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show episodes

Dungeons and Daddies

Dungeons and Daddies

A Dungeons and Dragons podcast about four dads from our world transported into a realm of high fantasy and magic and their quest to rescue their sons. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Korruption, Machtmissbrauch, Briefkastenfirmen, Pressefreiheit: Die Dunkelkammer ist Österreichs erster Investigativ-Podcast. Hier recherchieren Michael Nikbakhsh, Edith Meinhart und Christa Zöchling – unabhängig und transparent. Disclaimer: Korruption hat keine Farbe. Kontakt: redaktion@diedunkelkammer.at
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O DunaCast é o podcast oficial do fandom de Duna no Brasil. Em cada episódio, discutimos sobre os personagens, as suas origens, as inspirações do autor Frank Herbert e as teorias e filosofias da saga. Pascoal Naib e convidados especiais analisam detalhadamente cada capítulo dos livros da saga Duna sem spoilers dos capítulos posteriores.
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Dr. Creepen's Dungeon

Dr. Creepen

Dr. Creepen's Dungeon is a weekly hour-long podcast presenting the very best in contemporary horror, fantasy and sci-fi fiction. It comes out every Thursday. Catch all the new stories, Mon/Wed/Friday at 6pm EST / Midnight CET on my YouTube channel, Dr. Creepen's Vault!
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Dungeon Masters takes a behind-the-curtain look into the world of Dungeons & Dragons, told through the lenses of the creator of the game, Gary Gygax, played by Wil Wheaton and of private investigator, William Dear, played by Jon Hamm, a swashbuckling tough guy in 1979. Gygax guides the audience through this incredible true story as our Dungeon Master, as we follow Dear on his quest to find Dallas Egbert, a Michigan State student, who supposedly disappeared in the steam tunnels under his univ ...
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You love Dungeons & Dragons; the myths, the legends, and the unforgettable characters. Every week, we dive into the lore behind D&D as well covering as the latest news and releases from the world's most popular roleplaying game.
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Dungeon Master’s Block

The Block Party Network

Welcome back to the Dungeon Master’s Block, the place where we come to talk about the dungeon master, the most important person in the game! With each conversation we aim to inspire as many as possible to Keep. On. Dungeon Mastering! Follow us on socials at @DMs_Block
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Romancing the Dungeon

Romancing the Dungeon

Looking for group! Looking for love! A softcore DnD podcast about finding that special someone in a world full of peril, monsters and heartbreakers! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Creativos, osados, innovadores, diferentes y visionarios. Grandes empresarios como Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Ma, Henry Ford, Estee Lauder, Michael Bloomberg, entre otros, han sido fuente de inspiración para muchas generaciones identificando oportunidades, tomando riesgos y aportando a la sociedad.
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7D Dungeons

7D Dungeons

A weekly Dungeons and Dragons campaign broadcast on Twitch Live at 7PM EST. Follow a group of adventures as they explore the homebrew worlds and delve into the deepest dungeons.
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Habt ihr Angst im Dunkeln? Diese Gruselgeschichten lehren euch sicher die Angst vor der Dunkelheit. Geister, Monster oder Killer, was lauert auf euch, wenn das Licht ausgeht? Unser erstes Hörbuch ist erschienen! Ihr könnt euch das bei Xinxii holen und jetzt auch bei Audible oder Spotify. Hier ist der Link dafür Xinxii und den Rest findet ihr in der Folgenbeschreibung: https://www.xinxii.de/belletristik-982/thriller-984/%C3%BCberleben-525773 Wir hoffen es wird euch gefallen!:) Kontakt: Instag ...
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Segunda fase do premiado podcast Café com Dungeon, na sua manhã com muito RPG! Reflexões, game design, análises, entrevistas com autores e pessoas com algo a dizer sobre o hobby.
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Dungeons of Drakkenheim

Dungeon Dudes

DUNGEONS OF DRAKKENHEIM follows the conflict and comedy-filled adventures of a brash prince, a streetwise survivor, and a meddlesome mage as they confront monsters and mystery in the meteor-blasted ruins of a fantasy city. A Dungeons & Dragons 5e actual play campaign presented by the DUNGEON DUDES! Featuring Monty Martin, Kelly McLaughlin, Jill Danaitis, and Joe O'Gorman. Our YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/dungeondudes Catch us live Tuesdays from 6 PM to 9 PM EST at http://www.twitc ...
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Dungeons & Diapers

Ryan and Crofton

Dungeons & Diapers is a show where two podcasters get together and discuss their ridiculous parenting stories and personal strategies for carving out time for themselves in their increasingly crazy lives.
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Dungeons & Drimbus

