Are you feeling overwhelmed and disconnected? In this episode, we dive deep into the powerful practices of Sabbath and Lent to discover how they can revitalize your soul. First, we explore the true meaning of Sabbath – it's not just a day off, but a deliberate act of rest, work, refuelling and reconnection with God. Learn practical ways to incorporate Sabbath into your life and experience the profound benefits of slowing down and how this can deepen your relationship with God. Then, as we enter the season of Lent, this week, we go beyond the typical "giving something up" to explore the profound spiritual benefits of this season. We'll delve into Isaiah 58 to discover the true heart of fasting, avoiding the pitfalls of mere performance and unlocking the incredible promises God offers. We'll also discuss how the discipline of Lent, coupled with the practice of Sabbath, can daily transform us, putting to death our old selves and drawing us closer to the likeness of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Get ready for a Lenten season that will enhance your relationship with God, each other and with yourself! Discover how fasting, done with the right heart, can transform your relationship with God and others. Join us as we explore how these ancient practices can lead to a more intimate and fulfilling life!…