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show episodes
Ciao, sono Francesco Conte, Marketing Coach. Aiuto Coach, Counselor e professionisti della relazione d’aiuto a raggiungere la visibilità che meritano. In questo Podcast ti offro strumenti di coaching e strategie di marketing per emergere come coach. Come Coach, miro a farti potenziare le tue risorse interiori e guidarti all’autonomia. Come Marketer, ti fornisco gli strumenti adeguati per navigare nel mondo del digital marketing e valorizzare la tua unicità. Il mio successo risiede nel vedere ...
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Strum and Drum

Strum and Drum

A weekly podcast discussion between two music educators on music, education and ideas. Hosted by Dave Donoghue of Kaizen Guitar Academy and Éimhin Cradock of Drumadore.
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Co-directed by Ursula Sullivan and Joanna Strumpf, the gallery operates a dynamic exhibition program representing over 40 artists and estates across its Sydney and Melbourne spaces, as well as its itinerant programming in Singapore and London. Regularly consulting to major public and private museums, Sullivan+Strumpf acts in an advisory capacity to public and private collections internationally. With diverse, innovative and progressive programming with currently over 25 exhibitions annually, ...
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Strumpets and Flagons: an All-Trans RPG show

Transgender Game Adventures, The Doubleclicks

Pirates, lesbians, swords, boats. Welcome to Strumpets and Flagons, with Laser (the Doubleclicks), Riley Silverman (Star Wars author), Josh Closs (The Hartvane Chronicles), Ben Paddon (Jump Leads) and Rebecca McGlynn (Asexuality! the solo musical), playing Thirsty Sword Lesbians from Evil Hat Games!
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Welcome to "Strum Pluckin' Good Live", the podcast that takes you on a culinary journey like no other. Join us as we explore the world of cooking and barbecue enthusiasts, and delve deep into the hottest topics and trends in the food and BBQ community. Our podcast features exclusive interviews with top manufacturers in the food and BBQ industry, renowned chefs, social media influencers, and other notable figures in the world of food. We'll get up close and personal with the people behind the ...
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Tune in to hear two friends discuss all the steamy (and sometimes tepid) details of the regency romance genre. Join us each episode as we take a trip across the pond and into the past in search of swoon-worthy Happily Ever Afters! We talk about all your regency favorites like Julia Quinn’s Bridgertons or Lisa Kleypas’ Ravenels, plus we dive deep into exciting new releases from rising stars like Scarlett Peckham, Cat Sebastian, and Evie Dunmore. We’ve got full book reviews AND fabulous interv ...
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show series
Ciao, sono Francesco Conte, Marketing Coach e autore del libro Personal Branding per coach. Oggi voglio parlarti di qualcosa che potrebbe davvero cambiare il tuo modo di vedere il mondo: lo stress. Sì, hai capito bene… lo stress! Quello che pensi sia il tuo peggior nemico potrebbe diventare il tuo più grande alleato, e tutto grazie a Kelly McGoniga…
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Polly Borland is one of Australia’s most internationally recognisable contemporary artists. Famed for her early editorial work and portraiture, the artist today has shifted her focus decidedly to sculpture. Claire Summers spoke with Polly about her new exhibition with Sullivan+Strumpf, about the distinctive and disruptive visual language that has d…
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Oggi grazie a Tim Urban ti porto in un viaggio nel cuore oscuro della procrastinazione. Se anche tu, come me, hai mai rimandato un compito fino all’ultimo possibile momento, preparati a sorridere, annuire e avere qualche folgorazione lungo la strada. Urban è solito condividere un aneddoto: gli anni dell’università. Racconta di come, con una tesi di…
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Vuoi portare la tua professione al livello successivo grazie ai social media? Oggi ti svelo 5 strategie per fare dei social la tua arma segreta. Generare, Nutrire, Convertire Primo passo: definisci tre obiettivi chiave – generazione, nutrimento e conversione dei lead (contatti). Ogni tuo contenuto dovrebbe perseguire uno o tutti questi obiettivi. A…
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Oggi voglio parlarti di un argomento super interessante che ho scoperto recentemente: come essere più persuasivi. E no, non sto parlando di qualche trucco da venditore di pentole, ma di qualcosa di molto più profondo e scientifico. Mi sono imbattuto in un discorso di Niro Sivanathan, esperto in psicologia sociale e decisionale, che mi ha aperto gli…
