Grab a chair and your favorite cup of Joe as you join Pastor Jaime Perez in an in-depth biblical study of scripture, laughs, life application, and growth for the honor and glory of the Lord. Romans 12:21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tome una silla y su taza favorita para el café mientras se une al pastor Jaime Pérez en un estudio bíblico profundo de las Escrituras, de manera divertida, aplicación de vida y crecimiento ...
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Jesus Buried in Joseph's Tomb - S2 EP42
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Joseph of Arimathea asks Pilate for Jesus' body and after it is bound in strips of linen with spices it is buried in a tomb in the garden where he was crucified. John 19:38-42 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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Jesús es Enterrado en el Sepulcro de José - S2 EP42
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! José de Arimatea pide a Pilato el cuerpo de Jesús y, después de envolverlo en lienzos con especias aromáticas, lo entierran en un sepulcro en el huerto donde fue crucificado. Juan 19:38-42 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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El Costado de Jesús es Traspasado - S2 EP41
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Un soldado romano, al ver que Jesús ya estaba muerto, le traspasó el costado. Juan 19:31-37 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! A Roman Soldier seeing that Jesus was already dead pierces His side. John 19:31-37 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús declara: “Todo está consumado, y después de inclinar la cabeza, entregó el espíritu”. Juan 19:28-30 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus declares that, “It is finished and bowing His head He then gave up His spirit.” John 19:28-30 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Mientras Jesús es crucificado, mira a María, su madre, y le dice: “¡Mujer, he ahí tu hijo!” Juan 19:25-27 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! As Jesus is being crucified He looks to Mary his mother and says, “Woman behold your son!”John 19:25-27 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús es crucificado y se coloca en la cruz un cartel que dice JESÚS DE NAZARET, EL REY DE LOS JUDÍOS. Juan 19:17-24 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus is crucified and a title is placed on the cross that reads JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. John 19:17-24 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús le asegura a Pilato que no tiene ningún poder sobre Él a menos que se lo conceda el cielo. Juan 19:5-16 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus assures Pilate that he has no power over Him unless given to him from heaven. John 19:5-16 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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Los Soldados Se Burlan de Jesús - S2 EP36
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús es azotado y le colocan una corona de espinas en la cabeza mientras la guardia Romana lo invoca como Rey de los judíos. Juan 19:1-4 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus is scourged and a crown of thorns is placed over His head; as he is called the King of the Jews by the Roman guard. John 19:1-4 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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Tomando El Lugar de Barrabás - S2 EP35
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús es presentado ante Pilato y los judíos y se les da la opción de liberar al Rey de los judíos o a Barrabás el ladrón. Juan 18:39-40 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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Taking the Place of Barabbas - S2 EP35
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus stands before Pilate and the Jews as they are given an option to either free Jesus the King of the Jews or Barabbas the robber. John 18:39-40 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Los jefes de los sacerdotes presentan a Jesús ante Pilato. Pilato no lo encuentra culpable de ningún delito. Juan 18:28-38 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus is presented before Pilate by the Chief Priests. Pilate does not find Him guilty of any crime. John 18:28-38 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Pedro se calienta junto al fuego y niega a Jesús dos veces más mientras Jesús es presentado ante el sumo sacerdote Caifás. Juan 18:25-27 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Peter warms himself by the fire and denies Jesus twice more while Jesus is presented before the high priest Caiaphas. John 18:25-27 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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Jesús Interrogado por el Sumo Sacerdote - S2 EP32
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús es interrogado por el Sumo Sacerdote Anás sobre su doctrina y sus discípulos. Juan 18:19-24 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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Jesus Questioned by the High Priest - S2 EP32
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus is questioned by the High Priest Annas about his doctrine and his disciples. John 18:19-24 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Pedro niega a Jesús por primera vez antes de que Jesús sea llevado ante Anás. Juan 18:15-18 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Peter denies Jesus for the first time before Jesus is brought before Annas. John 18:15-18 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús es llevado ante Anás y Caifás, el Sumo Sacerdote. Juan 18:12-14 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus is brought before Annas and Caiaphas the High Priest. John 18:12-14 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús es arrestado por Judas y un grupo de tropas y oficiales de los principales sacerdotes. Juan 18:1-11 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! esus is arrested by Judas and a group of troops and officers of the chief priests. John 18:1-11 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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Jesús Ora Por Todos Los Creyentes - S2 EP28
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús ora por sus discípulos y por aquellos que conocerían la Verdad por miedo de ellos. Juan 17:20-26 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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Jesus Prays for All Believers - S2 EP28
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus prays for His disciples as well as for those that will know Him through them. He prays that they will be one with Him just as He is One with the Father. John 17:20-26 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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Jesús Ora Por Sus Discípulos - S2 EP27
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús ora por sus discípulos mientras declara que ya no estará en este mundo. Juan 17:6-19 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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Jesus Prays for His Disciples - S2 EP27
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus prays for His Disciples as He declares that He will no longer be in this world. John 17:6-19 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús ora para ser glorificado, así como Él glorifica a Dios aquí en la tierra. Juan 17:1-5 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus prays to be glorified, as He is glorifies God here on earth. John 17:1-5 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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Jesucristo a Vencido al Mundo - S2 EP25
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús ya no les habla a los discípulos en sentido figurado, sino que les habla claramente y les asegura que ha vencido al mundo. Juan 16:25-33 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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Jesus Christ Has Overcome the World - S2 EP25
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus no longer speaks to the disciples in parables but speaks to them plainly and assures them that He has overcome the world. John 16:25-33 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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El Dolor se Convertirá en Alegría - S2 EP24
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Las palabras de Jesús no son claras para los discípulos, quienes tienen dificultades para comprender cómo ya no lo verán por un tiempo. Juan 16:16-24 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus’ words are not clear to the disciples who have trouble comprehending how they will no longer see Him for a little while. John 16:16-24 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús asegura a sus discípulos que es mejor que Él se vaya para que venga el Consolador. Juan 16:5:-15 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus reassures His disciples that it is better that He leaves in order for the Helper to come. John 16:5:-15 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús advierte a los discípulos sobre la persecución venidera y que serían odiados por causa de Él. Juan 16:1-4 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus warns the disciples about the coming persecution and that they would be hated for His sake. John 16:1-4 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús afirma a los discípulos que enviará al Consolador en su nombre. Juan 15:26-27 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus affirms to the disciples that He will send the Helper in His name. John 15:26-27 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús afirma a los discípulos que serán aborrecidos por su nombre pero esto será para cumplir las escrituras. Juan 15:18-25 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus affirms to the disciples that they will be hated for His namesake but this will be to fulfill the scriptures. John 15:18-25 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús enseña a sus discípulos lo que es amar como Dios y lo que implica una vida en Él para sus seguidores. Juan 15:9-17 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus teaches His disciples what it is to love like God and what a life in Him entails for His followers. John 15:9-17 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesús enseña a sus discípulos una poderosa parábola sobre la necesidad de estar siempre en Jesús para producir buenos frutos. Juan 15:1-8 RVR1960Av Thank God For Coffee
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We would love to hear your feedback so send us a text! Jesus teaches His disciples a powerful parable about needing to always be in Jesus to produce good fruit. John 15:1-8 NKJVAv Thank God For Coffee
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