Positive Leadership has the power to change the world. By focusing on trust, empathy, authenticity and deep collaboration, leaders can energize their teams to achieve success for individuals, their organizations, and society as a whole. Yet, it remains relatively unknown outside positive psychology and neuroscience circles. Join Jean-Philippe Courtois, former member of the Microsoft senior leadership team alongside Satya Nadella and co-founder of Live for Good, as he brings Positive Leadersh ...
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Ik ben Boukje Jongedijk. Mijn podcast gaat over positiviteit, een van de gelukspijlers van het leven. In mijn afleveringen ga ik op zoek naar optimistische gasten en experts op het gebied van positiviteit en probeer ik de geheimen van een positieve levenshouding te ontrafelen.
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A positive message and piem coming your way several times a week.
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Invest in yourself, your health, wellness and quality of life.
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Um podcast sobre ideias, ações, pessoas e projetos de impacto positivo.
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A positive affirmations podcast focused on bringing Good Thinking into your day. Host: Jason Connell, award-winning documentary producer & positive thinker.
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Acreditamos que para tudo na vida há um lado positivo e escolhemos comunicar isso por meio do Positivamente Podcast, conectando argumentos e emoções como chave para promover transformações. Trazemos bate-papos e curiosidades com pessoas envolvidas no universo cristão com um único propósito: renovar a sua mente. Nosso programa vai ao ar às terças-feiras às 19:00, e continua com muito conteúdo em todas as nossas redes. Confira em: www.positivamente.hubmidia.com
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Being positive is up to you. When you understand how your mind works, you really can create the life you desire.
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Positively Pro-Life! is an upbeat program which celebrates the inherent value and dignity of human life. Through inspirational segments, legislative updates, and compelling interviews, Positively Pro-Life! provides an engaging weekly update on issues which affect the most vulnerable among us.
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Change your morning and your life with the best guided morning routine podcast. Wake Me Up is your companion for a fantastic morning. Our episodes offer an inspiring combination of affirmations, meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and motivation to prepare your mind and body to be at their best today. Don’t press the snooze button, or turn to the negative news or social media in the morning. Instead, turn on an episode of Wake Me Up affirmations, meditation, or motivation. Before you know it, you ...
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You've heard of affirmations, but have you used them successfully? Join me daily and I'll guide you through a very simple and brief activity where I'll give you 2 affirmations, a question to ask yourself and a quote to ponder. Also, now available is the Think Positive: Daily Affirmation's Podcast Companion- a simple little book to help you stay on track. Check it out at Dachia.com/think-positive .
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Sodobni človek vse pogosteje čuti izgubo pristnega stika s seboj, s Stvarnikom in s smislom bivanja. V enournih pogovorih s strokovnjaki različnih področij, predvsem pa s področja psihologije, razgrinjamo možnosti po vnovičnem prebujenju. Govorimo o izbirah, ki vračajo zadovoljstvo, kažemo drugačne možnosti notranje izpolnitve in spodbujamo k izstopu iz ujetosti, lažne privlačnosti agresivnega potrošništva ter novodobnih pritiskov o tem, kakšen naj bi bil uspešen človek - večno mlad, srečen ...
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Meditações Pura Energia Positiva
Vanessa Scott - Terapeuta Energética Intuitiva e Facilitadora de Breathwork
Infinitas possibilidades ao seu alcance. Acompanhe Vanessa Scott e seu método único para promover o bem-estar através da lei da atração, positividade, breathwork, mindfulness. Com a mente calma e presente no momento, você estará equipado para vencer todos os desafios da vida, incluindo estresse e ansiedade. Episódios novos toda semana! https://puraenergiapositiva.com/
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Wie kann es trotz der lebensverändernden Diagnose Parkinson gelingen, das Leben positiv, lebenswert und bunt zu gestalten? Kathrin Wersing, selbst im Alter von 40 Jahren an Parkinson erkrankt, spricht mit Menschen, die auf vielfältige Weise positiv mit der Erkrankung leben. Ein Podcast, der Mut machen soll, von Betroffenen für Betroffene, Angehörige und alle, die einen positiven Zugang zum Thema Parkinson suchen.
