrant Book Club, where we discuss Kathrine Applegate and Gennifer Choldenko's Dogtown! In this episode, Kaycie tells us to get in the comments about Sunchips, Alex asserts mice can be spilled, Tim starts a new company called gUber, and all declare Buster did NOTHING WRONG! Join us each month on the first and the fifteenth f…
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Good Eatin -- Audiomorphs is an Animorphs podcast which is actually not so much a podcast as a bootleg Animorphs audiobook. Releases every Friday. Visit https://www.theapodcalypse.com/ Twitter: @audiomorphsAv Audiomorphs
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Chapter 11 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for listening!
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The Animorphs return to the Yeerk pool. Rachel goes for a swim. How do Yeerks communicate in the Yeerk pool? Can the Animorphs ever go home again? What's with all the meaningful falling in this book? Did the Beach Boys invent The Sharing's aesthetic? Support the show Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/anidorks @anidorkspod on twitter! S…
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Chapter 10 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for listening!
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Something Fishy -- Audiomorphs is an Animorphs podcast which is actually not so much a podcast as a bootleg Animorphs audiobook. Releases every Friday. Visit https://www.theapodcalypse.com/ Twitter: @audiomorphsAv Audiomorphs
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Chapter 9 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. I've been very nearly finished with this chapter since yesterday afternoon, but good golly, has it been unexpectedly hectic at my other job the past two days! So sorry for the delay! Thanks for listening!…
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*trigger warning for discussions of SA and SA-related imagery* The gang orders the happiest of Happy Meals. Rachel has a terrifying dream. Morphing into moles takes the Animorphs all the way from womb to tomb. Why is Rachel’s nightmare of being infested by a Yeerk so much more powerful than Jake’s experience in Book 6? Who invented the Gleet Bio-Fi…
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Chapter 8 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for listening!
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Book 4: Chapter 10: The Force Field
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1:14:04Dylan is trapped and the rest of the Humanimals and Mytaya scramble to help. Dungeons and Dracon Beams is an Animorph's Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventure with an entirely different team of Animorph's in an alternate homebrewed world. What would happen if the events of the Yeerk invasion played out differently? The players will shape their …
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AppleGrant Book Club Episode 80: GONE - LIGHT, Part 3
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1:26:05Welcome back to the AppleGrant Book Club, where we discuss Part 3 of “Light”, book 6 of Michael Grant's "GONE" series! In this episode, Kaycie is Patrick Stump, Alex is Patrick Starr, Tim is Patrick Stewart, and we all love you here at Anonymorphs Animals. Join us each month on the first and the fifteenth for new episodes of Animorphs Anonymous / A…
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The Cancellation of William Roger Tennant -- Audiomorphs is an Animorphs podcast which is actually not so much a podcast as a bootleg Animorphs audiobook. Releases every Friday. Visit https://www.theapodcalypse.com/ Twitter: @audiomorphsAv Audiomorphs
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Chapter 7 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for listening!
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Tall Enough to Pass as a Shoeless Woman (Book 17)
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1:01:28*content warning for self-harm and sexual assault imagery* The Animorphs survive a fruity, Freudian hellscape and infiltrate a mental institution. Meanwhile Miranda, Eddy, and Chris try to figure out what, if anything, in Rachel's past led to her self-destructive tendency to throw herself into harm’s way. What do you mean the nail is as tall as a t…
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Chapter 6 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for listening!
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Chapter 5 of The Underground, part 17 of Animorphs Aloud, a fan-produced read-aloud version of the Animorphs series. Thanks for listening!
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