The Big Take from Bloomberg News brings you inside what’s shaping the world's economies with the smartest and most informed business reporters around the world. The context you need on the stories that can move markets. Every afternoon.
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First Take is always a heated discussion as Stephen A. Smith and guests debate about the day's top stories.
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Presenter James Crawford looks at an author's latest work and delves further into their creative process by learning about the three other texts that have shaped their writing.
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Bez príbehov nie sú dejiny. Historik a učiteľ dejepisu, Juraj Jeleň, Kristína Paholík Hamárová a Dominika Pišťanská v podcaste plnom histórie a príbehov obyčajných ľudí.
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The news cycle doesn’t slow down, and neither does The Bulwark. Bulwark Takes brings you bite-sized takes on the news of the day from the entire Bulwark team, including Tim Miller, Sarah Longwell, and Bill Kristol, and more.
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Throwback Trivia Takedown is a podcast that pits to contenders head-to-head in a nostalgic trivia match-up.
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Join host Morgan Absher and her team of co-hosts as they scavenge Reddit, listener write-ins, and the rest of the internet to give their hot takes on the juiciest dating, relationship, life, and AITA stories. Morgan's IG: Listen to exclusive stories: Follow along on Instagram: @TwoHotTakes Check out our YouTube Channel for full length videos!
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We’re taking The Big Take to Asia. Each week, Bloomberg’s Oanh Ha tells a story from the home of the world's most dynamic economies - and the markets, tycoons and businesses that drive the ever-shifting region.
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A weekly Chinese language teaching show which covers the most frequently used Chinese words and expressions, dialogues, language tips, and stories behind the idioms.
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Join us as we dive headfirst into the world of motocross! In this podcast, a family new to the motorcycle industry shares their honest, unfiltered journey into the fast-paced world of dirt bikes and racing.
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Your weekly pub quiz in a podcast. Four rounds of bar trivia to play at home with family or friends. Test yourself with these questions on the daily commute or give your brain a workout while you jog around the park. Produced by the Bar Wars pub quiz - a quiz night that has been running in Hereford and Cheltenham UK since 2000. You can find us at Tips:
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Todo domingo uma nova história para repreender! Aqui falamos de fantasmas, true crime, mistérios não solucionados e teorias absurdas, mas sempre com um bom humor! E é por isso que Tá Repreendido!
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بودكاست «دُمْ تَكْ» رحلة صوتيّة توثيقيّة للموسيقى بمختلف ألوانها في منطقتنا. يُمكن الاستماع إلى الموسم قبل مواعيد النشر الأصلية عبر الاشتراك في قناة «صوت بلَس» مقابل مبلغ رمزي. يوفّر الاشتراك كذلك فرصة الاستماع إلى جميع برامج «صوت» دون إعلانات. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The new home of Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo. They’re back, and it’s bigger, and better and larger-er and more-er. Film reviews, TV reviews, and all your conversation around movie and non-movie related stuff. Plus a whole bunch of recommendations to watch in cinemas, on all streaming services and on physical media. As well as the film and TV reviews, Mark and Simon will be talking about anything and everything. Punctuation, Thunderbirds, obscure German pop music, fax machines, subtitles, MRI ...
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Popotniški podkast Ta nori svet ustvarja Andreja Počkaj (do 48. epizode je bila gostiteljica tudi Nina Puhek). V njem z gosti potuje po različnih državah sveta - bližnjih, dalnjih, eksotičnih, nedostopnih ... Države doživljamo skozi oči gosta in podajamo nasvete za potovanje.
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Välkommen till Sanna Guidetti & Rosanna Charles vardagsrum! Här har vi alltid högt i tak. Nya avsnitt släpps varje torsdag och söndag! Följ Högt i Tak på Instagram: @hogt.i.tak Klipps av Niklas Runsten @niklasrunsten
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A Weekly Manga Podcast where we discuss the finest 1st volumes of manga to help you chose your next favourite title and build your collection!