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A Positive Light centered on what a relationship with God can bring to your life
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Mehr Leistungsfähigkeit, Motivation, Freude, Sinn, Kreativität und weniger Stress in der Arbeit – für Euch, Euer Team, Eure Organisation: Darum geht es bei „Positiv Führen“ mit Christian Thiele, dem Podcast zu Positiver Leadership und Positiver Psychologie im Job. Anregungen und Tipps, wissenschaftlich fundiert, alltagstauglich, leicht umsetzbar und lernbar. Mindestens jeden Monat eine Folge, immer am 13. Denn wann Euer Glückstag ist, entscheidet Ihr schließlich selbst! Und gelegentlich auch ...
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Join Sam Marsden (ESPN), Rik Sharma (AFP), Toni Juanmartí (Diario Sport) and special guests for this weekly podcast on FC Barcelona. Siempre Positivo is the only English-language podcast exclusively focused on Barça brought to you by people on the ground in the city. The podcast covers every inch of the football club, from match reviews and previews to transfer news and the latest controversy (it's never quiet at Camp Nou!)
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Intelligent conversation about all things Baltimore.
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Le notizie positive per un mondo migliore selezionate da AVIS, Associazione Volontari Italiani del Sangue
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Practical Positivity is a weekly podcast hosted by Sophie Cliff (aka The Joyful Coach). Each week she shares tips on how you can squeeze more joy out of your everyday, attitude hacks that will help you feel more confident and secure, and a whole load of practical positivity. Like what you hear? Don’t forget to subscribe!
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Keep your dreams alive. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. -Gail Devers
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Positiv korreliert- aber was bedeutet das eigentlich? Diese Frage stellen sich Kai und Luise in ihrem Podcast über psychologische Forschung. In Staffel 1 beschäftigen wir uns mit den einzelnen Bausteinen der Statistik und Forschungsmethodik in der Psychologie. Kann da nicht jede:r alles reininterpretieren? - Leider nicht, aber wir können das lernen. Staffel 2 macht den Schritt in der Praxis: Wir beschäftigen uns jede Folge mit einem Paper und schauen uns spannende statistische Methoden an, f ...
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Positive Minds Only podcast is about my personal journey toward success, while keeping a positive mind while going through the peaks and valleys of life. Email: [email protected] Merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/positive-minds-only PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/kebrady13 Instagram: IamKennethEL Twitter: IamKennethEL Facebook: Kenneth EL
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The Mystical Positivist, with hosts Stuart Goodnick and Dr. Robert Schmidt, is dedicated to the application of reason in the pursuit of spiritual practice and development. It consists of commentary, book reviews, interviews, and discussion in and around the local and larger spiritual community. The thesis of the show is that rationality is in no way the antithesis of deep mystical experience, in fact, we assert that it is a necessary ally.
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Podcast by PositiveJam
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A microcast with playable pick-me-ups, because we all need something positive in our days.
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Tous les mardis à 9h et en rediffusion les samedis à 10h Émission présentée par Nathalie Salmeron et Guillaume Lorin
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Positiv Denken, handeln und fühlen: Leben gestalten - Freude empfinden. Gestalte dein Leben, übernimm Verantwortung für dein Denken, Handeln und Fühlen. Weg von der Opferrolle und Passivität. Hin zu Selbstverantwortung, Selbstwirksamkeit und Lebensfreude. Positiv Denken wird hier nicht verstanden als rosarote Brille oder als oberflächliche Suggestionen. Positiv Denken basiert auf tiefer Lebenseinstellung, auf freudevollen Gefühlen - und resultiert in aktiver Gestaltung deines Lebens und Eins ...
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Welcome to the Share Good Juju: Positivity Podcast, where every episode is like a warm and comforting cup of coffee with your best friend! I’m your host Julie Endl and I’m here to bring you your weekly dose of positivity.
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El primer podcast en y desde Costa Rica sobre VIH desde la experiencia diaria
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Um die Krankheit Parkinson geht's im Podcast "Jetzt erst recht". Kathrin Wersing aus Münster verrät, wie man mit Parkinson "positiv leben" kann. Im Podcast berichten auch Gäste über ihren Umgang mit der Diagnose. Zu hören ist der Parkinson-Podcast "Jetzt erst recht" hier in der Mediathek von NRWision.
