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People are used to major medical insurance covering most of the cost of services. Vision and dental insurance don't work that way. Dentistry is not considered as a branch of medicine by the federal government. Dentists don't go to medical school, only to dental school. Dental insurance is a bit more expensive because it isn't considered medically n…
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What are you doing to get in the way of how your body should be moving? Are you sitting in a way that's painful? Do you slouch? Crane your neck to look at your cell phone? The Alexander Technique helps undo the acquired tension that prevents the innate system of movement. The neck, head and back are coordinated via Alexander Technique. It's best to…
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Ayurvedic medicine dates back 5,000 years in India and can easily be integrated into your health care. Ayurveda views everyone as one of three body types or doshas. These predominant types determine what you should eat and natural medicines that work for you. Finding out your type is a good place to start with Ayurveda. As a step into Ayurveda, you…
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What sort of recovery should you expect after a cosmetic surgery procedure? First, ask your doctor how long you should expect to be in pain. Most procedures take a few days to a week for pain to subside. This is a general guideline. Every person experiences pain and recovers a bit differently. Second, you will want to know how soon you can get back…
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The work world takes a toll on your body. We all sit far too much when we work at desks and suffer through long commutes, leading to blood clots and terrible posture. Our schedules are overloaded as we try to balance work life with home life. The incomplete to-do list and unresolved problems keep us up at night, leading to poor sleep. You can't per…
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Stressful situations activate the "fight or flight" impulses. Your adrenals get kicked into high gear so your body is ready for action. But, if you're constantly under stress, your adrenal glands become taxed. The adrenals are very tiny glands and can get overworked. Living a busy lifestyle can be stressful. You may not be sleeping enough. You may …
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Some stress is good for your brain. It teaches you how to problem solve under pressure and develops your stress management skills. The problem is that stress can kill memory if you don't work on brain response. Anxiety and stress top the reasons for poor academic performance. You know that stress can mess you up at work. If you feel overloaded and …
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Eighty percent of women will have menopause symptoms that affect health and quality of life. If you fall in that group, you may want to talk to your doctor about hormone replacement therapy. When symptoms become cyclical, it's probably time to start. Typical symptoms include weight gain that doesn't make sense, night sweats, forgetfulness, and diff…
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We're seeing some of the hottest temperatures on record across the United States. All this heat stirs up ozone and pollutants, irritating your lungs. You can track current air quality with the State of the Air app or by visiting Find out the air quality in your neighborhood and use that information to plan your day. Those with aller…
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Summer is underway and the kids are out of school. Without the rigors of school scheduling, it’s easy for kids to get lazy and raid the pantry. How can you keep your kids' health on track over the summer? Physical Activity Your kid may need motivation to go outside. Encourage him to learn a new sport or practice a new activity outside. Childhood ha…
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Your vacation plans probably don't include gaining back the weight you lost. How do you navigate the overwhelming dinner buffets and cozy beaches to keep that weight off? First, work out first thing in the day. Earn that bloody mary. A simple walk or some time in the hotel gym can jump start your day. If you work out all the time, don't drop all ac…
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Parkinson's disease is a motor system disorder. Some symptoms are trembling, stiffness, slowness and impaired coordination. There is currently no cure for Parkinson's disease. However, new developments are making symptom management easier. For example, there are now patches and nasal sprays for those who have difficulty swallowing pills because of …
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As a parent, you may worry about your kids and their exposure to alcohol. But, you can't watch everything they do. Have an honest conversation with your child before he may go out drinking. Be open and discuss the effects of alcohol on the body. Talk about alcohol poisoning and death. Bringing up the topic doesn't mean your child will go out and ge…
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A father or father figure is important in developing a child's confidence. Daddies encourage risk-taking and help kids sort out how adult relationships should work. But, fathers aren't always available. Divorce, imprisonment, abandonment and death could mean pop isn't there. Fatherless daughters feel isolated. How a man treats her mother informs a …
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Your oral health affects your entire body. A biologic or holistic dentist considers how dental health contributes to overall health. Cardiac conditions, diabetes and certain cancers are exacerbated by gum disease. It's important to get regular dental cleanings to prevent development of gum disease. Biologic dentists try to avoid using metal and flu…
