"And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. And angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified." Luke 2:8-9 We are kicking off part three of our teaching series, Christmas at Journey, with guest speaker Geoff Surratt. This series is about finding peace and a calling in the middle of the craziness of the holiday season! This message takes a closer look at characters that often get overlooked—the shepherds. If you look through the Bible, especially the context of the Old Testament, you will see that shepherds play a key role in the beginning to the end of the Bible. Adam and Eve's son Abel was the first shepherd. Moses, the man who delivered the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. King David, the second king of Israel, and before he became king, his role was a shepherd. Often, Jesus refers to himself as the "Good Shepherd." Why should we pay attention to what a shepherd does? Because they are always there for their sheep. They don't run away or abandoned their sheep. Shepherds know their sheep, they lead their sheep, they provide for their sheep, and they protect their sheep. Have you had someone in your life who has filled the role of shepherd? Someone who has been there for you, cared for you and walked with you. Key Verses: Luke 2:8-15, John 10:14, John 10:2-4, John 10:10-11, Psalms 23:1-3, Isaiah 40:11, John 10:7-9, Psalms 23:4, Message notes online, watch the video, or share the podcast at: https://journeycolorado.com/messages/…