Whimsic Productions

Professional actors playing unprofessional TTRPG characters. Professionally. Super heroes? Ok. A gang of babies? ...sure. Wait, Shia LeBeouf? And WTF is a Drimbus? Using traditional TTRPG mechanics to tackle non-traditional scenarios, join our cast of professional idiots as they try to roll their way out of the most ridiculous situations.
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Dungeon Crawlers Radio

Dungeon Crawlers Radio

Dungeon Crawlers Radio is aan exciting geek podcast that focuses on science fiction and fantasy news, discussions, and reviews of games, movies, comics, and books. Programming frequently includes interviews with authors, game developers, actors, and media personalities.
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Licht ins Dunkel

Mike Mathis & die Podcastfabrik

In der Cold Case True Crime-Serie „Licht ins Dunkel – Cold Cases und ungeklärte Vermisstenfälle" erzählt Autor Mike Mathis die Geschichte von Verbrechen, die nicht aufgeklärt werden können. Cold Cases und ungeklärte Vermisstenfälle. Er spricht mit den Ermittlerinnen und Ermittlern über Mordfälle, die teilweise seit Jahrzehnten ungeklärt sind. Begleitet wird dieser Podcast von Expertinnen und Experten aus der Tatortarbeit, Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten von BKA, LKA und Polizei aus Aktenfüh ...
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The Paper Dungeon started in 2020 on Twitch when a group of old friends decided to start another Dungeons and Dragons campaign virtually. With the launch of our second longform actual play campaign ”Book 2: Outer Realms”, we’re pushing ourselves creatively and working to build a loving community within the ttrpg space.
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D’un sentier à l’autre

Francis Létourneau

D’un sentier à l’autre, la vie trouve toujours son chemin. Un mercredi sur deux, je partage un moment privilégié avec des invités inspirants aux parcours fascinants. Ensemble, nous explorons des sujets qui élèvent ma conscience tout en te proposant des perspectives pour enrichir la tienne. Ton bonheur t’appartient, il ne tient qu’à toi de choisir quel sentier tu emprunteras.
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The Dunk City Podcast


USCBasketball.com's Chris Huston and Mark Backstrom co-host the Dunk City Podcast, the only podcast that's devoted solely to USC basketball. Weekly during the season, intermittent during the offseason, the DCP is the "podcast of record" for Trojan hoops, featuring inside information, special guests and expert analysis.
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Dans la Tête d'un Coureur

Sunday Night Productions

Le 1er podcast francophone dédié à la course à pied et à la préparation mentale by Sunday Night Productions Des conseils avisés, des interviews d'athlètes inspirants et du lifestyle Running ! Retrouvez-nous également sur Instagram, Facebook et sur http://www.danslateteduncoureur.fr Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez audiomeans.fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Dungeon Radio Hour

Dungeon Radio Hour

A high fantasy, improv-comedy show where everything's made up and the hit points don't matter! 🔥🐉 DUNGEON RADIO HOUR is the funniest actual-play D&D podcast you've ever heard! Enjoy the outrageous, side-splitting insanity of four lifelong friends, actors, and comedians as they search this mystical new world for a way back home. NEW ADVENTURES EVERY OTHER TUESDAY!➕ Look out for bonus episodes of DUNGEON RADIO AFTER HOURS, our non-RPG spin-off show! ‼️ **CONTENT WARNING - ADULTS ONLY**
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Dungeons & Damsels

Unchained Productions

Dungeons & Damsels is a medieval fantasy sword and sorcery audio drama series by Unchained Productions. Episodes are stand-alone short stories of different characters throughout the same fantasy world.
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Dungeon Guides

Zach & Josh

Not THAT kind of dungeon... Or maybe it could be! As your guides, we seek to explore and chart the various aspects of arranging, preparing, and collaborating while enjoying what we believe is one of the most satisfying hobbies: tabletop gaming. We will explore the ins-and-outs from both the player and gamemaster's perspective, hoping to bring inspiration to any who grace us with the presence of their ears
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Dunk Dynasty Podcast