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In each episode of Positively Progresive, host Donna Smith talks with leading progressive politicians, activists, and authors about how their work fits into the broader progressive agenda, which strives to make positive social change that will benefit all Americans. Positively Progressive is produced by Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) with the goal of making our positive pressure and love of humanity spread far and wide. Our future is filled with our common joy, exploration, and power.
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Everyday Positivity hosted by Kate Cocker is a daily show to help you start your day on the right foot. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Become the best version of yourself as you kickstart your day with the right motivation and inspiration from "The Daily Positivity Podcast" - where we bring you unwavering self-improvement episodes parked with daily uplifting affirmations, empowering motivational speeches, and stories. Get and stay motivated with us every morning! www.dailymotivational.info
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Personal thoughts for positive living shared by a retired counseling psychologist as we all travel on our mutual journey through life.
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A podcast about mostly film photography! Hosted by Mike Gutterman, Andre Domingues, Mike Kukavica, Roxanna Angles, and Jessica Jones.
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If you wake up like Paul, with every day full of possibility, then this podcast is for you.
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Welcome to Net Positive, a comedy podcast hosted by comedian John Crist. This show is your primary source for quality conversation, bold takes, emotionally-charged rants, questionable advice, incorrect statistics, and more. New episodes drop every Thursday on all podcast platforms, and you can catch full video episodes and more on YouTube. This podcast won't solve all the world's problems, but on the net...it's a positive. Catch the video podcast on YouTube, and follow us on social media (@n ...
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Welcome to The Positivity Hour hosted by Darshaun Smith. Episodes are posted once a week on Sundays at 12:00 noon (CST). In this podcast, you can expect to hear conversations on the world, interviews with experts in their fields and more! The Positivity Hour podcast helps viewers and listeners leave looking at social issues, money, relationships, power dynamics and more with a positive view point with solutions to fix problems today!! VISIT MY WEBSITE TODAY https://www.dsmithproductions.com/ ...
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World-renowned dog trainer Victoria Stilwell (It’s Me or the Dog) talks pet topics, answers fan questions, and gives dog training and behavior advice.
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A weekly sprinkle of positivity, self-care &wellness, mindfulness, and guided meditations.
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Hvordan kan du stresse mindre, og få mer motivasjon, selvtillit, energi, pleie og glød inn i hverdagen? I denne podkasten gir life coach Hedda Brodtkorb og holistisk helsecoach Silvany Bricen deg de beste velværetipsene for kropp og mindset! Musikk: Njål Frode Lie. Facebook: Velværepodden med Hedda & Silvany / Instagram: velværepodden / E-post: [email protected] / Velværepodden.no Disclaimer: Innholdet i Velværepodden og på alle våre flater skal verken erstatte eller utgjøre en profesjonell med ...
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Join Chancellor Stephen as he and members of the Positively Star Wars Group Senate convene to discuss all things Star Wars. We are a positive Force for fandom!
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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cookingwithpositivity/subscribe Cooking with positivity is the love child of Zykia McCoy. This podcast lives and thrives on the mindset of having a positive mindset will lead you to success. Not only in your business, love life but also in your everyday decision making. Although two black female bosses are the host; Cooking with positivity is a podcast for every one. Monday through Friday you can tune in and get a daily fix. Wh
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These podcast episodes guide you to choose and use simple, short positive affirmations to create a happier more successful life.
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Regular podcasts from "The Positive Psychology People". A group of like-minded individuals who practice Positive Psychology. This is a branch of psychology that is concerned with the science of being able to live your best life.
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✨ Chaque semaine, Inspirations Positives donne la parole à celles et ceux qui agissent pour construire une Guadeloupe plus forte et plus solidaire. Entrepreneurs visionnaires, associations engagées, collectivités dynamiques : découvrez des projets concrets et structurants qui transforment notre territoire. 🎙️ À travers des échanges authentiques et inspirants, plongez dans des expériences enrichissantes autour de thématiques essentielles comme la formation, l’écologie, le tourisme et bien plu ...
