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Rigshospitalet er hele Danmarks højt specialiserede hospital med behandling, forskning, udvikling og uddannelse i international klasse. I podcasten BeRiget tager hospitalets direktør Per Christiansen en samtale med en af hospitalets ansatte om netop deres fag og funktion. Du kan høre mere om alt fra TraumeCenter til kongelige besøg - og forhåbentlig selv blive BeRiget undervejs.
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Motive For Life Radio Show delivers many life lessons you can use every day. Hosted by Robert Christiansen, the Motive For Life podcast helps people struggling with confidence and motivation in a world that emphasizes self-worth through achievement and success. There is another way - achieving success through the inner game of self-worth. By lifting self-worth, you naturally approach every life challenge with confidence and motivation. In this podcast, Robert details tons of tools to bring o ...
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Kokke og sygeplejersker, rengøringsfolk og ingeniører, nogle med årelang uddannelse, andre med ingen. 22 overenskomster og endnu flere nationaliteter. Rigshospitalets Servicecenter er en sammensat smeltedigel, og fremtiden bliver endnu mere divers, for hvis centret skal sikre, at der er hænder nok, skal der tiltrækkes medarbejdere, som før har være…
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Rigshospitalet udskriver mange patienter til videre behandling på andre hospitaler, hos læger, i kommuner og i eget hjem. Den færd kan for mange være uoverskuelig, og Rigshospitalet er nødt til at passe på patienten hele vejen. Det skal den nyoprettede Enhed for Sammenhængende Patientforløb hjælpe med. Opgaven er blandt andet at beskytte de svagest…
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In this episode, Robert covers his second book, 90-Days to Higher Self-Worth. A companion to the best-selling book, The Bug in Our Brain, Robert assembles powerful daily exercises that break through the barriers to money, health, career, and relationship success. In this podcast: Where to buy the workbook Overview of workbook structure Step-by-step…
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Neuropsykolog og videncenterchef Anne Norup har i halvandet år stået i spidsen for Videncenter for Neurorehabilitering, hvor hun arbejder systematisk med at indsamle og formidle viden, der kan sikre blandt andet en mere bedre behandling og genoptræning af patienter med neurorelaterede skader. En udfordring, fordi det er et område, hvor der endnu fi…
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Overlæge Marianne Ifversen arbejder med genterapi mod kræft, hvor kroppens egne celler bevæbnes, så de kan opspore kræftcellerne og slå dem ihjel. Lige nu er det leukæmi, der er målet, men hun håber, at den kan udbredes til andre kræftformer, fortæller hun i en snak med Per Christiansen, hvor hun også afslører, om 35 års erfaringer som frivillig på…
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Zeynep Tümer er med egne ord ”vild med genetik” og forsker i de mindst mulige menneskelige byggeklodser for at kortlægge gåder bag sygdomme som ADHD, tourettes og epilepsi. Arbejdet er med til at lægge grundstenen for mere personlig medicin, der er i en rivende udvikling, og hun giver i en snak med Per Christiansen et kig ned i fremtidens genetiske…
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Raising our self-worth is the most important commitment we can make this year. When we raise our self-worth, we find more confidence and motivation to pursue our goals and move to the next level of our lives. Self-worth is the foundation, the roots of all advancement. Think about it - why would you pursue a goal if you didn't believe you deserved i…
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Body language is the dominant form of communication in business and in our personal lives. It reveals our true emotions and tells others what we really think about them and the situation. As a person who understands the power of self-worth and how to use it to level up your life, delivering the right body language is critical. In this podcast, Robe…
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Overtandlæge Thomas Kofod arbejder med at rekonstruere ansigter hos både børn og voksne og børn efter både sygdom og ulykker. Han fortæller om de nøjagtige reservedele, der i dag kan fremstilles skræddersyet til den enkelte patient, om glæden ved at følge patienter i mange år, men også om de smertefulde processer, der indimellem ligger bag de ofte …
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Overlæge og professor Helle Pappot forsker i systematisk patientinddragelse og oplever, at det ikke altid er selve den medicinske behandling, der er det mest centrale i et kræftforløb. Mange patienter har lige så meget brug for at få håndteret angst og andre livsudfordringer, der følger med en kræftsygdom for at komme bedst muligt tilbage til livet…
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Bob Doyle is an Executive Coach and the CEO of Boundless Living. Over the past 20 years, Bob has been helping people work with the Law of Attraction and transform their lives. He is best known for his role as a Law of Attraction expert and coach in the movie, The Secret. Since 1998, Bob has taught the principles of personal transformation through p…
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In this episode of the Motive For Life radio show, host Robert Christensen discusses the importance of sleep for motivation and productivity. He shares his experience and tips for getting a good night's sleep, emphasizing the need for seven to eight hours every night. Robert offers practical advice for establishing a consistent sleep routine and cr…