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Emergere e far sì che le tue parole non solo arrivino, ma lascino il segno, è una sfida che tutti affrontiamo. Julian Treasure, esperto in suono e comunicazione, ci regala una mappa del tesoro su come rendere il nostro modo di parlare non solo ascoltabile, ma irresistibile. La Voce Umana è uno Strumento Incredibile Prima di tutto, amici, ricordiamo…
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Ti piacerebbe saper comunicare come un pro? Celeste Headlee, giornalista e autrice americana, ti propone dieci regole fondamentali per migliorare le tue capacità conversazionali. Ecco una sintesi di queste preziose regole: 1. Sii Presente La regola numero uno per migliorare le tue capacità conversazionali? Semplice: essere completamente presenti ne…
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Il segreto per ottenere quello che vuoi? Jennifer Cohen, speaker, autrice ed esperta di fitness, ha una teoria su come superare le sfide e perseguire i propri sogni. Attraverso la sua esperienza personale e il suo spirito intraprendente, ci offre una prospettiva unica sull’importanza dell’audacia e della determinazione nella ricerca del successo. E…
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Ci troviamo un po’ tutti a lottare con comportamenti che vorremmo cambiare, sia che si tratti di un obiettivo personale o, come nel nostro ruolo di Coach e Counselor, di guidare gli altri verso un cambiamento positivo. In questo obiettivo ci da una mano Tali Sharot. Chi è Tali Sharot? Tali Sharot è una neuroscienziata e psicologa cognitiva britanni…
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Come Coach o semplice appassionato di Crescita Personale, non hai scuse; se non hai ancora letto “Come Trattare gli Altri e Farseli Amici” di Dale Carnegie, fallo subito! Questo capolavoro senza tempo è una risorsa indispensabile per chiunque desideri migliorare le proprie relazioni personali e professionali, e un must-read di chi si occupa di rela…
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Dan Pena, figura autorevole nel mondo del successo imprenditoriale, sottolinea l’importanza di concentrare gli sforzi su pochi progetti chiave piuttosto che disperdersi su molteplici iniziative. Questa filosofia, nota come “concentrazione laser”, rappresenta un principio cruciale per coloro che aspirano a realizzare successi significativi nella pro…
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Hai mai desiderato intraprendere un nuovo progetto, un’attività imprenditoriale o anche solo un cambiamento nella tua vita, ma hai sentito un brivido di paura impedirti di farlo? Se hai risposto sì, allora sei come molte altre persone che combattono la paura di iniziare qualcosa di nuovo. La buona notizia è che puoi superare questa paura e iniziare…
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Sai chi è questo Simon Sinek di cui tutti parlano? Beh, lascia che ti dica che è un personaggio incredibilmente ispiratore che ha catturato l’attenzione mia e di molte persone in tutto il mondo. Simon Sinek è un autore, oratore e consulente di fama mondiale, ed è diventato una figura di spicco negli ultimi anni grazie alle sue idee rivoluzionarie s…
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Conosci Tony Robbins? Chi non lo conosce! Tony Robbins, figura carismatica e catalizzatore di cambiamenti, è diventato sinonimo di crescita personale e successo. Con oltre quattro decenni di esperienza nel settore, Robbins ha lasciato un’impronta profonda nell’ambito della motivazione e della trasformazione individuale. La sua voce profonda e il su…
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Oggi ti parlo di un argomento cruciale nel mondo del coaching: il "Growth Mindset", o Mentalità di Crescita. Questo approccio può davvero fare la differenza tra “vivere una vita ordinaria e una straordinaria”. Vediamo insieme perché! Innanzitutto: Cos'è il Growth Mindset? Il Growth Mindset è una mentalità orientata alla crescita personale e profess…
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Sono un grande fan dello sviluppo personale e della produttività. Da anni leggo libri e partecipo a corsi di formazione a riguardo. Oggi ti parlo di ciò che ho imparato da Nir Eyal, esperto di strategie per sconfiggere le distrazioni digitali e migliorare il controllo dell’attenzione nella vita di tutti i giorni. Immagina la scena… Ti svegli al mat…