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June 27, 2016 is National HIV Testing Day. Walgreens is teaming up with local health departments to offer free HIV testing from June 23rd to June 25th. About 200 Walgreens stores are offering free HIV testing, assisted by employees of local health departments. Testing is anonymous. Some tests take one minute for results, while others take 20 minute…
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Plastic surgery can be a great confidence booster. Permanently fixing a cosmetic issue that bothers you does wonders for your self-esteem. But, there are alternatives to adjusting your appearance that don’t require going under the knife. For perkier and larger breasts, you can exercise your pectoral muscles. This tones the muscles which lift the fa…
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When a loved one has a terminal illness, it is painful to watch them slowly deteriorate. Currently, five states allow the terminally ill to choose when and how they will die. It's important to be able to participate in your loved one's decision, supporting the choices made for end of life. Be available for your loved one to discuss the issue. Keep …
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It is tough to face a breast cancer diagnosis. But, it's important to navigate treatment as soon as possible. The medical oncologist will go through the terminology, size of tumor and lymph node status. "Infiltrating" or "invasive" mean the breast cancer cells have grown beyond the duct and have invaded other tissue. "In situ," "pre-cancerous" and …
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When deciding to get breast implants, it’s important to consider all options so you get the breasts you want. A skilled plastic surgeon can talk you through so you can understand what’s best for you. The first major choice is between saline or silicone. Saline is less expensive and is filled with salt water. Saline also tends to ripple more and doe…
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Rage can take control of your emotions and lead to greater stress. It can cause car accidents and damage relationships. But, anger does serve a purpose. It's a signal to turn attention inward to see what's causing the feeling. Looking behind your anger, you may find fear, loss of control, shame, anxiety, feelings of being threatened or ignored. You…
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Hepatitis C is a potentially life-threatening disease of the liver. It can cause severe liver damage, long-term health problems and death. But, it can also be treated. The biggest risk group includes people born between 1945 and 1965. Don't assume your doctor will automatically test you for hepatitis C. You have to ask. You can also check in with y…
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The use of opioids for pain is on the rise in America. It's unfair to point fingers, because the patients have pain and the doctors want to help. Patients come to doctors for that help and expect a pill to make the pain go away. Doctors feel the prescriptions are more helpful than the impact of side effects. Pain is a signal that the body is out of…
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Girls can have a lot of trouble below the belt, because it’s tough to discuss what happens in that region. After potty training, many parents don’t discuss pelvic concerns until menstruation begins. Educating girls early about their pelvic area may help prevent devastating health issues that appear later in life. Peeing, pooping, periods and exerci…
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Summer is a very dangerous time and lands many people in the emergency room. Here are some tips to stay safe this summer. Never leave your kids (or pets!) alone in the car. A child's body heats up five times faster than an adult's. The temperature goes up 20 degrees in the first ten minutes. Always wear a helmet. Be sure your children wear helmets …
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Ah, the lazy days of summer... picnics, pool time and parties. But, it's not all fun and games. There are certain "bugs" that spike during the summer months. Sherry Torkos, BScPhm, RPh, joins host Melanie Cole to share which bugs are particularly problematic in summer, as well as simple ways to make sure you stay healthy and safe. Food-borne Illnes…
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Typical weight-loss efforts involve things like eating healthier foods, eating fewer calories and exercising more. But, could the way you design your home also help you achieve your goals? According to Mitra Pakdaman, founder of L.A. Healthcare Design, there are interior design recommendations to help with weight loss, making your space more conduc…
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Embarking on life after college can be exciting, yet daunting and overwhelming. If you're a parent of a college grad, or a graduate yourself, what are some things you should know? Sara Benincasa, comedian and author, has some tips for both parents and graduates about what to expect in the months and years following college. First, the real world mi…
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As you age, your body changes. The composition of muscle fibers changes, altering your reaction time. Your central nervous system and brain change. Your joints and muscles stiffen, and your balance suffers. A fall can be disastrous. Yoga can help improve balance as you age. It strengthens your body, decreases stress and brings calm. The bending, re…
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Online dating presents lots of romantic opportunity. You may meet your match online. The problem is STD risk. It would be handy to let potential dates know that you're safe. Mately is a new app-based program that provides a badge for your profile which qualifies you as a "member," showing you've been tested recently for STDs. Seeing that badge migh…
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There are some menopause side effects that are very well known: hot flashes, night sweats and weight gain. Menopause can also affect your brain. Changing estrogen levels can lead to memory issues. Loss of estrogen affects brain function directly. Parts of the brain don't operate the same as they did prior to menopause. The other side effects can in…
