[幼教老師玩外文]#95 Fun in the Sun
Manage episode 330987899 series 3357065
Fun in the Sun – by Marv Alinas
Illustrated by Kathleen Petelinsek
Sun 太陽
Pun 俏皮話
Warm 溫暖的
Today I am going to have some fun.
I will go play in the sun.
My dad jokes.
He makes a pun.
I smile.
My dad likes to have fun.
I go outside.
I start to run.
I like to run in the warm sun.
Where should I run?
I run past the bakery.
I see a bun.
The bun is sitting in the sun.
I go inside.
I buy the bun.
Eating the bun will be fun!
I run with my bun.
Now it is time to eat my bun.
I will eat my bun in the warm sun.
Now where should I run?
I run home in the warm sun.
It is fun to run in the sun!
Boys and girls, do you like to run? Do you like buns?
What kind of buns do you like? You may talk about it with your parents.
Quiz time.
Number one: How is the girl feeling at the beginning of the story?
Upset? Excited? Or sad?
Number two: What does she do first?
Swim in the sun? Run in the sun? or Take a nap?
Run in the sun.
Number three: Where does she go?
She goes to the park? She goes to the bakery to buy a cake? She goes to the bakery to buy a bun?
She goes to the bakery to buy a bun
Number four: At the end of the story she went ___.
Back to the bakery? To the zoo? Or Home.
Thank you for buying us a jar of candy! Mamimoon will read more stories. Your donation is greatly appreciated.
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