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Work Positive podcast guests share strategies and tactics, real-life stories, and case studies that focus on how you can attract top talent and reduce team turnover. The host of the Work Positive podcast, Dr. Joey Faucette, is an executive coach, culture architect, and best-selling author. His latest book, Work Positive in a Negative World: Team Edition, is the manifesto for developing your positive work culture. Listen to the Work Positive podcast if you: want to attract top talent desire t ...
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Trek experts Dan and Barry discuss a variety of Trek topics, often with special guests! We want to share our love of the Star Trek universe, and celebrate how it has touched our lives. We also cover news and reviews of all new Star Trek shows and films!
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Skin boosters eller botox - skammen og rene fakta
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33:24(Reprise) Nordmenn elsker skin boosters, fillers og botox – men hvorfor skammer så mange seg? Silvany snakker med Dr. Rolah Lønning Osman Myrestrand fra RU Klinikken om trenden, ulempene og de nyeste, naturlige alternativene. Episoden kan inneholde målrettet reklame, basert på din IP-adresse, enhet og posisjon. Se smartpod.no/personvern for informa…
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Jetzt erst recht: Uoatsi Scheurig, Sexualität und Parkinson
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41:32Uoatsi Scheurig lebt bereits seit mehr als 30 Jahren mit Parkinson. Das hat sie allerdings nicht davon abgehalten, Partnerschaft, Liebe und Sexualität zu erfahren. Im Podcast "Jetzt erst recht" spricht sie mit Kathrin Wersing über ihren Krankheitsverlauf, ihr Verhältnis zu Medikamenten und ihre Beziehungen. Denn: Uoatsi Scheurig lebt polyamor. Poly…
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Eigentlich sollte es nicht Schreiben einer Abschlussarbeit heißen, sondern Lesen. Denn der Prozess des Lesens nimmt mindestens ein Viertel der gesamten Arbeit ein und sollte daher gut strukturiert sein. In dieser Folge sprechen Luise und Kai, welche Schritte in der Literaturrecherche durchgegangen werden müssen: Von der Exploration, über die Wissen…
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Journey to Personal Growth - Powerful Motivation
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10:41Get ready to be inspired and motivated-Today's episode is packed with powerful motivational speeches that pack a punch, inspirational messages that will change your life, and uplifting affirmations that will keep you going all day long. Join us on this journey of self-improvement and empowerment—don’t miss your daily dose of motivation! Let’s get s…
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Greatest Motivational Speech from the Greatest Athletes of All Time
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15:03Get ready to be inspired and motivated-Today's episode is packed with powerful motivational speeches that pack a punch, inspirational messages that will change your life, and uplifting affirmations that will keep you going all day long. Join us on this journey of self-improvement and empowerment—don’t miss your daily dose of motivation! Let’s get s…
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Finding Your Purpose - Powerful Andrew Tate Speech
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10:40Get ready to be inspired and motivated-Today's episode is packed with powerful motivational speeches that pack a punch, inspirational messages that will change your life, and uplifting affirmations that will keep you going all day long. Join us on this journey of self-improvement and empowerment—don’t miss your daily dose of motivation! Let’s get s…
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Luke Jones and Nestor discuss continued fallout of Tucker scandal and Ravens march through combine
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50:03We are a week away from the tampering period of NFL free agency and Luke Jones and I continue to read the purple tea leaves about Justin Tucker, Mark Andrews and Ronnie Stanley as the Baltimore Ravens try to run, hide, tuck and roll during an NFL investigation in Owings Mills. The post Luke Jones and Nestor discuss continued fallout of Tucker scand…
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Sea Salt & Honey (w/ Warren Zeiders)
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1:44:47Consuming sea salt before a workout, the college dropout spectrum, shirt ripping tips, and letting your friends know you have a manager… On the net, it’s a positive. ------ SEND US DECOR: Lagos Creative 632 Fogg St, Ste 10 Nashville, TN 37203 ----- JOKES FOR HUMANS TOUR: https://johncristcomedy.com/tour/ 3/7 - Branson, MO 3/8 - Kansas City, MO 3/9 …
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This podcast is for anybody with the goal of living at 100%. You've heard of affirmations, but have you used them successfully? Join me daily and I'll guide you through a very simple and brief activity where I'll give you 2 affirmations, a question to ask yourself and a quote to ponder. I have a tip jar on the site, on the main page and the podcast…
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Cure to Laziness and Procrastination - Powerful Motivational Speech
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10:58Get ready to be inspired and motivated-Today's episode is packed with powerful motivational speeches that pack a punch, inspirational messages that will change your life, and uplifting affirmations that will keep you going all day long. Join us on this journey of self-improvement and empowerment—don’t miss your daily dose of motivation! Let’s get s…