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Discussions with environmental educators from around the globe
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On "Pardon My Take," Big Cat & PFT Commenter deliver the loudest and most correct sports takes in the history of the spoken word. Daily topics, guests, and an inability to tell what the hosts might be doing will make this your new favorite sports talk show. This is a podcast that will without a doubt change your life for the better- guaranteed, or your money back. *Pretend a reggaeton air horn is going off right now* PMT. You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or ...
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Welcome to the Risk Taker Podcast—the podcast that celebrates the stories of daring individuals! Join us as we dive into the inspiring stories of successful risk-takers, those extraordinary individuals who fearlessly embraced opportunities and reaped the rewards. Get ready to be motivated, uplifted, and empowered to take your own leap of faith.
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A podcast about great rewatchable movies.
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A poetry podcast
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John Clark sits down and interviews the biggest names in Philadelphia sports.
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Follow the audio escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together as The Re-Slayer’s Take, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. Can Idrin, Farah, Heera, Frog, Timpani, and Poogs work together to overcome the plight of The Timberblight and its undead army? This all-ages actual play is carefully edit ...
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The Take is a daily interview-driven international news podcast hosted by award-winning journalist Malika Bilal. Each episode focuses on conversations with journalists and people directly impacted by the news of the day, offering our listeners the context necessary to understand what's in the headlines. With millions of global listens, it's clear the conversations we're having on The Take are worth hearing. And critics think so too. The show has won the Online Journalism Awards, the Signal A ...
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Get actionable leadership tips in roughly 2 minutes from Leadership Keynote Speaker and Productivity Expert, Ken Okel.
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Bush and Richie’s Daily Takeaway brought to you by Andy Bush and Richie Firth. The best bits from 3 hours of nonsense presented by 2 confused Dads. Plus, additional content exclusively for the podcast show! Weekdays from 4pm on Absolute Radio.
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Always Take Notes is a fortnightly podcast from London for and about writers and writing. Hosts Simon Akam and Rachel Lloyd speak to a diverse range of people in the industry on a variety of topics, from the mysteries of slush piles and per-word rates, to how data are changing the ways newspapers do business and how to pitch a book.
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C'est dans ta nature, le rendez-vous hebdomadaire de RFI avec la biodiversité. Reportages et infos sur les végétaux et les animaux, leurs comportements, leurs secrets, leurs rôles dans les écosystèmes et dans la mondialisation. Tout ce dont on parle ici, C'est dans ta nature !
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Noen kriminalsaker ryster hele landet, andre får politietterforskerne til å klø seg i hodet. I «TA Dokumentar» fordyper journalistene Juni Wendelin Fasting og Erik Edvardsen seg i noen av sakene som har engasjert, sjokkert og overrasket. Men «TA Dokumentar» er ikke bare krim, vi møter også mennesker med helt spesielle historier.
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roaming the internet
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Ici, on parle entrepreneuriat, psychologie et sciences humaines. J’y partage des ressources, conseils et connaissances pour que les entrepreneurs puissent véritablement se comprendre, travailler sur eux, communiquer avec les autres et réfléchir sur leur entrepreneuriat. Par Laura Besson, fondatrice de Bien dans ta Boite, coach & praticienne systémique, spécialisée des problématiques entrepreneuriales
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A podcast about ballparks and the baseball experience.
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Écoute ta fac est une émission de Radio Campus Orléans 88.3 FM. Retrouvez toutes les informations autour de ce programme à l'adresse suivante :
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Espen Thoresen snakker med ulike kjente menn om hvordan det er å leve med ADHD
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Bringing you recent lectures, classes, and programs from the Hadar Institute, Ta Shma is where you get to listen in on the beit midrash. Come and listen on the go, at home, or wherever you are. Hosted by Rabbi Avi Killip of the Hadar Institute.
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Takeoff is a podcast that will teach you how to save money and travel better. Join Bryce, Emily, Matt, and Travis from 10xTravel as they teach you the fundamentals of points & miles and dive into the latest strategies, deals, and news in the industry. If you want to travel more (and better) without spending more money, this show is for you.
