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Gom Jabbar is the ultimate guide to the Dune universe for both longtime fans and newcomers. Join hosts Abu and Leo as they dive deep into every aspect of Dune lore, from Frank Herbert's original novels to HBO's television show and Denis Villeneuve's blockbuster films. New episodes every other Friday.
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Jabuticaba Sem Caroço

Jabuticaba Sem Caroço

O podcast que descaroça as notícias do momento e entrega o sumo das informações. De segunda a sexta, os jornalistas Thaiana de Oliveira e Arthur Neto conversam sobre o que movimenta o cotidiano desse admirável país nosso de cada dia.
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Welcome to Gridiron Jabroni! Tag along and enjoy the rants and takes from the hothead on Twitter known as @JabroniKev Follow us on Instagram and Facebook: @GridironJabroni Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gridironjabroni/support
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V podkastu se dijak(inja) pogovarja z izbrano književnico oziroma z izbranim književnikom o njeni oziroma njegovi knjigi, o tem in onem. Ne pričakujte strokovnega žargona, slišali boste zvedavost in sproščenost in drugačen pristop.
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On The Surprise Jab Podcast, Zachary Ruger (The Host) takes you through various topics from MMA to the latest sports story of the week. We discuss new topics each week, interview guests, and gain insight into certain fields. A specific focus on weekly UFC events.
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Audio recordings from Jabbering With Julie. We record the Jabbering With Julie Show, and also record interviews with interesting people! We are still covering what is happening in the Nordonia Hills area because Julie lives there. But we have recently expanded our borders to cover neighboring communities.
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The Jabber Jaw Podcast Show

Jessica Dawson Collier

Hosts Jessica Dawson Collier, Tyson Wheeler Deines, & Matthew David Smith discuss everything and nothing at all on a weekly basis. Now available on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChaScod7r8C-MRjiNQ91VIQ
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Stay current on JavaScript, Node, and Front-End development. Learn from experts in programming, careers, and technology every week. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/javascript-jabber--6102064/support.
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Jäbät ja Tunteet

Jäbät & Tunteet on yhteisö ja tunnemedia, joka kannustaa haavoittuvaisuuteen ja tunneilmaisuun sekä pyrkii laajentamaan miehenä olemisen malleja. Keskustelemme jäbistä ja tunteista, mielenterveydestä, rakkaudesta ja parisuhteista, yksinäisyydestä ja ystävyydestä, ilosta ja surusta, häpeästä ja kiitollisuudesta – kaikesta siitä mitä miehenä oleminen on nyt, ja mitä se voisi kenties olla tulevaisuudessa. Jos tykkäät podista, ota meidät seurantaan Spotifyssa, somessa ja liity Telegram-yhteisöön ...
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Jabari’s Wisdom

