Megillah Shiur#40 YCQ - Jan 21, 2025 - What is the source for kavod habriyos? Is kavod hameis more important than kavod hachayim? Why are we obligated to observe rabbinic decrees? How should one allocate charity? When is there a chiyuv to learn torah? Can a nazir or kohen gadol bury anyone? If a relative died and was buried on yom tov shenei, does one observe aveilus on yom tov shenei? When does one not say- asei docheh lo sa'asei? Are relatives required to bury their relatives? When is one asei, docheh another asei? If there is no father, is the mother required to circumcise her son? Should one eat poultry, to fulfil a mitzvah? If someone confesses to a rabbi or psychologist, about an affair with a married woman, does the rabbi or psychologist, have to inform the aggrieved husband to divorce his unfaithful wife?…