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星座 zodiac sign 水瓶座Aquarius /əˈkweəriəs/, 双鱼座Pisces /ˈpaɪsiːz/, 牡羊座/白羊座 Aries /ˈeəriːz/, 金牛座Taurus/ˈtɔːrəs/, 双子座Gemini /ˈdʒemɪnaɪ/, 巨蟹座Cancer /ˈkænsə(r)/, 狮子座 Leo [ˈli:əʊ], 处女座Virgo [ˈvɜ:gəʊ], 天秤座 Libra[ ˈli:brə ], 天蝎座 Scorpio[ˈskɔ:piəu] , 射手座Sagittarius[sædʒiˈteəriəs], 摩羯座Capricornus [ˌkæpriˈkɔ:nəs] .…
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1. logical consequence 逻辑关系 2. making things clear; giving details 进一步解释观点 3. softening 弱化个人观点 4. showing one’s attitude to what one is saying 表明自己的态度 5. referring to the other’s expectations 关于实际与预期 6. gaining time 争取更多思考时间 (喜马拉雅文本功能抽风!小编很生气!想要查看完整的重点文本内容,请到口语救生圈微信公众平台,点击按钮!)
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星座 constellation 星座运程 horoscope 你是什么星座 What’s your sign (zodiac sign)? 水瓶座 Aquarius /əˈkweəriəs/ 双鱼座Pisces /ˈpaɪsiːz/ 牡羊座/白羊座Aries /ˈeəriːz/ 金牛座Taurus/ˈtɔːrəs/ 双子座 Gemini /ˈdʒemɪnaɪ/ 巨蟹座 Cancer /ˈkænsə(r)/ 渣男 Man slag/womanizer
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tighten your belt ballpark figure born with a silver spoon in your mouth cut one's losses at all costs make ends meet money doesn't grow on trees money talks laugh all the way to the bank Saving for a rainy day The best things in life are free (喜马拉雅文本功能抽风!小编很生气!想要查看完整的重点文本内容,请到口语救生圈微信公众平台,点击按钮!)…
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Describe a new skill you want to develop. You should say: what the skill is; how you would develop it; whether it would be difficult to develop; and explain why you would like to develop this skill. (喜马拉雅FM文本功能有误,同学想查看文本可关注官方微信平台,点击公开课收听,或关注荔枝查看完整文本。)
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尧帝,和舜帝可以这样说,Emperor Yao, and Emperor Shun;把皇位传给某人,可以用pass the crown/throne来表示;大禹治水可以说Emperor Yu tamed the flood,tame就是驯服的意思,也可以用在驯服动物上面,比如说Lions are too violent to be tamed in the old time; 元旦在英文里面,可以意译为New year,简单直接;受到大家的爱戴和尊敬, be loved and respected by all. London’s New Year’s Day Parade 胡里节,Holi Best wishes for the holidays and for health and ha…
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Describe an educational TV program. You should say: what the program is what type of program it is what contents it has and explain what you’ve learnt from this program. TV genres: sports, sitcom, documentary, soap, cartoon, travel or holiday, drama, news, cookery, reality TV, talk show, animal or wildlife, and lifestyle. Dragon’s Den…
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电影的种类可以用genre来表达, 比如my favourite genres include comedy, action, and sci-fi movies. 比较常见的一些电影类型有:动作片action, 卡通片animation, 纪录片 documentary, 科幻片sci-fi, 爱情片 romance, 音乐片 musical , 恐怖片 horror,惊悚片thriller, 犯罪片crime,喜剧片 comedy 以及剧情片drama。 《捉妖记》 (monster hunt), 《大圣归来》 (Monkey king, hero is back) 《煎饼侠》 (Jian Bing Man) 《港囧》 (Lost in Hong Kong) 《夏洛特烦恼》 (Goodb…
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Merry Christmas Christmas = Xmas 圣诞老人 Santa Claus 圣诞老人的麋鹿 Rudolph (the red-nosed reindeer) 圣诞赞美诗或者圣诞歌 Christmas carol 圣诞节袜子 Christmas stocking 圣诞节第二天 Boxing day 圣诞节大餐 Christmas feast 圣诞节期间的暂停营业,放假 Christmas recess
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Describe a person you know whose job is useful to the society. You should say: who the person is; where the person works; what the person does; and explain why you think this person's job is useful. Relevant Expressions: • Job • Work • Occupation • Profession • Career • Vocation • Calling 口语救生圈范例 I wanna say something about Uncle Li, who is a close…
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此刻我的内心几乎是崩溃的。 My world is trembling down.。 怪我咯~ If you say so… OR OK then, it’s my fault! 完美! Perfect! 重要的事情说3遍。 I had to say it three times just to make sure。 I can’t stress this point too strongly. 你说的道理我都懂,然而这并没什么用。 I hear what you say, but it means nothing. 人丑就要多读书。 Ugly people should read more. 世界这么大,我想去看看 。 The world out there is yet to be se…
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Describe a story someone told you when you were a child. • I’d like to talk about a fairy tale that my grandpa told me when I was little. Describe a party you would like to hold. • I’ve been thinking about throwing a … party for … at ... Describe something you do to keep healthy. • I’d like to say sth about jogging, which is something I’ve been doi…
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《I Dreamed A Dream》 There was a time when men were kind, when their voices were soft, and their words inviting. There was a time when love was blind, and the world was a song, and the song was exciting! There was a time, then it all went wrong. 《Stars》 Those who follow the path of the righteous shall have their reward. And if they fall, as Lucifer …
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Describe something you would do if you were given a day off. You should say: where you would go; what you would do there; who you would go with; and explain how you think you would feel at the end of this day. I haven’t had a day off in months, so the thought alone is thrilling! Without a doubt, I would plan to do nothing! I mean, I would chill out…
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Friday the 13th, also known as Black Friday, is considered an unlucky day in Western superstition.但是咱们今天要说的Black Friday不是Friday the 13th, 而是Black Friday – the shopping day. Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day. It has been regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the United States. Tip1:This is shopping 101. Remem…
