Tom Mann's clear thoughts about scripture. Making It Clear is a product of Tom’s daily study. Making It Clear is a no nonsense approach to the basics of biblical teaching in a short easy to digest audio segment. Tom Mann’s background as a professional voice talent and media producer is combined with his many years as a Bible teacher/preacher creating a unique audio balance.
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My name is Tom. I’m just a guy doin my thing and recording the process. Hope you enjoy my story.
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"What does it profit a man (or woman) to gain the whole world but lose his own soul?" Join Tom Mann as he tells of his past experience interviewing Dan Peak of the 1970s band, America, and what Dan Peak had to say about this and how Dan found his way back to God. Dan's story is a story of hope for us all.…
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Who is the "I Am?" And what does it mean to be the "I Am?" In this episode Tom Mann explores the "I Am" in scripture, who he is to us, and the connection of the "I Am" relating to time and space. Join Tom Mann, "making it clear."Av Tom Mann
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Do you long to be healed, whole, and restored in your relationship with God? You can be. What do we need to do to be "reconciled?" Join Tom Mann as he explores what scripture has to say about reconciliation.Av Tom Mann
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Life is short. Time is precious. How do we "number our days?" Tom Mann points us to scripture, "making it clear."Av Tom Mann
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What is "God's Thought Economy?" How can it bring me peace? Tom Mann takes us to God's word as he shares his thoughts on this.Av Tom Mann
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Is giving to the poor, following God's commands, and going to church enough to save us? What does God expect from us? Can we "earn" our way to Heaven? Join Tom Mann as he explores this topic from scripture, making it clear.Av Tom Mann
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Is one translation of the Bible more accurate than the others? Does it matter from which version of the Bible I read and study? Tom Mann takes a look into this while focusing on Psalm 23. Explore with Tom as he makes it clear.Av Tom Mann
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Who doesn't want eternal life? But what is eternal life and how can we have it? And when does it begin? Join Tom Mann as he searches and explains the scriptures "making it clear."Av Tom Mann
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Parenting can be tough. Sometimes we wonder about our kids. But don't lose heart. God promises there is hope. Tom Mann offers these words of encouragement from scripture and from his own experiences as a parent.Av Tom Mann
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Can a beer drinking, cussing, smoking relative ("Harry") be used by God as an evangelist to a 17 year old? Well, in a manner of speaking--in the end, he was. Join Tom Mann as he tells the true story of his relative, "Harry" and reveals the gift of salvation and hope through Jesus Christ for us all.Av Tom Mann
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We all experience peaks and valleys in our lives but sometimes those valleys can be hard to climb out of. Join Tom Mann today as he takes a look at Psalm 20 as a source of help and hope.Av Tom Mann
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Everyone has some type of infirmity or thing that we can't change of ourselves. But does it have to be a liability or can God take that very thing and use if for our good or for the good of others? In this episode Tom Mann explores what scripture has to say about this.Av Tom Mann
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"God is good all the time; all the time God is good." We say it...but do we believe it? What does it really mean? Tom Mann explores, encourages, and reassures us from scripture of the goodness of God.Av Tom Mann
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Who is the author of not only the Bible but all things? Can God still use flawed men and women? Can God use me? Tom Mann answers these questions today as he seeks to make God's word clear.Av Tom Mann
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In the book of Matthew, Mark, and Luke in the Bible, we are told to become like "one of these little ones". As adults, we have to earn it, work at it, or make it happen. Believing in God has been made complicated and transformed to religious duty not a relationship with the loving creator. Tom Mann looks the words of Jesus saying "unless you become…
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If God is invisible, can we know him? HOW can we know him? How can we know his will for our lives? The answer is found in Jesus. In this episode Tom Mann explains his thoughts on this from scripture. Have a listen.Av Tom Mann
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Dirty diapers, poo, & filthy rags. That's what our own righteousness is. But if we cannot be righteous on our own, what is the solution? Tom Mann turns to scripture for the only answer for our "mess."Av Tom Mann
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What occupies your heart and mind? Are you "drunk?" What does God want for our hearts and minds? Tom Mann shares his thoughts on what God desires us to have in our hearts and minds according to God's holy book, the Bible.Av Tom Mann
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There's an old saying that says, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me." But is this really true? Can words cause harm? What does God's word say about this? Join Tom Mann today as he shares his thoughts on this from the word of God--making it clear.Av Tom Mann
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"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Did your mother teach you this? Is this from the Bible? What DOES the Bible say about this? Join Tom Mann today, as he turns to the book of Ephesians, "making it clear."Av Tom Mann
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God has three answers: Yes, No and Wait. Can we trust God timing? Can we trust God waiting for His answer? Tom Mann takes a look at the encouragement found in scripture in the book of James.Av Tom Mann
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What is God's perfect will for our lives? The answer is not what you think. God's perfect will is for everyone. Tom Mann explores God's perfect will not found in our selfish, temporal desires. God's perfect will for everyone is knowing Him. From that truth, when we align with His perfect will, everything falls into place in our own lives.…
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What do you do when you encounter people with the wrong motives in ministry and in the church? Tom Mann explores Paul's thoughts on this, as found in the book of Philippians. What is most important to God? What should our perspective be in such matters?Av Tom Mann
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Does God speak to us today or not? And if he does, how do we "hear" him? How do we avoid the extremes and balance everything with God's word? Tom Mann encourages us to hear God's voice and know His scriptures.Av Tom Mann
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How important is forgiveness? What does the Bible say about forgiveness? It seems to be the number one theme in scripture. Tom Mann shares his experience of learning how to forgive in order for God to forgive him. Jesus died on the cross to forgiveness our sin. In the same way, we are required to forgive others.…
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Episode 7- ADHD and the Opinion's of Others
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15:00In this episode I talk a little about how I am learning to better live with ADD/ADHD. I also talk about the opinions of other people, and how I am coming to realize that I don't need to let their opinions define who I am, and I am still able to value some of the things that they say.
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I had this idea as I was driving home from the airport today. In this podcast I talk about the possibility of my conscious being able to travel between parallel universes in search for an ideal outcome.
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Gaining Confidence and Not Giving a Fuck
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19:06This is pieced together, but here are my recent thoughts about confidence and saying "fuck you" to the opinions other people might have about me.
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In this episode I talk about a few things that help me deal with my own anxiety. This is the second podcast relating to my documented journey about learning to deal with mental health problems. Thanks for listening, I hope you enjoy!
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Episode 3- Intro: Learning to deal with mental health problems
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19:23In this episode I give a little insight into the past few years of my life. I feel like it is relevant to talk about myself here for a bit so that my listeners have some context of the things that I will be talking more about. I also talk a little about an idea I have for a Youtube channel.
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Episode 2-We are Artificial Intelligence (part 2/2)
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30:57This is part 2 of the discussion with my dad where we discuss our universe being a simulation inside of a computer program. In this episode we talk about parallel universes, "humanity" of artificial intelligence, continuation of life through transfer of own memory, virtue/goodness and their potential correlation with intelligence, and more.…
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Episode 1- We are Artificial Intelligence (part 1/2)
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32:32In this episode my dad and I discuss the idea that our universe is a simulation run by a computer program in another universe, and whether or not we have free will as artificially intelligent beings inside of that computer program. We also get in to the idea of parallel universes by the end of the first part of this discussion, but that discussion …
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