Welcome to the weekly podcast of The Vineyard Church led by Pastor Mark Pope. Our hope is to be a community that displays the love of Jesus while joyfully growing together as a family and passionately giving back to our local community and the world. To learn more, visit our website www.thevineyard.org
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The Vineyard Church Podcasts
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During this message, we look Daniel chapter 3 and the story of the blazing furnace. God intervened when... conviction was greater than compromise and pride became prevalent. This past weekend, Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two important points, as we began our new series, The Same God. This week, be encouraged to dethrone the pride i…
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During this message, we look at the armor of God in Ephesians chapter 6. We fight and win by... recognizing our enemy and utilizing our weapons. This past weekend, Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two important points, as we wrapped up our series, The Church. This week, be encouraged to utilize your weapons and fight.…
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During this message, we look at the fellowship of believers inActs chapter 2. In God's family, expect... consistent spiritual focus and lots of sharing. This past weekend, Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two important points, as we continued our new series, The Church. This week, be encouraged to be open-handed.…
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During this message, we look at Luke chapter 5 to see Jesus eating with sinners. In God's hospital, expect... a messy lobby and healthy friction. This past weekend, Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two important points, as we began our new series, The Church. This week, be challenged to take a next step in your spiritual health.…
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During this message, we look at Colossians chapter 3 to see Paul's instruction on Christian households. In a life-giving family... parents are humble and children obey. This past weekend, Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two important points, as we wrapped up our series, When Sunday is Over. This week, be challenged to evaluate your pos…
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During this message, we look at the Parable of the Lost Son in Luke chapter 15. The father celebrated his son… urgently, emotionally, physically, financially and in community. This past weekend, Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these five important points, as we continued our series, When Sunday is Over. This week, be challenged to celebrate the …
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During this message, we look at the story of Paul and Silas in Prison in Acts chapter 16. When my patience is tested… look beyond the “annoyer" and don’t be quick to quit. This past weekend, Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two important points, as we continued our series, When Sunday is Over. This week, be challenged to not be quick to…
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During this message, we look at the story of Jesus and the samaritan woman in John chapter 4. Jesus's endurance was connected to... secret spiritual food and clarity of vision. This past weekend, Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two important points, as we continued our series, When Sunday is Over. This week, be challenged to be lift up you…
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During this message, we look at the a passage of the parable of the shrewd manager in Luke chapter 16. When resources are limited... be faithful in the small stuff and check our loyalty. This past weekend, Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two important points, as we continued our new series, When Sunday is Over. This week, be challenged…
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During this message, we look at a passage in Isaiah. Start your week… without baggage and anticipating some wilderness. This past weekend, Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two important points, as we began our new series, When Sunday is Over. This week, be challenged to start a habit of preemptive prayer.…
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During this message, we looked at James chapter 1 to see the advice on reading the Bible. Increasing spiritual maturity means... exploring the Bible like a treasure hunt and bringing what you explore into action. Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two points during this weekend message. This week be encouraged to let your responses be for…
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During this message, we looked at Luke chapter 2 to see the story of Simeon's to seeing Jesus. Simeon's big day involved... a trusted guide and an aggressive moment. Pastor Andrew Kurtz guided us through these two points as we wrapped up our Christmas message series. This week be encouraged look for ways to be closer to Jesus.…
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During this message, we looked at Luke chapter 1 to see people's reactions to the presence of Jesus in the Christmas story. When Mary and Jesus showed up... Elizabeth got loud and John got happy. Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we continued our Christmas message series. This week be encouraged look to choose and share joy.…
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During this message, we looked at Matthew chapter 1 to see the work of the Holy Spirit in the Christmas story. In the Christmas Story, the Holy Spirit... interrupts plans and impregnates someone. Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we began our Christmas message series. This week be encouraged look for the things the Holy Spirit …
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During this message, we looked at Luke chapter 1 to see the foretelling of the birth of John the Baptist. The Spirit's activity... uses unlikely people and prioritizes relationship repair. Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two points as we began our Christmas message series. This week be encouraged look for the invitation of the Holy Spi…
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During this message, we looked at Luke chapter 17 for a look at the response of the men Jesus healed of leprosy. Exceptional gratitude takes... a unique mindset and an unbridled emotional response. Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points during our Thanksgiving message. This week be encouraged to express gratitude without limits.…