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Anyone who has achieved greatness has, in part, patterned themselves after those who came before. Napoleon learned from Charlemagne, Charlemagne learned from Caesar, and Caesar learned from Alexander the Great. This podcast analyzes the lives of some of the greatest men and women to ever live. By examining their strategies, tactics, mindset, and work habits, How to Take Over the World helps you understand the great ones, so that you can follow in their footsteps.
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Politics, policy and a side of pop culture — Major Garrett serves up a balanced diet of serious discussion, humor and food...for thought.
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Real conversations about sports, music, social media, and entertainment.
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Phóng sự đặc biệt về nhiều đề tài khác nhau. Thế giới quanh ta. Các vấn đề chính trị, kinh tế, đời sống, xã hội và văn hóa của nước Mỹ và thế giới.
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Le podcast qui vous parle du 9ème Art et d’Animation, avec ceux et pour ceux qui aiment rêver à travers les planches de Bandes Dessinées et les Dessins Animés.
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55: 🛳️ Delo na luksuznih jahtah z Majo Novak
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1:26:16🚢🌍 Pripravljeni na življenje, kjer se vsak dan zbujate v drugem kotičku sveta? V novi epizodi podkasta se pogovarjamo z Majo Novak, ki je mnogo let delala na luksuznih jahtah in svoje izkušnje rada deli tudi na svojem blogu Si predstavljate, da delate na ekskluzivni jahti, ki pluje po najlepših morjih sveta? Maja Novak nam razkriva, kaj …
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9. september 2022 hørte naboer Kine Einarsen hyle i smerte. Hun sto i full fyr etter å ha blitt helt bensin over. Nå er kjæresten, Kjetil Melbye Mathisen, tiltalt for mord. Han er også tiltalt for å ti måneder seinere ha drept et av vitnene, kompisen Stig Kyrre Nybråten. TA Dokumentar følger saken i retten. See for privacy i…
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Emission du 12/03/2025Av Erwann Cochery
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R. Tali Adler on Parashat Ki Tissa: Who Does God Desire?
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4:58The Jews have every reason to believe Moshe will never come back. We’ve seen this play before, the last time with a father and son: a three day journey into the wilderness for sacrifice (the story that Moshe tells Pharaoh) at some unknown place, which turns out to be a mountain. We know this story, but the last time we saw it told, the main charact…
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Trung Quốc đặt mục tiêu tăng trưởng cao, nhưng thách thức vẫn còn hiện hữu - Tháng Ba 12, 2025
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1:59Hôm 5/3, Trung Quốc đặt mục tiêu tăng trưởng kinh tế ở mức 5%. Con số đó không thay đổi so với năm ngoái, bất chấp những thách thức kinh tế ngày càng gia tăng, bao gồm căng thẳng thương mại leo thang với Hoa Kỳ.Av VOA
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Table Ronde - Travailler sa posture, ça change quoi ?
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1:18:28Ca change quoi concrètement de travailler sa posture quand on est pro de l’accompagnement ?Aujourd’hui, je reçois dans ce format table ronde, 3 accompagnantes :- Clémentine Tourres, accompagnante au slowpreneuriat- Mathilde Arnaud, coach en affirmation de soi- Alice Mimoun-Perlot, sophrologueToutes 3 sont d’anciennes élèves de la formation Apprendr…
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Des pangolins morts ont été retrouvés par les douanes françaises dans des bagages en provenance du Cameroun. Partout sur la planète, des dizaines d’espèces protégées sont la cible de trafics. Une économie souterraine qui menace la biodiversité, mais aussi l'humanité. De la viande morte dans des valises... C'est une découverte dévoilée la semaine de…
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Neste episódio, mergulhamos nos detalhes do caso que chocou os Estados Unidos e o mundo: o desaparecimento e assassinato de Gabby Petito.