Jabari’s Wisdom

Have you ever wondered what philosophers like Plato and Aristotle would have said about modern day events? Well look no further I, Jabari, am the second coming of wisdom of the old ages. Jesus and Buddha flow through my mind and use me as a vessel to spread their truths. This podcast is more than just fools talking about stuff they know nothing about. This is a movement. THIS IS.....Jabari’s Wisdom Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jabariwisdom/support
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Jabba🌏World is a podcast that allows Jabba to freely and creatively discusses anything that comes to his mind. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jabbaworld/support
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Just Jabba talking about basic shit Insta: Jabba_speaks98 Twitter: Jabba_speaks98 Snapchat: caro_terrazas16 Tictok: Jabbaspeaks98 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/caro-terrazas/support
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show series
We are joined today by the knowledge seeker Ryan Neihart. Ryan is knowledgeable in a wide array of topics and enjoys diving deeper into “conspiracy theories”. We discuss the secret groups of Bohemian Grove and the Skull & Bones Society and the men who belong to these clubs. We also dive into the subconscious mind and how frequencies alter our bodie…
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In a battle for your eternal soul, we cover the trapping apparatuses posing as religions. How to identify them, why most have a very obvious reference to Jesus Christ in some way, and why you need to read the Word. We look at the Bible and the current state of dating for Godly men.Av THE_JAB_REPORT
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Harold Hongju Koh of Yale Law School discusses his new book, The National Security Constitution for the 21st Century, which examines the structural and systemic reasons for the dangerously increased strength of the executive branch of government in the U.S., and its implications for American use of force, foreign relations, and international law. W…
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O aumento na circulação de turistas e de chuvas de verão, que acabam levando mais sujeira e esgoto para o mar, resultam em praias impróprias para banho. O surto de virose registrado recentemente no litoral de São Paulo, especialmente nas cidades de Guarujá e Praia Grande, reforçou a importância dos banhistas estarem atentos à qualidade da água das …
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Hey, everyone. Welcome back to another exciting episode of JavaScript Jabber, part of the Top End Devs Network. I'm your host, Charles Max Wood, joined by our amazing panelist, Dan Shappir. In this episode, we dive into the latest developments in the world of JavaScript as we kick off a new year. You might recall we covered this topic about a year …
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Boa parte da população brasileira não compreende a denominação correta de um cientista e qual sua contribuição para a sociedade. Para muitos, pessoas ligadas à ciência são as que estão envolvidas com ciência espacial, levando a um esvaziamento do trabalho de pesquisadores que produzem conhecimento em áreas específicas relacionadas à biologia, saúde…
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Com pautas relacionadas aos direitos humanos, partidos de esquerda sempre foram fortes nas periferias do Brasil, contando com o apoio de líderes comunitários. No entanto, com o avanço de partidos de centro na política nacional, as periferias também viram o crescimento do centrão no apoio às lideranças e no contato com os moradores, ocasionando uma …
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V tokratni oddaji podkasta sem gostila pedagoginjo, pripovedovalko in učiteljico Jerco Cvetko. Glavna tema najinega pogovora je bil roman Padam na besede, kjer nas avtorica kot v gledališču kamišibaj vodi skozi zgodbo 40-letne Iris, ki se ji življenje čez noč obrne na glavo. V iskanju same sebe se znajde v veliko bolj in manj prijetnih situacijah; …
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O aumento de 7,5% no valor do salário mínimo em 2025 valerá a partir de fevereiro. O cálculo já usa a nova fórmula que foi aprovada como parte do pacote de gastos e que considera a inflação do Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor (INPC) até o mês de novembro. Para limitar o crescimento das despesas, passa a valer um teto de 2,5%, em vez dos 3,2%…
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Following UFC 311 we look back at all the fights and give our thoughts about is next for each fighter. We also give our reactions to the winners of each NFL Divisional game. With new Fights and new headlines, we have tons of surprises! (00:00:00)Introduction (00:01:00)New UFC Updates (00:06:00)Top 10 New Headlines in Pop Culture (00:15:00)NFL Divis…
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Abu and Leo reflect on the first season of Dune: Prophecy and answer questions from listeners and the broader internet all about episode 6! This episode contains SPOILERS for Dune by Frank Herbert, Villeneuve's films, and Brian Herbert's prequel book Sisterhood of Dune. Get ad-free episodes and bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/GomJabbar Say t…
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#RingRust with my #MLWkings #TNAgenesis & #MLWreload chat... & I celebrate the life & theme songs of a late Hall of Famer, in this week's #3WayDanceOff! #TagMeIn ~ ~ ~ I'd like to hear from you! Please drop me a line @ ring-rust@hotmail.com {Subject Line: Ring Rust} & let me know what you like {or dislike} about my show! I'm always on the lookout f…
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Presente no cotidiano, a reclamação é vista como algo normal da experiência humana. Contudo, quando as reclamações se tornam cada vez mais frequentes e em excesso, podem causar efeito adverso à saúde. Alguns especialistas consideram que se queixar de tudo o tempo todo é um mecanismo de enfrentamento através do qual liberamos tensão ou buscamos vali…
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We have your Official UFC 311 Preview on today's episode! We also look at the NFL Divisional round and give our thoughts for each game. With new UFC fights being announced and new headlines in pop culture, we have lots to cover on the show! (00:00:00)Introduction (00:01:00)New UFC Updates (00:09:00)10 New Headlines in Pop Culture (00:15:00)NFL Divi…
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Os ventos extremos, provenientes das mudanças climáticas, têm gerado um fenômeno incomum no meio ambiente: são as microexplosões que causam a morte de árvores gigantes da Amazônia. Sendo mais comuns no verão, também trazem riscos para a decolagem e o pouso de aviões. Por que as microexplosões acontecem? Elas podem ficar mais frequentes? Para explic…