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During this message, we looked at Revelation chapter 6 for a look at God's control. God's control is... loose enough to allow pain and eventually going to take over. Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we wrapped up our Is God... series. This week be encouraged to trust God's timing.…
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During this message, we looked at Matthew chapter 25 for a look at God's justice. God's justice is... both good and bad and somewhat mysterious. Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we continued our Is God... series. This week be encouraged to not focus on eternity.Av Pastor Mark Pope
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During this message, we looked at a section of Jesus' teaching on worry in Matthew chapter 6. God's care is revealed when I... believe I am highly valued by God and reprioritize what I'm seeking. Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two points as we continued our Is God... series. This week be encouraged to not seek the kingdom of God.…
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During this message, we took a look at the story of the 12 spies in Numbers chapter 32. God was mad at... the "resisters" and half-hearted commitment. Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we continued our Is God... series. This week be encouraged to not like your spirit fade.Av Pastor Mark Pope
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During this message, we took a look at Paul's words to the church in Athens in Acts chapter 17. The proximity of God is... often closer than I recognize and regularly worth searching for. Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two points as we began our Is God... series. This week be encouraged to search for God in your everyday life.…
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During this message, we took a look at Genesis chapter 24 to see the story of Abraham's servant finding a wife for Isaac. Remarkable God moments come from... praying on the fly and general eagerness to act. Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we finished up our Runners series. This week be encouraged to examine your spiritual pac…
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During this message, we took a look at Genesis chapter 18 to see how the Lord appeared to Abraham. Abraham attracted God by... starting low and offering his best. Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we continued our Runners series. This week be encouraged to examine the quality of your own service to God.…
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During this message, we took a look at 1 Samuel chapter 17 to see how David's urgency helped him to defeat Goliath. David ran toward... the heavy action and and faster than his enemy. This weekend Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we continued our Runners series. This week be encouraged to live with urgency.…
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During this message, we took a look at James chapter 4 to see what it means to submit to God. The devil runs when we... submit to God and resist his schemes. This weekend Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two points as we continued our Runners series. This week be encouraged to submit to God.…
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During this message, we took a look at Luke chapter 15 to see Jesus' story of the prodigal son. The Father's urgency... Is remarkably retrained and accelerates with forgiveness. This weekend Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two points as we continued our Runners series. This week be encouraged to draw near to God.…
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During this message, we took a look at 1 Corinthians chapter 9 to see Paul's teaching on self-discipline. Healthy urgency includes... evaluating our pursuits and pursuing the right prize. This weekend Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we started our new Runners series. This week be encouraged to live with spiritual urgency.…
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During this message, we looked at section of Jesus' teaching on the "narrow way" in Matthew chapter 7. The narrow way requires... affinity for smaller groups and thicker skin. This weekend Pastor Kathy Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we wrapped up our Summer on the Mount series. This week be encouraged not to walk walk away from the…
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During this message, we looked at section of Jesus' teaching on judging people Matthew chapter 7. We make better judgments when we.... are careful and introspective. This weekend Pastor Kathy Smarrella guided us through these two points as we continued through our Summer on the Mount series. This week be challenged to look inward before judging tho…
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During this message, we looked at section of Jesus' teaching in Matthew chapter 6 in the Sermon on the Mount. Less worry is achieved with... a broader perspective and seeking God first. This weekend Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we continued through our Summer on the Mount series. This week be challenged to seek God first a…
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During this message, we looked at Jesus' teaching on prayer in Matthew chapter 5 in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus teaches us to pray by establishing... the best starting position and unwavering trust in God. This weekend Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two points as we continued through our Summer on the Mount series. This week be cha…
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During this message, we looked at Jesus' teaching on giving to the needy in Matthew chapter 5 in the Sermon on the Mount. A secret successful life is... quieter and it is rewarded. This weekend Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we continued through our Summer on the Mount series. Be challenged to prioritize eternity this next w…
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During this message, we looked at Jesus' teaching on loving your enemies in Matthew chapter 5 in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus approached "bad guys" with... generous blessings and extravagant compassion. This weekend Andrew Kurtz guided us through these two points as we continued through our Summer on the Mount series. Be encouraged to love big th…