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Tommy Flåten, kjent under artistnavnene Tommy Tee og Father Blanco, er en norsk hiphop-DJ, graffitimaler og produsent.Espen og Tommy mimrer over nærradioens historie, og diskuterer moral og umoral i Hollywood. Tommy synes det er lettere å deale med folk som er litt mer til venstre for A4.På skolen var han en nysgjerrig kverulant og et uromoment, og…
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Bouillon de Bulles 10 - Bilan 2024 - Thomas Croisière
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1:11:34Bienvenue dans ce Décoince Ta Bulle spécial Bilan 2024 ! Aux côtés du Tom Cruise français et parrain de l’émission, Thomas Croisière, nous vous embarquons sur un océan de rires pour un tour d’horizon de nos coups de cœur de l’année. Installez-vous bien, ça va décoiffer ! TOP 3 : Thomas : · Revoir Commanche de Romain Renard aux Editions Le Lombard :…
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Due to technical difficulties, we haven't been able to upload today's full podcast, but we will be back with it ASAP!
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After weeks of uncertainty that ricocheted through markets, President Trump’s 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from every country in the world went into effect on Wednesday morning. Immediately after, Canada and the EU retaliated. Now, investors, automakers and American consumers are wondering how it will hit the economy. On today’s Big Ta…
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On the second hour of First Take, Mina Kimes drops by and debates with Stephen A. and Jason McCourty on if Josh Allen is under the most pressure to win a Super Bowl. Then, Kendrick Perkins joins the show to talk with Stephen A. about Mikal Bridges crazy 3-point buzzer beater last night against the Trail Blazers. Perk addresses how concerned he is a…
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Donald Trump: real estate mogul, master marketer, and the most polarizing figure of our time. How did he go from a brash young developer in Manhattan to the most powerful man in the world? In this episode of How to Take Over the World, we break down the strategies, mindset, and raw ambition that fueled his rise. ----- 00:00 - Introduction: The Farc…
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Stephen A. Smith, Domonique Foxworth, and Jason McCourty discuss the latest in NFL free agency news. They debate whether or not it would be a mistake for the Steelers to let Russell Wilson walk. Kendrick Perkins also joins the show to discuss if it's time to start favoring the Oklahoma City Thunder to win the title after their win over the Boston C…
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Ashley Walters & Erin Doherty on Adolescence
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1:18:59Vanguardistas have more fun—so if you don’t already subscribe to the podcast, join the Vanguard today via Apple Podcasts or for non-fruit-related devices. In return you’ll get a whole extra Take 2 alongside Take 1 every week, with bonus reviews, more viewing recommendations from the Good Doctors and whole bonus episodes just for you.…
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نشارككم حلقة استثنائيّة من بودكاست «عيب» حاورنا فيها الفنّانة رانيا الكردي. تنقّلت رانيا الكردي بين أدوار فنّية وإعلاميّة مختلفة في مسيرتها بين الغناء والتمثيل وتقديم البرامج، وشهدت على التمييز والتنميط والتحيّز والعنف ضد النساء في هذه الصناعة، ممّا صعّب مشوارها لكنّها لم تُحبَط. نصغي إلى تجارب صاحبة "شايف نفسك" في حديث معمّق وصادق مع زميلتنا راما …
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How to Keep Going When Hit With Sportsbook Limits and a ROUGH News Week for the Industry | Ep 94
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2:08:390:00 Intro 2:49 How to go from top down to bottom up betting 48:13 SAFE Act 1:01:38 Catastrophic week for Sweepstakes 1:13:17 Hardrock somehow not biggest sportsbook in Florida 1:18:44 DK to enter prediction markets 1:24:21 Should I be a bookmaker? 1:29:27 What to do with limited accounts? 1:43:15 Is peer-to-peer betting a good next step after gett…
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207: That's Unfair?! Ft. Angela Giarratana
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1:58:25Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Angela Giarratana from Smosh!! Angela knows a thing or two about what's fair or NOT.. and we really go through the moral dilemmas with this week's stories! From someone who uses their wife as a stress ball so he can fall asleep to someone who got a life insurance policy from an ex and the famil…
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Mahmoud Khalil and Trump’s war on pro-Palestinian activism