Panashe Nyashanu, Ethan Macdonald, Trey Mitchell, Jed Mitchell

Slam dunk into the world of NBA basketball with the Dunk Dynasty Podcast, as we break down the latest NBA news, and player performances, and dive into the hottest topics shaking up the basketball world. From buzzer-beaters to blockbuster trades, we've got you covered! Whether you're a die-hard fan or just getting into the NBA, join us every week for a fast-paced, fun-filled journey through the world of NBA basketball where every episode is a slam dunk!
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show series
Les pâtes sont depuis toujours le carburant préféré des coureurs… Mais faut-il vraiment continuer à en manger sans se poser de questions ? Aujourd’hui, elles sont critiquées pour leur index glycémique élevé, leur digestion parfois difficile, et leur impact potentiel sur le poids. Certains les considèrent comme indispensables pour l’endurance, d’aut…
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Dans cet épisode de D'un sentier à l'autre, Francis reçoit Vanessa Drolet, une passionnée de méditation et de respiration dont la mission est d’aider les gens à mieux gérer et prévenir leur stress. Avec plus de 12 ans d’expérience dans le monde corporatif, elle comprend les défis du stress quotidien et propose une approche moderne, accessible et ad…
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Hay toda una generación de escritores jóvenes, que desarrollaron una corriente literaria llamada steam punk, punk de vapor, porque surge de la idea de futuro de la época victoriana, que asume que la máquina a vapor impulsaría la tecnología, ni la electrónica ni la informática. También muchos científicos reconocen logros inspirados directamente en l…
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In der neuen Folge von „Chefsache! Macher im Gespräch“ trifft Gastgeber Oliver Dunk auf einen echten Medienprofi: Viktor Worms, Radio- und Fernsehmoderator, ehemaliger ZDF-Unterhaltungschef und heutiger Coach für Moderatoren und Führungskräfte. Viktor Worms hat sein Handwerk bei Radio Luxemburg gelernt – dort, wo viele Karrieren begannen. Nur ein J…
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The Attorneys face their past and future selves in the last of the Sandstone Trials. Support Us Support Us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/drimbus Visit Our Website: https://www.drimbus.com Sign up for The (Not-So) Daily Drimbus: https://www.drimbus.com/newsletter Buy us a Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/whimsic Buy our Merch: https://www.drimbus.com…
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Rodrigo Álvarez conversó con el alcalde de Santiago, Mario Desbordes, quien se refirió a los hechos de violencia al interior de los liceos emblemáticos en su comuna y los mensajes de amenazas de muerte en su contra encontrados en los centros educacionales. Además, junto a Nicolás Vergara y las Infiltradas, Gloria Faúndez y Leslie Ayala comentaron l…
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When Nate and Clodagh stumble upon a rat king with delusions of grandeur, they find themselves in a hairy (and slightly gross) battle for dominance. Meanwhile, Hephaesta and AJ embark on a thrilling geological adventure that unearths shocking truths—like the fact that chimneys? Yeah, they go UP. As the gang delves deeper into the mysteries of the S…
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Von Michael Nikbakhsh. Nun ist es also entschieden. Karl-Heinz Grasser muss wegen Bestechlichkeit und Untreue ins Gefängnis, wenngleich der Oberste Gerichtshof die Verurteilung erster Instanz halbiert hat, von acht auf vier Jahre. Am 25. März 2025 endete vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof ein besonders zähes Stück Rechtsgeschichte. Seinen Anfang hatte es…
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Matt and Rob delve even deeper into the twisted mind of one John Wick (no, the other one). We invite you to imagine, if you will, a 35 year-old man winking and smirking at his 19 year-old female co-worker in the Neopets office... Follow Dungeon Master of None on Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/dmofnone.bsky.social https://www.patreon.com/Dungeon…
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Isabel Aninat y Arturo Fontaine hablaron con Pilar Larroulet, licenciada en historia, magíster en Sociología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y Doctora en Criminología y Justicia Criminal de la Universidad de Maryland-College Park, sobre cárceles, prevención, delincuencia.
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En Panoramas, Paula Frederick, habló con Dominique Thomann, directora del Centro de Extensión Artística y Cultural de la Universidad de Chile (CEAC) sobre los hitos y eventos artísticos que se realizarán este año. Además, en Abordo, Polo Ramírez conversó con Roberto Carvajal, director de la Escuela de Contador Auditor (FEN UNAB), y Christian Delcor…
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Balbi troca uma ideia com o Felipe Werlang, o Cara do RPG, a respeito de seus experimentos com hexcrawl em Faerun, unindo Forgotten Realms e Forbidden Lands. Links citados no episódioLinks dos anúncios Jogue Biergotten Apoie o Café com Dungeon Jogue Mitos de Atlântida Links mencionados no episódio O Cara do RPG no Instagram O Cara do RPG no Apoia.s…