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Luke Jones and Nestor discuss Orioles spring training pitching plans and prep for Opening Day
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33:07The Orioles' starting rotation isn't built for the long haul but a promising early spring from the starters and the welcomed relief of having Felix Bautista back on the bump has Luke Jones and Nestor cautiously optimistic about Mike Elias' ability to piece together a one-year program with Tomoyuki Sugano, Charlie Morton and the remaining cast from …
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Emotions are complex reactions that involve physiological, behavioral, and experiential elements. Emotions can be mild or intense, and can help us understand and react to our experiences, but they can be mastered naturally.Av Positivity Guides
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Crafting Your Destiny - Powerful Motivational Speech
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15:13Get ready to be inspired and motivated-Today's episode is packed with powerful motivational speeches that pack a punch, inspirational messages that will change your life, and uplifting affirmations that will keep you going all day long. Join us on this journey of self-improvement and empowerment—don’t miss your daily dose of motivation! Let’s get s…
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Seeing the Future and Transforming Millions of Lives (with James Chen)
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1:11:01What if the biggest overlooked global health challenge was something as simple as… vision? In this episode of the Positive Leadership Podcast, we sit down with James Chen, a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and global changemaker on a mission to provide vision correction to over a billion people who need it. Through his groundbreaking Clearly campaign…
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Good Thinking: Positive Affirmations Episode 191: My Body Is Worthy Of Being Cared For Jason Connell shares a positive affirmation focused on bringing Good Thinking into your day. Support The Show! Recorded: 02-22-25 Studio: Just Curious Media Listen: Buzzsprout Apple Podcasts Spotify Amazon Music iHeartRadio Host: Jason Connell Affirmation: Day On…
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Guided Morning Meditation for Inner Peace & Harmony
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11:57Enjoy a gentle guided morning meditation designed to cultivate inner peace and harmony. This meditation offers a simple yet powerful practice to start your day with a sense of calm and centeredness. Declutter your mind, and find inner peace within yourself. #meditation #morningmeditation #guidedmeditation #innerpeace #calm Get 10% off an Amazfit sm…
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Confuse Them with Your Silence - Powerful Motivation
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3:55Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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STOP LYING TO YOURSELF - Powerful Motivation
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10:11Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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Click Here For More From Everyday Positivity: linktr.ee/everydaypositivity Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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TRUE DOG MENTALITY - Powerful Motivational Speech
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9:35Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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MIND BLOWING WORK ETHIC - Motivational Speech
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1:00:03Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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BELIEVE AND ACHIEVE - Powerful Motivational Speech
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8:56Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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My Feelings Deserve Names, Deserve Recognition, Deserve To Be Felt
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1:00Good Thinking: Positive Affirmations Episode 190: My Feelings Deserve Names, Deserve Recognition, Deserve To Be Felt Jason Connell shares a positive affirmation focused on bringing Good Thinking into your day. Support The Show! Recorded: 02-22-25 Studio: Just Curious Media Listen: Buzzsprout Apple Podcasts Spotify Amazon Music iHeartRadio Host: Jas…
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The Heart of Rescue - Behind the Scenes of The Dog House with Sue Ketland
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55:29In this episode, Victoria Stilwell welcomes Sue Ketland, the renowned behavior and training specialist from Woodgreen Pets Charity, and a familiar face from The Dog House on Channel 4. With 35 years of experience in dog welfare, Sue shares behind-the-scenes insights on how the show has reshaped the public’s view of adoption, the complexities of mat…
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Don't Wish For It WORK FOR IT - Powerful Motivation
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4:05Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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GO HARD MINDSET - Powerful Motivational Speech for Success & Working Out
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32:31Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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Click Here For More From Everyday Positivity: linktr.ee/everydaypositivity Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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Ep 13 - Quiz 6 : Langue française et francophonie