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23:36What led to the arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, a prominent pro-Palestine activist at Columbia University? Although he is a United States permanent resident, Khalil is facing deportation. The Trump administration says it's part of a broader effort to combat anti-Semitism, but critics see a chilling attack on political speech, with deportation being used …
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150. RoSonja flyttar ihop & Dyra presenter till barn
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44:09Instagram: @hogt.i.tak
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As Trump signals a warmer relationship with Putin and a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine comes into focus, optimistic investors and businesses are eyeing potential opportunities in a re-opened Russian economy. But investing in Russia is still a risky bet. On today’s episode of the Big Take, host Sarah Holder talks to Bloomberg’s Anthony Halpin…
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Jake Elliott & Braden Mann on Eagles free agency, White House visit & beer can field goals | Takeoff
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32:59This week on the Takeoff podcast John Clark talks with Jake Elliott and Braden after their Super Bowl win and as they prepare to face greatest athletes from across sport tee off in The PRO golf tournament for a $400,000 prize. 0:00 - Jake Elliot & Braden Mann getting ready for golf tournament 1:42 - Super Bowl Parade high jinx 9:42 - The realizatio…
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The World Economy Is In The Toilet! Does Trump Want a Crash?
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8:39Warren Buffett is pulling money out of the market. Jim Cramer is having a total meltdown. What is going on? Tim Miller talks about how Trump and his love of tariffs has thrown the world economy into chaos and why it’s not looking good for anyoneAv The Bulwark
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Hometime - The One With The Mystery Microwave Meals
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23:33What phrases would you ban from the workplace? Plus the guys speak to the person responsible for their big cycle ride.
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On another episode of First Take, Stephen A. Smith, Ryan Clark and Christopher "Mad Dog" debate whether Russell Wilson or Aaron Rodgers has more to prove. The guys discuss whether they'd be surprised if Shedeur Sanders goes No.3 in the draft. Brian Windhorst joins the show to discuss if he's sold on the Thunder and Cavs title chances. Louis Riddick…
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On this episode of First Take Stephen A. Smith, Christopher "Mad Dog" Russo, and Ryan Clark dive into the future of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Then, Stephen A. is joined by Brian Windhorst to discuss tonight's Celtics and Thunder matchup. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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New Poll: Trust In Trump's Economy Dwindles Amid Recession Fears & Tariff Chaos
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15:58Andrew Egger and Sam Stein react to comments from President Trump's Secretary of Commerce, Howard Lutnick, about a potential recession, as well as polls showing voter approval of Trump's handling of the economy declining.Av The Bulwark
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#6 - Sacramento, California Rough Guide ... New Vegas Renderings / Portland Ballpark Renderings / Target Field Changes / Marlins Sandwich (3/12/25)
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1:15:34Welcome to Take Me Out, the ultimate podcast about ballparks and the baseball experience. IN THIS EPISODE: News: Athletics unveil new renderings for Las Vegas ballpark. News: Portland, Oregon, backers show renderings of proposed ballpark. News: Twins announce upgrades at Target Field for 2025. Sacramento, California Rough Guide! What to do, where t…
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Virgin Atlantic Flying Club: How To Maximize Your Points & Miles
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59:00Are you taking advantage of the Virgin Atlantic Flying Club yet? In this episode, Bryce, Emily, and Travis break down the program's sweet spots and the incredible value it offers for points and miles enthusiasts. In this episode: 00:00 Introduction and Host Greetings 00:41 Travel Plans and Antarctica Adventure 02:18 Bucket List Travel Experiences 0…
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How to Prepare For Your Big Moments at Work