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A pacemaker is a small device that is implanted in the chest to regulate heartbeat for those with abnormal heart rhythms. Pacemakers weighed almost 75 grams back in the 1950s, but have gradually become smaller and lighter. Because they are implanted under the skin, past versions of the device have been very noticeable in pacemaker users. If your he…
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People with type-1 and type-2 diabetes have to monitor blood glucose and concern themselves with insulin injections. Inhalable insulin may be easier on diabetics. It's easier to administer outside of the home and peaks in a shorter amount of time. This type of delivery system has minor side effects in the lungs, so those with lung issues may not be…
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Your brain is an incredibly powerful tool. This is why brain education is so important for both children and adults. Brain exercise encompasses cognitive, physical and emotional training. The goal is to create new synapses in the brain. You can strengthen your brain by relaxing. Unplug for one or two minutes at a time per hour and take a "brain bre…
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Bringing a new life into the world causes a flood of emotions. You’re elated to have a new member of the family, stressed about your baby’s future, and likely worried if everything is normal. It isn’t unusual to have the baby blues in the months following birth. But, how do you know when it’s actually postpartum depression? The baby blues last abou…
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Hepatitis C is a blood infection that arises from tainted blood supply. It has virtually no symptoms until it is late-stage. It could also be spread by dental equipment and ear piercing equipment from past years. Sharing razors, toothbrushes and nail clippers can also transmit the disease. Get tested if you were born between 1945 and 1965. Most ins…
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While a bit of breast tenderness during your menstrual cycle is to be expected, some women experience such pain they must limit their activities. No hugs, no exercise, no intimacy. PMS breasts, also known as fibrocystic breasts, are caused by engorgement of non-lactating glands as hormones come and go. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help. Birt…
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Canning vegetables, baking treats and making jam can be very enjoyable kitchen activities for you and your family. But, you may refrain from these activities because the recipes create more than you could (or should) consume. Why not participate in a local food swap with your high-yield products? Food swapping is a recurring event where home bakers…
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The United States Food and Drug Administration finalized a rule this month that extends its authority to all tobacco products. This includes e-cigarettes, cigars, hookah tobacco and pipe tobacco. American Lung Association focuses on what's best for our health. That's also what the FDA cares about in regards to tobacco. If another generation can be …
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About one million Americans have Parkinson's disease. About half of those people have to deal with Parkinson's disease psychosis. With Parkinson's disease psychosis, patients misperceive threats where there aren't any. The first attempt at addressing the disease should be non-pharmacological. Gentle exposure to the things that are upsetting with an…
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Gynecomastia is the enlargement of male breast tissue. It is caused by a hormonal imbalance of estrogen and testosterone. It can affect one or both breasts. It can happen to infants, boys in puberty and older men. While it may go away on its own, sometimes surgery is necessary to correct the symptoms. Hormonal imbalance can be caused by natural cha…
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Improving your posture will make you look and feel better. Facial reposturing minimizes the patterns of stress and tension in your face and neck. This can help with dental issues and headaches. Posture helps you get symmetry and balance, two of the key components of the definition of beauty. Great posture means your body has natural strength. You n…
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It's all too easy to get derailed from your fitness progress. Bullies can be a reason no one talks about. Bullies make you feel bad about what you're doing and the progress you are or aren't making. Let people around you know you're working on a fitness program so they know not to offer you cake or pizza at office parties. Write down your progress …
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Anyone can experience pain at any age. It's especially disturbing when chronic pain happens in children. Complex regional pain syndrome is a chronic pain condition occurs when someone has severe pain, swelling or skin changes. How do you know when to take your child to the doctor? Children shouldn't really have pain. If your child can't sleep at ni…
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Lingerie is a very important part of a wedding. You can buy lingerie for the bride as a gift if you are friends. Stick with sweet and pretty. Think about where she shops for clothing and chances are good that she'll like the lingerie from that store. Be sure to include a gift receipt. If you're shopping for someone else, go with a chemise or nighti…
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Nurses are an essential part of the medical profession, taking care of many details throughout a patient’s treatment. They’re full of information for pre- and post-surgery care. An important part of your ostomy care team, you may find your nurses help you with emotional support as well. Inspirational speaker and patient advocate Lois Fink shares he…
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