Which Came First Children's Book Reader or Children's Book Author?
Manage episode 439227907 series 3550417
Today's episode is based on "Which Came First, Chicken or the Egg?"
Several years ago, scientists tried to prove which came first, and according to their research, the chicken came first. It had to do with cell formation, but I don't want to get too far down that Chicken Hole, lol!
That data was reported as evidence that the chicken was first, but even the scientists whose study it was weren't too convinced, with one of them calling the question "fun but pointless."
At the end of the day, as a children's book reader and author, I thought having fun was the point.
We, as humans, have always been inquisitive.
For the first several years of their lives, our children have asked us, as parents, grandparents, teachers, etc., many questions about ourselves and the world.
Whether you come to our podcast show as a children's book reader or author, you are both critical to the world of children's books.
As children's book authors, we have constantly been challenged to decide which comes first: books or websites.
When we wrote our first book and knew we were going to self-publish, we had to think about ways we would be able to market the book.
If you can support us in any way, please click on the Tips in the Cookie Jar: " link; we appreciate all contributions.
We liked Amazon's platform to self-publish and sell our children's book; however, as a self-published author, you need to hit certain review levels on Amazon to get additional support from Amazon to support your book.
Even though your sales as a children's book author are excellent on Amazon, the thing that helps is the 4—and 5-star reviews. Why, and what is the Big Deal? Get you more support; the answer, as Amazon describes it, is simple: it is all about the algorithms.
Ratings and reviews tell the algorithms on Amazon that a book is well-liked and a good buy.
On Amazon, when an author receives 25 ratings for their book, Amazon automatically boosts the book in search results (so it shows up with more than just an exact title or author match).
You are trying to get your Children's Book written and illustrated as an author; however, how will readers, your audience and purchasing supporters find you without effective marketing?
Without your website, you can get lost in the avalanche of children's books published daily.
We launched our Children's Book, The Adventures of Kaboose the Rocky Mountain Bear, a few months before our website, www.kaboosetherockymountainbear.com.
We are proud of our website and receive excellent comments; you must keep giving people a reason to return to it repeatedly.
We have made our website the home of our podcast show, Adventures in the Heart of Children's Book Authors.
We are always interested in the opinions of Children's Book Readers and Children's Book Authors on how we can improve our website and podcast show; please send your comments to [email protected].
Mentioned in this episode:
Bailey Introduction to Adventures in the Heart of Children's Book Authors
Introduction to a Family of Children's Book Authors
Welcome to the Adventures in the Heart of Children's Book Authors podcast. Although a show focuses on children's book authors, our goal is to connect with children's book readers. With many podcast shows in the world, why this podcast? It's all about the story behind the story. The big difference between children's book authors and most authors, we all start out as children's book readers. Most of us have heard or read the stories of Mother Goose, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Sleeping Beauty, and many more children's stories. If our podcast show can let children's book authors share how they brought their stories to life, including the inspiration behind the story, the characters, the lessons, and the moral of the story, our goal can be achieved. This introduction helps readers reaffirm if this is a children's book they wish to support and bring into their home library. In the first 10 episodes we will introduce you to the unique group of children's book authors, a grandpa, a grandma, and five grandchildren. Does this sound like a children's book? It's actually our story. Together, we are the authors and co authors of The Adventures of Kaboose, the Rocky Mountain Bear children's book series. Furthermore, we have also taken on the roles, narrators, contributors, and editors for print, digital, and audio books evolving into self published book authors. It is like we are the Cinderellas in our own story. Our journey as children's book authors has been a continuous learning experience and we are thrilled to share the skills we've acquired with other authors in the field. These skills will encompass various aspects of children's book publishing, marketing, distribution, and sales. Although we hope you will consider purchasing our children's book, The Adventures of Kaboose the Rocky Mountain Bear, we understand that as parents or grandparents, you may seek different lessons and morals and perspectives in the stories you support. As authors, we acknowledge that considering our diverse world, we can't cater to all readers preferences. Nonetheless, we aspire to bring the world of children's literature to your reading space. We trust that you will enjoy and find value in this podcast show. We have a strong desire to grow and get better. We'd love a rating and review of each episode. It's a simple process. Scroll down past all episodes to rating and review section. We'd love to hear from you. Cheers and now on with the show.
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