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Overlæge og EliteForsk-prisvinder Emil Fosbøl har set revolutioner på hjerteklapområdet på bare 10-15 år. Han håber på at være med til flere, men ondsindet bureaukrati og kærlighed til familien kan være uvelkomment og velkomment benspænd. Han fortæller Per Christiansen om inspirerende kolleger på tværs af fagligheder, om nødvendigheden af at lære a…
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Why reset your day? Because everyone has a bad day from time to time and we need to learn how to stop and reset our thinking. It is the ultimate in self-worth! Robert and Devon jump into tricks and tips they use to reset their day. Techniques to reset your day Swim Cold shower Breath works Meditate Take a walk Eat lunch (Daniel Pink’s book "When") …
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There are three important questions to ask yourself when you're facing or dealing with a challenge. As a discipline, answering these questions as honestly a possible is critical to the advancement and elevation of self-worth. They are: What Do I Need Most Right Now? What Is My Highest Good? What Do I Need To Let Go Of? Additional Resources: Downloa…
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Professor Jens Lundgren blev katapulteret ind i danskernes bevidsthed i kampen mod COVID-19. Han fortæller Per Christiansen i en stadig aktuel sommersnak om den pludselige opmærksomhed, om sit arbejde som forsker, der modsat megen anden forskning hurtigt kan implementeres og om de udfordringer, der venter i kampen for at skabe bedre, individuelle b…
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I want to thank everyone who has encouraged me to tell more of my story. In this podcast, I detail many of the troubles I created that led to my financial collapse and eventual recovery. It was not pleasant, easy, or something I would wish on any person. It was, however, necessary for me to learn about self-worth and the Red Zone. Hope this story i…
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We all have talked to ourselves in a voice that is critical and demeaning. It is really hard to break the cycle of negative language and understand that we have control over our thinking if only we knew how to make the change. In this podcast, Robert goes off the rails and drives home the truth that you are in control and it is your job to hijack y…
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Becca Ribbing is the author of The Clarity Journal and a coach. She's on a mission to help people break out of the cycles of uncertainty and struggle that hold them back. If you find yourself continually going back and forth about what to do next, she can help. You don't have to stay stuck. Get the momentum and energy you need to start moving forwa…
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Everyone has a superpower however we can get lost and diluted in the process of finding our personal power. Robert breaks down the five steps to finding your superpower. Believe you have a superpower. Seek to find your power. Align your thinking to the power. Prioritize your self-worth to develop your power. Work and good deep to build the superpow…
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Makeala Addell is a professed "army brat" and optimist. She coaches women on how to find their purpose, schedule, and plan time to attain their goal and do it with a positive mindset. Makeala holds an MS Education, Literacy & Learning Specialization and a BS in Psychology. In addition, she is an Associate Professional, International Coach Federatio…
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Jean Werner is a successful executive and leader for a national company, a mother of three, in a happy relationship, and completely content with her career and financial situation. However, when it came to taking care of herself, she was always the last person to think she deserved care or was worthy of it. In this intimate interview, Jean details …
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In our exciting series of self-worth interviews, Geraldine Campo is a designer in Miami, FL who decided to change everything. Losing 60 lbs, landing a dream job, and clearing her mind of negative thoughts were only the start. Geraldine has made the jump to understanding how to transform her life and putting these new self-worth techniques into her …
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Kim Porter was a very successful businesswoman, by all measures. However, none of it felt like a success. Her first business was "Makeup by Kim Porter," which has been featured in the top wedding magazines and blogs including, The Knot and Style Me Pretty. From the outside, Kim' was living the dream, but on the inside, she was dying. In this amazin…
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Dr. Wood discovered a more efficient and effective solution for trauma using modern advancements in the study of neuroscience and cutting-edge proprietary techniques. The result has been the development of a revolutionary approach to performance improvement referred to as TIPP and NEURO XP. Dr. Don Wood, Ph.D. developed the TIPP method after spendi…
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Jen Turner is an Intuition Coach, teaching people how to listen to their God-Voice and to act on it with confidence and purpose. Jen is an amazing professional coach and motivator, lives in Orange County, CA, and is the mother of two children. You can reach Jen at her website: www.jenturner.coAv Robert Christiansen | Motive For Life
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Everyone must learn how to get through obstacles and the power of gratitude to launch you through and beyond your obstacles is essential to a great life. To build a Grateful Mindset, use this practice: Make a gratitude list every morning Write 'thank you, thank you, thank you' when you finish the list Read your list out loud This practice will brin…