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33:22Av Nathalie Salmeron
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Ep 12 - Débat 2 : Éducation en ligne vs éducation traditionnelle
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45:06Av Nathalie Salmeron
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Ep 11 - Quiz : Sports et loisirs au Canada
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46:11Av Nathalie Salmeron
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The Second Wind Is Coming - Powerful Motivation
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4:05Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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E465: Goals for all! Martín & Casadó strike as Barça batter La Real
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35:14Send us a text Barcelona warmed up for this week's Champions League trip to Benfica with a Sunday stroll against Real Sociedad at the Olympic Stadium. It was one way traffic once La Real were reduced to 10 men in the first half, with Gerard Martín, Marc Casadó, Ronald Araújo and Robert Lewandowski helping themselves to goals in a 4-0 win. Sam, Rik …
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“Spreading Smiles: Inspiring Stories on Paul's Positive Podcast”
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1:36Welcome to Paul's Positive Podcast Hosted by the ever-enthusiastic Amy Iverson, Paul's Positive Podcast is the perfect pick-me-up for when you need a dose of happiness and hope. Specifically crafted for an audience of one—Paul—this podcast is designed to bring a smile to your face and warmth to your heart through uplifting tales of human kindness, …
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8:27Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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Local writer Baynard Woods discusses his story in Rolling Stone on demise real news in The Baltimore Sun
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42:45Local writer and journalist Baynard Woods discusses his lengthy story in Rolling Stone on the demise of real "news" in The Baltimore Sun and the Fox 45 journalism agenda moves to print and behind a paywall at the hands of a local billionaire. The post Local writer Baynard Woods discusses his story in Rolling Stone on demise real news in The Baltimo…
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Av Bob Miles
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The Warrior Mindset for Success - Powerful Motivation
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28:01Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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I Always Back Myself - Powerful Motivational Speech
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4:00Prepare to unleash your inner strength! In today’s episode, we’re delivering powerful motivational speeches that resonate deeply, transformative messages to inspire real change, and affirmations designed to keep your spirits soaring all day long. Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment with us—your daily dose of positivity awaits, …
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Being kind has a positive impact on the ‘giver’ too. Even witnessing acts of kindness can have a positive impact. How is that? Being kind builds our connection with others. Find the ways you enjoy being kind. A classic positive psychology exercise is Three Kind Things. Don’t Forget Yourself People with Kindness high in their strength profile can, a…
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Meditação Desejo Natural - Dia 1 do Desafio de 21 Dias Transforme sua Vida com Lei da Atração
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27:05Baixe agora o app Pura Energia Positiva PREMIUM clicando neste link https://puraenergiapositiva.com/app-premium-no-arParticipe agora mesmo do Desafio de 21 Dias Transforme sua Vida com Lei da Atração:Clique no link https://puraenergiapositiva.com/desafio-lei-atracaoBem-vindo à nossa experiência de meditação de 21 dias, Transforme Sua Vida em 21 Dia…
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I KNOW Positive Morning Affirmations | I Know Today Can Be Great!
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12:09Knowing is better than believing! Deepen your sense of self confidence and self belief with these I KNOW positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are a powerful way to change your internal self talk and belief systems. And there is no better time for them than first thing in the morning to set a positive mood for the day. Improve your experienc…
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Desafio de 21 Dias Transforme sua Vida com Lei da Atração - Introdução
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5:00Baixe agora o app Pura Energia Positiva PREMIUM clicando neste link https://puraenergiapositiva.com/app-premium-no-arParticipe agora mesmo do Desafio de 21 Dias Transforme sua Vida com Lei da Atração:Clique no link https://puraenergiapositiva.com/desafio-lei-atracao Todo o amor, sucesso, saúde e felicidade que você deseja está disponível para você,…
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Episode 307: What’s been helping me find joy during a busy period
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33:31The last few months have been hectic but I’ve been really trying to prioritise joy amidst the chaos, and today I’m sharing some tips and thoughts. The Joyful Career: Enrol now Get your copy: The Hustle Cure CONTACT SOPHIE: Coaching - Your Joyful Year Buy My Book - Choose Joy: Relieve Burnout, Focus on Your Happiness, and Infuse More Joy into Your E…
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