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During this message, we looked at Jesus' teaching on oaths in Matthew chapter 5 in the Sermon on the Mount. Integrity increases with... pruning some nonessential words and basic reliability. This weekend Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we continued through our Summer on the Mount series. This week be encouraged to consider ho…
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During this message, we looked at Jesus' teaching on adultery in Matthew chapter 5 in the Sermon on the Mount. A lasting marriage requires... aggressive boundaries and spousal prioritization. This weekend Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we continued through our Summer on the Mount series. This week be encouraged to create bou…
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During this message, we looked at relational tension through Jesus' teaching on anger in Matthew chapter 5 in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus' clarity on relational tension: anger is a dangerous weapon and reconciliation requires initiative. This weekend Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two points as we continued through our Summer on th…
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During this message, we took a look at Matthew chapter 5 to look at Jesus' teaching on fulfilling the law in His Sermon on the Mount. When it comes to change… Jesus does not trash the past and Jesus definitely raises the bar. This weekend Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we continued through our Summer on the Mount series. Thi…
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During this message, we took a look at Matthew chapter 5 to see the the beginning of Jesus' teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus' big reveal disclosed... His bent toward blessing and spiritual plot twists. This weekend Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we began our Summer on the Mount series. This week be encouraged to re…
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During this message, we took a look at Genesis chapter 22 to see the story of Abraham being tested. Abraham modeled... stability through uncertainty and a healthy fear of the Lord. This weekend Pastor Andrew Kurtz guided us through these two points as we celebrated Father's Day. This week be encouraged trust God above all other wisdom.…
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During this message, we took a look at John chapter one to see the the story of Jesus inviting Andrew to follow him. Andrew's response to hearing Jesus led to... an immediate personal invite that was more than a drive-by chat. This weekend Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two points as we concluded our Influence series. This week be con…
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During this message, we took a look at the story of the apostle's being persecuted in Acts chapter 5 see their determination in sharing the gospel in the face of resistance. The apostles overcame opposition by... remembering their primary audience and celebrating some suffering. This weekend Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we contin…
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During this message, we took a look at the story of Daniel and the den of lions in Daniel chapter 6 to understand the influence Daniel had while living in Babylon. Daniel's influence was ... sustained by a non-negotiable pattern of life and rooted in a deep trust in God. This weekend Steve Huffman guided us through these two points as we continued …
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During this message, we took a look at Matthew chapter 5 to see Jesus' teaching on salt and light. When it comes to influence ... salt makes everything better and light exposes dark things. This weekend Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we started our new Influence series. This week be encouraged to love the people, and let you…
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During this message, we took a look at the story of Moses' mom in the book of Exodus. When faced with a difficult decision, Moses' mom ... loved him enough to release him and was invited to unexpected chapter. This weekend Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two points as we celebrated Mother's Day. This week be encouraged release your dif…
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During this message, we took a look at Jesus' warning against Hypocrisy in the book of Matthew. We can avoid hypocrisy by ... practicing what we preach and serving alongside others. This weekend Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we continued our Inside Story series. This week be encouraged evaluate how your servant heart is doi…
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During this message, we took a look at the story of king Belshazzar in book of Daniel. Belshazzar's choices pushed the limits and honored the wrong person. This weekend Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two points as we continued our Inside Story series. This week be encouraged evaluate the areas in your life where you are pushing the li…
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During this message, we took a look at the story of the rich young man in Matthew. When Jesus goes deep, he says give up the stuff and the opportunity is huge. This weekend Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two points as we continued our Inside Story series. This week be encouraged to put your confidence in God's goodness.…
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During this message, we looked at Mark to see the story of Jesus healing a possessed boy. Jesus got to the heart of the issue by giving a clear invitation and calling out what is evil. This weekend Pastor Steve Huffman guided us through these two points as we continued our Inside Story series. This week be encouraged to bring your problems to Jesus…
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During this message, we looked at the story of Samuel anointing David to be the next king. God chose David because of his heart, not his outward appearance. Getting below the surface takes... enduring some rejection and having patience. This weekend Pastor Mark Pope guided us through these two points as we began our new series. This week be challen…
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During this message, we look at Jesus' thoughts and actions after the resurrection. The post- resurrection Jesus is... promoting peace and noticeably personal. This Easter weekend, Pastor Mark Pope guided us through both of these important points as we celebrate Jesus' Resurrection. This week be encouraged to bring your scars to Jesus; let God resu…
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