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Side hustles are a fantastic way to do what you love and make a little money! In this episode, we break down the principles of a side hustle including: Is it a business or a hobby? Do you want to make a profit? Is it a service or product? We also focus on professional and life coaching services and break down a scalable business versus a services b…
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How we value ourselves plays such a critical role in what opportunities we pursue that it can hardly be overstated. Self-worth is an ever-changing pair of glasses that broadens or limits our view of the world, colors every life experience, and propels us to take action or grounds us in stagnation. Self-worth is the foundation of all our choices, al…
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We all feel from time to time like we are stuck in the mud and don't know how to get started back on the road of personal progress. Sometimes, we just want to do nothing and get away with it. However, it does not sit well with those of us who want to build and create. Procrastination is a curse that eats away at the most important asset we have - t…
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Fabienne Sandoval is an award-winning author and life coach. Her first book, Twenty8: The Age of Power, was awarded Best Self-Published Spiritual Book of the Year 2019 in the Soul & Spirit Book Awards. Her works have been featured in a number of publications including Kindred Spirit Magazine, Vegan Life Magazine, and Mike Dooley's The Universe Talk…
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For years, I would go after my dreams, invest my time and money into a project, only to turn away when I was about to cross the finish line. It is seriously hard to find confidence in yourself when you self-destruct just before success. However, that is not how it is today. Through the transformation of my self-worth, I've been able to reprogram my…
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When you're locked up and feeling powerless over the fear in your life, use these four great questions to help you navigate through the emotions and free yourself of their crippling effects. Four key questions to ask: Is this true? Is this an old story? Am I prepared? What can I control?Av Robert Christiansen | Motive For Life
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No one wants to be addicted to bad food - it is your right to feel good about your body and to feel good about being in your body. However, many people struggle with the bondage of bad eating habits, to the point of an unhealthy lifestyle. However, we can change our relationship with food and break the habitual behavior of eating crappy through the…
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This week we discuss the 5 steps you can take to be debt-free and on the road to financial wellbeing. Nothing lifts self-worth faster than clearing up a financial obligation and these five steps are critical to helping you achieve your goals. Resolve to be debt-free Establish a free cash flow mindset Take inventory and prioritize debts Read "The Ri…
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We have a world of opportunities available to us - more than any other time in history. Finding a path that fits is often the most important decision we'll make and one that not easy. Who wants to waste time on a passion project only to find out it was not a passion? To help determine your purpose, answer these questions: What am I good at? What am…
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Susan, the founder of Foxley Fitness, is an author, certified life coach, and registered yoga master who has helped thousands of people live fuller, healthier, happier lives. Her books, TV shows, workshops, and hundreds of personal appearances have earned her a reputation as an inspirational motivator and a compassionate yet honest counselor. Susan…
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Learn the four steps required to be free of negative thinking. Robert goes deep into the addiction of negative thinking and into the practice of a beautiful life. As we get better and better at detecting negative thinking we have a choice to change our thinking to positive, loving compassion for others and ourselves. Through meditation and breathin…
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Hovedpine er en folkesygdom, men er ikke altid blevet taget alvorligt og mange har nærmest måttet skjule, at de led. Overlæge Jes Olesen, der netop har fået den prestigefyldte The Brain Prize af Lundbeckfonden, har bekæmpet den invaliderende sygdom i over 50 år og været med til at gøre Rigshospitalet og Danmark blandt verdens førende specialister p…
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Janice Bussing joins the Motive For Life podcast to discuss her journey of transformation from a successful stylist of the rich and powerful to a life dedicated to helping people discover their true purpose in life. Janice walks us through the discovery process of her clients and why unlocking the spiritual power within us is the key to true and me…
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The vehicle of success is what you choose to ride. The destination you pick is your choice, no one else, and it is up to you to point your vehicle in the right direction. Only you can determine the speed and destination of your vehicle - you are not a victim of others - you make all your decisions. Now, what vehicle are you going to ride? Where is …
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