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Quase 5 milhões de cães e gatos estão em condições de vulnerabilidade no Brasil, de acordo com o Instituto Pet Brasil. A pesquisa também chama a atenção para a necessidade de combate ao abandono de animais no país, considerando que mais de 200 mil animais são cuidados por organizações não governamentais ou grupos independentes. Para debater os impa…
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We are back with another episode as we recap all the action from UFC Vegas 101. We also give our thoughts on all the results from Wild Card Weekend in the NFL. With our final 2024 UFC Ranking of Fight Night Main Events and our thoughts on what is next for UFC Fighters, this episode is jam packed with surprises! (00:00:00)Introduction (00:01:30)Ever…
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Na virada de 2024 para 2025, muitas discussões sobre como ficaria a nova composição ministerial e em áreas institucionais do governo foram ventiladas e ainda permanecem em discussão. Na Secretaria de Comunicação Social (Secom) da Presidência da República, Sidônio Palmeira, marqueteiro que comandou a campanha de Lula em 2022, assumiu hoje no lugar d…
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Send us a text In a recent community update, several significant developments across Northeast Ohio communities have been highlighted, spanning from local governance changes to business initiatives. Macedonia Leadership Changes In Macedonia City Council news, notable changes in city leadership have occurred, with Jeff Garvis stepping into the role …
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A aplicação da isenção do imposto de renda de pessoa física aos que recebem até R$ 5 mil mensais poderia promover uma perda de arrecadação de R$ 51 bilhões por ano a partir de 2026. É o que aponta o levantamento da Associação Nacional dos Auditores Fiscais da Receita Federal do Brasil (Unafisco Nacional), divulgado no fim de dezembro. Por outro lad…
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Sanibonani maAfrica amahle. On our first episode for the year we are profiling our co-host, Sibusiso "Sense Of Knowledge" Mahlangu, a prolific left-footer in his heyday. Sense talks to us about the balances he had to make between church and football, catching the attention of "Skha" at only the ripe age of 6. He also talks to us about muthi in foot…
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The UFC is back and so are predictions! We cover every fight from UFC Vegas 101 as we predict who will win each contest. We also look back at 2024 and rank every UFC PPV that occurred. With NFL Wild Card weekend predictions as well, this is a must listen episode for everyone! (00:00:00)Introduction (00:01:30)2024 UFC PPV’s Ranked (00:43:00)NFL Wild…
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Muitas pessoas já começam o dia com o celular na mão procurando e consumindo notícias negativas e preocupantes. A prática ganhou nome e se tornou um conceito: é o "doomscrolling", o comportamento cada vez mais comum de consumir incessantemente notícias negativas. É possível se livrar desse hábito? Qual o impacto na saúde física e mental de quem é á…
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یک اپیزود درباره‌ی پرنده‌ای که بیش از آنچه فکر می‌کنید در زندگی و فرهنگ ما نقش دارد. این اپیزود را گوش کنید تا با جعبه هم‌عقیده شوید. با سپاس از رضا خضرایی، صدف اسپهبدی، لیلا کفاش‌زاده، حسین بهرام‌پور، شاهین علایی‌نژاد و شروین حاجی‌پور. در این قسمت، دال در کنار جعبه ایستاده است؛ یک سامانه‌ی ارائه‌ی خدمات بیمه که می‌تواند کمک‌های فراوانی به شما بکند…
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A cada verão, as temperaturas máximas aumentam e, com elas, as chamadas "chuvas de verão" ficam cada vez mais intensas. A consequência: deslizamentos, enchentes, prejuízos materiais em residências e comércios, mortes e desaparecimentos. Em 2025, as mesmas tragédias vão se repetir? Como as cidades estão se preparando? Para conversar sobre o impacto …
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This week the gang is saying a light hello to 2025 and a long goodbye to 2024. Complete with their favorite headlines and plugs of the year. If you're nostalgic for the year that was, you've come to the right spot. If you're not, listen to it any way. Please. Happy New Year! Thanks for stopping by and sticking with the pod.…
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Cerca de 1,5 milhão de pessoas no Brasil vivem em casas com paredes feitas de materiais como taipa, sem revestimento e madeira aproveitada de tapumes, embalagens e andaimes, de acordo com dados do Censo 2022, divulgados em dezembro. São mais de 495 mil domicílios nessa situação. Para discutir o assunto, convidamos Camilla Gillo, arquiteta com mestr…
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On this episode we look back and rank every single UFC Title fight that occurred in 2024. We also discuss some new UFC fights announced, look at new updates in pop culture, and recap Week 18 of the NFL Regular Season. (00:00:00)Introduction (00:01:00)New UFC Fights Announced (00:04:00)Top New Updates in Pop Culture (00120:00)NFL Week 18 Recap & Rea…
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A política nacional já começa 2025 agitada: em fevereiro, serão definidos os mandatários das duas principais Casas legislativas do país. A corrida pela presidência do Senado Federal e da Câmara dos Deputados ganhou ainda mais evidência graças ao protagonismo do Congresso no orçamento do Executivo. Para discutir as perspectivas e expectativas da pol…
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Welcome to another riveting episode of Top End Devs! In today's "Year in Review" special, hosts Charles, AJ, Dan, and Steve Edwards take you on a retrospective journey through their most memorable moments and thought-provoking discussions of the year. From the amusing and insightful exchanges with influential guests like Rich Harris and Kyle Simpso…
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Somente em 2023, 6.393 pessoas foram mortas por policiais no Brasil, um aumento de 188,9% em dez anos. Os dados são do 18º Anuário Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, publicado em 2024, ano também marcado pela superevidência midiática de casos de violência policial. Com a expansão de facções criminosas por quase todos os cantos do Brasil, o país tem i…
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This episode features your Official 2025 UFC Predictions for every weight class. As well, we review the hit series Squid Game and drop our Week 18 NFL Quick Picks. (00:00:00)Introduction (00:01:15)New UFC Fights Announced (00:09:00)Top New Updates in Pop Culture (00:15:00)Squid Game Season 2 Review (00:20:00)NFL Week 18 Quick Picks (00:37:00)2025 U…
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