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4:50Do you ever feel like you need to improve how you prepare for your big moments at work? These are career-defining opportunities and you need to be at your best. There's no reset or do over button. Recently, I was inspired by this high level of performance while talking a group of specialized photographers. They [...] The post How to Prepare For You…
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With or without tariffs, China’s global rise is under way
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23:23Is this China’s renaissance? Despite a trade war with the United States, China seems to be bounding into a high-tech future, making moves diplomatically, militarily and technologically. But some Chinese regions are facing a weakening economy and the effects of rapid urbanisation. Will China keep rising? In this episode: Tony Cheng (@TLCBkk), Al Jaz…
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Michigan Head Coach Dusty May, NFL Free Agency With Pete Prisco, Winners And Losers From First 2 Days Of Legal Tampering + Guys On Chicks
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2:03:01NFL Free Agency has begun and we talk all the big names and winners and losers. Sam Darnold gets paid. The Bears, Patriots and Commanders got better and Memes is ready for Justin Fields in New York (00:00:00-00:25:24). Hot Seat/Cool Throne including Tiger Woods tearing his Achilles, Cooper Flagg’s mom being awesome and Big Cat’s 16 game streak comi…
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Hồi ức 5 năm đại dịch COVID: Những thay đổi và những bài học - Tháng Ba 12, 2025
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9:19Cách đây 5 năm, vào ngày 11/3/2020, Tổ chức Y tế Thế giới (WHO) công bố cuộc khủng hoảng virus corona trở thành đại dịch toàn cầu. WHO ước tính gần 15 triệu người mất mạng hoặc do COVID hoặc do tác động của COVID lên hệ thống y tế quá tải trong hai năm đầu của đại dịch...Av VOA
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Tesla’s Stock Crashes; Trump Stages a Bizarre PR Stunt
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14:08Sam Stein and Lauren Egan discuss another bizarre Trump and Elon interaction. They have an impromptu Telsa showroom on the lawn of the White House.Av The Bulwark
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The U.S. & Canada Trade War Remains Utterly Senseless
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22:36Justin Ling joins Andrew Egger to talk the escalating trade war between the US and Canada as negotiations and retaliations heat up, including threats to double tariffs and surcharge electricity exports. Follow Justin Ling's SubstackAv The Bulwark
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Trump, Musk bảo vệ việc tinh giản chính phủ liên bang - Tháng Ba 12, 2025
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3:16Trong cuộc họp Nội các đầu tiên của nhiệm kỳ thứ hai, Tổng thống Donald Trump đã bảo vệ các động thái của chính quyền ông nhằm cắt giảm lãng phí và giảm quy mô lực lượng lao động của chính phủ Hoa Kỳ. Phóng viên VOA ghi nhận tác động của những động thái đó cũng như sự phản đối từ các công chức liên bang bị sa thải và các nhà lãnh đạo Đảng Dân chủ.…
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China’s Power Play In the Indian Ocean
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13:07Mauritius and neighboring islands in the Indian Ocean are at the center of a great-power chess match involving the US, China and India. All want to use them as bases to protect shipping lanes and project military might in the region. On today’s Big Take Asia Podcast, host K. Oanh Ha is joined by Bloomberg correspondent Peter Martin to discuss the p…
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China’s Power Play In the Indian Ocean
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13:07Mauritius and neighboring islands in the Indian Ocean are at the center of a great-power chess match involving the US, China and India. All want to use them as bases to protect shipping lanes and project military might in the region. On today’s Big Take Asia Podcast, host K. Oanh Ha is joined by Bloomberg correspondent Peter Martin to discuss the p…
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Hometime - The One With Your Acomplishments
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22:00Your sponsored activities, an espionage game and bringing back the National Record of Achievement.
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On the second hour of First Take, Stephen A. Smith, Chris Canty and Shannon Sharpe react to the Colts finalizing a deal with Daniel Jones. The guys debate whether or not the Eagles should be worries about the Commanders. Kendrick Perkins joins the show to debate whether the Warriors needs to be in standings for a deep playoff run. The crew debates …
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