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Francesco Conte, Marketing Coach. 👉 Ciao e benvenuto al secondo episodio del mio podcast “Professione Coach: Strumenti di coaching e strategie di marketing per emergere come coach.” Ti sei mai chiesto perché a volte ti sembra che tutti ti stiano guardando, analizzando ogni tuo passo? Questo è l'Effetto Riflettore, e no, non se…
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Francesco Conte, Marketing Coach. 👉 Ciao e benvenuto alla prima puntata del podcast “Professione Coach!” Strumenti di coaching e strategie di marketing per emergere come coach. Iniziamo con un argomento super interessante: i sei principi della persuasione di Robert Cialdini. Questi concetti sono fondamentali, non solo nel mark…
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Today Kelsey is sharing a review of Julie Anne Long's newest book How to Tame Wild Rogue. This is the newest installment of her Palace of Rogues series and it checks all the boxes of why we love JAL! Join us on Patreon at! Subscribe to our email list to learn what we're reading next month, for fun extras, and more! Follow us…
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Join us as we get to know debut author Maureen Lee Lenker! Her debut novel, It Happened One Fight, officially came out on July 11th and it is everything you want a 1930s Hollywood Novel to be. Maureen and Kelsey dive deep into the archives as they talk about their favorite classic films, her journey to meeting some of the stars of Bridgerton, and h…
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While discussing Darling Beast by Elizabeth Hoyt and the garden that our main character was restoring, Capability Brown's name came up! Today, here's a tidbit about him, his life, and his contribution to the landscapes of England. The sources for today's episode include:…
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A grumpy retired highway meets a happy, frivolous Lord. Except this needs the highwayman to help him commit a crime. Kit Webb left that life behind, but that doesn't mean he can't help Percy learn what he needs to do to pull off the heist. As criminal lessons commence can the two contain the simmering tension between them? We're feeling the sizzle …
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It's Kelsey's favorite time of year: The Ripped Bodice's Annual Summer Bingo! Join us on Patreon at! Subscribe to our email list to learn what we're reading next month, for fun extras, and more! Follow us on Instagram @tnstrumpets Follow us on Twitter @tnstrumpets Find us on Facebook And subscribe to…
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This show is supported by Evil Hat Games. Show intro music by Becca and outro by Laser the Boy. Check out our cast: Josh Closs: Riley Silverman: Laser the Boy: Rebecca McGlynn: Ben Paddon:…
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Peggy has just convinced herself that she needs to find someone to love her as she is, when her former lover calls her back to London to ask a favor. Peggy is tasked with setting up her former lover with the new sensation in town, Orfeo. However, from the moment the two meet, the attraction is instantaneous. However, Orfeo has told Peggy that they …
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This show is supported by Evil Hat Games. Show intro music by Becca and outro by Laser the Boy. Check out our cast: Josh Closs: Riley Silverman: Laser the Boy: Rebecca McGlynn: Ben Paddon:…
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Zoë was lucky enough to get a few ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) of some upcoming Historical Romances that she couldn't wait to share! The books shared from today's episode are: How to Tame a Wild Rogue by Julie Anne Long My Rogue to Ruin by Erica Ridley Third Degree Yearn by Laney Hatcher Join us on Patreon at! Subscribe to o…
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This show is supported by Evil Hat Games. Show intro music by Becca and outro by Laser the Boy. Check out our cast: Josh Closs: Riley Silverman: Laser the Boy: Rebecca McGlynn: Ben Paddon:…
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This novella may have more letters in it's title than pages! Despite it's long name, this novella is a gem of a story that follows the meeting and eventual romance between Mr. Right and Miss Eliza Cade. They are kindred spirits who find themselves thrown together over the years and at each meeting grow closer. Join us as we read, The Scandalous, Di…
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This show is supported by Evil Hat Games. Show intro music by Becca and outro by Laser the Boy. Check out our cast: Josh Closs: Riley Silverman: Laser the Boy: Rebecca McGlynn: Ben Paddon:…
