Bluebells Forever Podcast
Eric Brown, the author of The Backside of Paris, shares a fabulous, humorous and heartfelt view of his life at The Lido de Paris and beyond. His book The Backside of Paris can be found on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Backside-Paris-Roles-Revelries-Brown-ebook/dp/B0DPBPC94N?crid=2UAA1P7YLDV2D&sprefix=backside+of+paris+%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-1 www.amazon.com/Bluebells-Forever…ast/dp/B0CJXCPB4P NEW WEBSITE www.bluebellsforeverpodcast.com Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to see photos and updates www.instagram.com/bluebells_forever/ www.facebook.com/Bluebells-Forever-100660515010096…