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Cleft sentence Mike took Sally to the party on Saturday 1. It was Mike who took Sally to the party on Saturday. 2. It was Sally that Mike took to the party on Saturday. 3. It was on Saturday that Mike took Sally to the party. 4. It was to the party that Mike took Sally on Saturday. ● End-weight 长的、复杂的结构通常放在句尾 – 凸显信息的重要性 & 保持句子平衡 1.Children are some…
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Different ways of organising information: a) The storm blew Margaret’s roof off. b) Margaret's roof was blown off in the storm. c) Margaret had her roof blown off in the storm. Information structure:Normal order From “known” to “new” – from low to high information value Examples: ▲ I would like to talk about my best friend Jo. 1. He’s just got marr…
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InterNations: how to keep safe abroad General Safety Issues If you keep an eye on the local news and chat with local co-workers or neighbors, you will get a good sense of security threats and the political situation in your new home. Some countries are very stable while others face safety threats on a regular basis. Adjust to the current safety sta…
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A tale of two cities - Charles Dickens It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before…
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Describe a small successful company. You should say: what company it is; what it does; how you got to know about this company; and explain why you think this company is successful. ▲I wanna say something about a noodle shop that’s owned by an old classmate of mine, whose name is Lee. He and I, we go way back. We were classmates in middle school, an…
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1.Irregular plurals: child – children, penny – pence, foot – feet, woman – women, mouse – mice, tooth – teeth, goose – geese, person – people 2.plural same as singular: headquarters, series, crossroads, species, means 3.foreign plurals: analysis /sis/ – analyses /si:z/ (Latin); appendix /diks/– appendices /si:z/ (Latin); basis /sis/– bases /si:z/ (…
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常规变化一: 辅音+y结尾的单词,比如baby, lady, ferry, party, 把y改成i,然后加es,变成:babies,ladies, ferries, parties 元音+y,直接加s,比如boys, days, guys, donkeys 特别注意:如果这个名词是人名或者特别的names,即便是辅音+y结尾的,我们也是直接在y后面加s,而不做ies的处理。比如 Do you know the Kennedys? NOT…the Kennedies I hate Februarys. NOT…Februaries 常规变化二: 以-sh, -ch, -s, -x, -z 结尾的单词,变复数时结尾加-es 比如church – churches, crash – crashe…
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Describe a restaurant that impresses you. You should say: where it is; how often you go there; what kind of food they serve there; and explain why you like to eat at this place. Student Answer – why you like it there ▲I want to explain to you why I like to eat there. Firstly, because it’s a place for most of our friends to hang around, we can enjoy…
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第一步,读题,认真读题, 5-10秒。 Describe something important you once forgot to do. Describe someone you know who always travels by plane. Describe an environmental law you would like to see in the future. 第二步:选材, 5-10秒。 什么样地素材算是好素材:首先,应该是你熟悉的人事物;第二,不应该是一个太simple的素材;第三,在讨论这个素材时最好能加入你的个人感受。 第三步:take notes,30-50秒。 Describe a foreign country you would like to vis…
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Describe a foreign country you would like to visit for the first time. You should say: which country it is; how you got to know this country; what you know about the country; and explain why you would like to visit it. ▲I wanna say something about the UK, which is actually the place where I would like to pursue my further education. ▲I guess it’s s…
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首先,发音问题。/ðə/ :the snow, the book, the cat, / ðiː/:the ice, the end, the hour. 思考:well, he is the / ðiː/– uh – deputy commander. 强调:I’ve found THE / ðiː/present for him. ▲使用The的基本原则: 原则一: the = you know which one(s) I am going to the post office Is there a post office near hear? I don’t like the film. Let’s go and see a film. Did you wash the clothe…
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a famous person you knew from news. 女王的全名是Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor。英联邦的英文是commonwealth of nations 或者the commonwealth。 Commonwealth Games,英女王登基50周年,也就是Golden Jubilee。英国人在见到女王的时候,一般都会称呼其为her majesty。 王室的继位顺序可以用line of succession来表达,就是大家排好队哈,第一顺位就是 first in line. At present the first in line is Charles, Prince of Wales, followed by his elder s…
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Describe a time you borrowed something useful from others. You should say: what you borrowed; who you borrowed it from; what you borrowed it for; and explain why that was useful to you. ▲To borrow/lend ▲To rent/hire/let I wanna say something about a time I borrowed a small bag from a close friend. It was actually an anti-theft sling pouch that coul…
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Mary kept a pig in the garden. ★谁养的猪 Mary was the person who kept a pig in the garden; The person who kept a pig in the garden was Mary. ★Mary 养了个啥 A pig was what Mary kept in the garden; What Mary kept in the garden was a pig. ★Mary在哪儿养个头猪? The garden was the place where Mary kept a pig; The place where Mary kept a pig was the garden. ▲ 基本形式:it + …
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Describe a song that impressed you a lot. You should say: what song it is; when you first heard it; what the song is about; and explain why this song impressed you so much. ★ A song that’s impressed me a lot recently is called ‘see you again’, which was one of the songs in the soundtrack of an action film Furious 7, you know, the most recent instal…
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