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So there's a tiny human entering your orbit and you'd like to get them some books and/or read to them! Today, book lover and mother of two, Zoë, shares her top picks that are sure to instill a love of reading into any baby right from the start! The books shared from today's episode are: Global Babies by The Global Fund for Children Moo, Baa, La La …
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This show is supported by Evil Hat Games. Show intro music by Becca and outro by Laser the Boy. Check out our cast: Josh Closs: Riley Silverman: Laser the Boy: Rebecca McGlynn: Ben Paddon:…
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Well, listeners, it finally happened to us! Kelsey accidentally recorded with the wrong mic, so while our audio isn't quite the quality you're used to, the content still is! James Trevellion has been Lady Phoebe Batten's bodyguard for almost a year. While his presence seemed just another way for her brother to limit her freedom, she reconsiders his…
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This show is supported by Evil Hat Games. Show intro music by Becca and outro by Laser the Boy. Check out our cast: Josh Closs: Riley Silverman: Laser the Boy: Rebecca McGlynn: Ben Paddon:…
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We do Regency Romance here but sometimes, a book is too good not to share. This is my review of Mazey Eddings's newest book, The Plus One. It's so good! Pick up any of Mazey's books, right here! Join us on Patreon at! Subscribe to our email list to learn what we're reading next month, for fun extras, and more! Follow us on I…
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Ana María has just arrived in England after being sent away by her parents in order to avoid being a pawn of the French during their occupation of Mexico. Gideon is an MP with rising political career. Although they know they should stay away from each other both Ana María and Gideon constantly find themselves thrown together. When the threat in Mex…
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Your Gay Master is Josh Closs and your crew is: Riley Silverman, Becca McGlynn, Ben Paddon and Laser the Boy. Thanks for joining us on this new adventure! This show is supported by Evil Hat Games. Show intro music by Becca and outro by Laser the Boy. Check out our cast: Josh Closs: Riley Silverman: http://rileysilverman.carrd…
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Regency Romance is the term we hear the most, but what defines the Regency? Why is it called that? And what's the difference between Regency, Georgian, and Victorian? Zoë is here today with a brief, macro overview of these three eras, and a few romance book recommendations if you want to dip your toes into each! Thank you to the following sources, …
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Welcome to episode 3! Your Gay Master is Josh Closs and your crew is: Riley Silverman, Becca McGlynn, Ben Paddon and Laser the Boy. Thanks for joining us on this new adventure! This show is supported by Evil Hat Games. Show intro music by Becca and outro by Laser the Boy. Check out our cast: Josh Closs: Riley Silverman: http:…
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Vere Alwyn Mallory is the last of the Mallory Hellions and the last of the male heirs to the Dukedom of Ainswood. He has been on course of self-destruction but just when he's ready to give up or pull himself out, he meets Miss Lydia Grenville. Lydia is a well known journalist and has a reputations for being the woman every man wants to tame, but no…
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Welcome to episode 2! Your Gay Master is Josh Closs and your crew is: Riley Silverman, Becca McGlynn, Ben Paddon and Laser the Boy. Thanks for joining us on this new adventure! This show is supported by Evil Hat Games. Show intro music by Becca and outro by Laser the Boy. Check out our cast: Josh Closs: Riley Silverman: http:…
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This character creation episode of Strumpets and Flagons is our very first and we hope you enjoy it! Your Gay Master is Josh Closs and your crew is: Riley Silverman, Becca McGlynn, Ben Paddon and Laser the Boy. Thanks for joining us on this new adventure! This show is supported by Evil Hat Games. Show intro music by Becca and outro by Laser the Boy…
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I went down the Booktok and Bookstagam rabbit hole last year. Now I'm in the middle of SO MANY SERIES! Here are the ones I need the next book for yesterday. Join us on Patreon at! Subscribe to our email list to learn what we're reading next month, for fun extras, and more! Follow us on Instagram @tnstrumpets Follow us on Twi…
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