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Rodrigo Álvarez conversó con la ministra del Trabajo, Jeannette Jara, quien se refirió a la implementación de la reforma de pensiones y a las críticas de la oposición a su gira informativa sobre la promulgación de la mencionada Ley en medio de los rumores de su posible candidatura presidencial. Además, junto a Consuelo Saavedra y los Infiltrados, J…
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Polo Ramírez conversó con Andrés Rodríguez Spoerer, gerente de Música de la Fundación Ibáñez Atkinson, sobre las Audiciones Internacionales FIA 2025. Además, habló con Javiera Contador, actriz, presentadora de televisión, locutora de radio, humorista y productora chilena, sobre la obra Tóxicas, que se presenta en el Teatro Nescafé de las Artes. En …
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Nicolás Vergara, Consuelo Saavedra y Matías del Río conversaron con el subsecretario del Interior, Luis Cordero, quien se refirió en Hablemos en Off al combate contra el crimen organizado en Chile, los debates sobre las medidas de seguridad del Gobierno y las críticas de la CPC al Estado en esta materia.…
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Rodrigo Álvarez habló con el jefe de bancada del Partido Republicano en la Cámara de Diputadas y Diputados, Cristián Araya, sobre la votación de la acusación constitucional contra la exministra de Defensa, Maya Fernández y las definiciones en al derecha de cara a las elecciones presidenciales y parlamentarias. Además, junto a Consuelo Saavedra y la…
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The group takes care of business before launching an attack on their enemies. --- Escape the Dungeon is a podcast by Mike Cripps, Zac Brass, Dom Brass, Nate Brass, and Tyler Knittle. If you like the show, please leave a 5 star review on your favorite podcast app. Escape the Dungeon is available on YouTube at youtube.com/@EscapeTheDungeonPod More in…
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It's the 127th Episode of The Meeple Dungeon Podcast! First Segment New to the Collection: - Unconscious Mind from Lucky Duck Games - LOTR The Fellowship Of The Ring: Trick Taking Game from Office Dog Games Second Segment Crowdfunding: - Spark Riders 3000 + Galactic Modules Expansion from Arkada Games Final Segment Review: - Under Our Sun from Tabl…
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The search for Doctor Ana Rose takes an unexpected turn, Leslie learns some troubling news from an old friend, and Taleth's powers get him in trouble. Watch LIVE on Twitch! · https://www.twitch.tv/thepaperdungeon Watch on YouTube · https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEr6mdPyHcTX5D7j1zTcdzaiqYzjHWJ2J Join our Discord server · https://discord.gg/…
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Episode 77 Zum zweiten Mal ist gelungen, eine bis dato unbekannte Tote im Rahmen der Kampagne "Identify Me" zu identifizieren. Den Fahndungserfolg meldete Interpol Mitte März 2025. Identifiziert wurde die 33-jährige Ainoha Izaga Ibiete Lima aus Paraguay, die im August 2018 erhängt in einem Hühnerstall in der spanischen Gemeinde Sant Julia de Ramis …
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Join us as we delve into the topic of mega-dungeons, and one of the simplest railroads to present your players. Sometimes the thrill of delving and procuring vast wealth and power is incentive enough to draw your PCs into a massive dungeon crawl. We will give our hot takes on what makes these monstrous crawls compelling, interesting, and challengin…
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We open tonight’s podcast with ‘There’s Something Wrong with my Fiancé,’ an original story by The Life of Nikki, kindly shared with us at NoSleep and narrated with the author’s kind permission: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/8515hj/something_is_wrong_with_my_fiancee_part_1/ Our closing tale of terror is ‘There is Something very Strange G…
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Polo Ramírez comentó sobre la actualidad. En Figura y Fondo, para los amantes del arte visual inmersivo, César Gabler habló sobre la muestra "Cabaña" del artista Marcos Sánchez, la cual se puede ver en la Galería Gabriela Mistral. Además en Duna Ciencia, el Doctor Raúl Morales, decano de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Chile, habló sob…
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After an action packed showdown with the Bisons, the ‘Screams tend to their wounded and confront their newly unmasked enemy… This episode contains Violence, Gore, Profanity, Sexual Content. New season three merch just dropped TODAY! Show your love for Murder Murder Murder or the Peachyville Boxing Club! Plus the double-sided vinyl of ROCKS ROCK and…
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Eine neue Brille ist längs überfällig denkt er sich als er beim Optiker sitzt und eine völlig neue Art Brillenglas eingesetzt bekommt. Dass diese ihn die Welt jedoch auf eine völlig andere Art und Weise sehen lassen wird, kann er da ja noch nicht ahnen.. Hier ist die Geschichte: https://creepypasta.fandom.com/de/wiki/Brillengl%C3%A4ser Unser erstes…
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Send us a text Howdy ho there, wingnuts! It's ya boi Michael Adair here! Writing a caption! Bloopity bloo! I can write anything! Banana! Wingding! Shortrib! Condom! Now that we're alone...since nobody else but you read past that...I need help. I'm in a financial bind. Please venmo me real American dollars if you can. $500. $800. Any amount helps. I…
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