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show episodes
BIT Teatergarasjen er et teater som i tillegg til forestillinger arrangerer samtaler, debatter og foredrag relatert til scenekunsten og dens tematikk. Noen av disse arrangementene videreformidles her som podcast.
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Vinyl Værsågod

Vinyl Værsågod

En platesamling transformeres til en podcastserie. Vinyl Værsågod er podcasten om en platesamling som sakte men sikkert skal ut til folket. Hver uke møter jeg en ny gjest som får en bit av min platesamling, og hver uke kommer det en ny podcast. I løpet av tre år skal alle platene mine spres ut til vinylelskere rundt omkring i Norge. Sjekk facebookgruppen Vinyl Værsågod eller vårt kulturmagasin Beater for mer info.
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show series
20. april 2022, Bergen offentlige bibliotek.EN:In their project Gåologi (walkology) the artists wonder about the physical and psychological aspects of walking, what it does to our brain and how it changes our perceptions of the city and of the domestic space. The panelists will discuss points of reflections that came up during their walks, aspects …
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Kan vitenskapen lære noe av kunsten? Eller har kunsten mer å lære avvitenskapen?Bára Sigfúsdóttir viste forestillingen FLÖKT - a flickering flow på Studio Bergen 25. og 26. mars 2021. Etter siste forestilling inviterte vi til en kunstnersamtale med Bára.I samtalen har vi fått med oss en ekspert på vær og klima, nemlig Thomas Spengler fra Universite…
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Nikulpmyrene er en samværsform, en tilstand av leir, turlag og workshop der publikum inviteres på bålfest for å koke i hop egne og hverandres nervesystem.Rune Salomonsen har snakket med scenekunstnerne Ida Wigdel, Lisa Lie, Kristin Ryg Helgebostad og Ingeleiv Berstad som for første gang går sammen i firspann og utforsker landskapet mellom workshop,…
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Knockouts av Ludvig Uhlbors hadde premiere 13. april, en danseforestilling om Mixed Martial Arts av Ludvig Uhlbors, med to dansere og en billedkunstner.Noen dager før forestillingen hadde vi besøk av Kjetil Kausland, som i 2008 gjennomførte en proff MMA-kamp som kunstverk i gamle Teatergarasjen (No más). Dette var første gang en MMA-kamp ble gjenno…
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Lecture by Florian Malzacher An assembly in the context of activism is a place of gathering, of building a community, and of experimenting with different procedures of democracy. But recent years also have seen a number of artistic attempts to use the form of assemblies to invent new public spheres. Using the unique possibilities of theatre to crea…
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I dette foredraget presenterer Sara Bruteig Olsen noen utdrag fra sine pågående undersøkelser av den undertrykte og revolusjonære kropp i senmoderne filosofi, og spesielt i Gilles Deleuzes tenkning. Olsen er scenekunstner og har en mastergrad i filosofi.Med utgangspunkt i Deleuzes lesning av Francis Bacons kunst argumenterer hun for at en kropp bes…
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During Oktoberdans 2020 we were happy to invite to a lecture and Q&A with Laboria Cuboniks, presenting their Xenofeminist Manifesto. Here is the Q & A as a podcast.The Lecture can be seen again here: BIT Teatergarasjen
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En prat om glemte opplevelser, fortrengte følelser og katarsis.Den psykoanalytiske behandlingsmetode tilskrives som regel Sigmund Freud, og bygger på den østerrikske legen Josef Breuers oppdagelser om at såkalte hysteriske symptomer kan knyttes til traumatiske opplevelser som virker i ubevisstheten. Gjennom hypnose kunne man få pasientene til å hus…
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During the theatre festival Meteor 2019 BIT Teatergarasjen presented the film Retrospective - a retrospective film screening of Jérôme Bel's highlights, expanding our perception of what dance could be. Before the screening, artistic and managing director Sven Åge Birkeland challenged Bel's thoughts on how to work as an artist in times where climate…
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We learn more about the distinctive artistic practice of Tori Wrånes.Wrånes lets us in on her work in this 90 minute talk with film clips. Wrånes (b. 1978, Kristiansand, Norway), currently lives and works in Oslo, Norway. Wrånes is a vocalist and artist and has a trans-medial artistic practice, which unfolds as performan…
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In this talk, artist Michikazu Matsune and dramaturg André Eiermann share the process of What The Hell and discuss different forms of performativity in the public space. The Bergen version of the project What The Hell is developed and performed by the students of the Master's Program in Fine Arts at the University of Agder.Michikazu Matsune is a pe…
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The Green podcast: silly and eco-friendly in 7 minutesHouse philosopher Rune Salomonsen interviews selected artists during the Meteor 2019 theatre festival. Sometimes in town, sometimes on the train between Bergen and Arna.This time: Lotte van den Berg:…
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The Green podcast: silly and eco-friendly in 7 minutesHouse philosopher Rune Salomonsen interviews selected artists during the Meteor 2019 theatre festival. Sometimes in town, sometimes on the train between Bergen and Arna.This time: André Eiermann & Yasen Vasilev on Jérôme Bel – squatting outside of Belgin.…
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Varamo Press embraces the unexpected and values the arbitrary circumstances in which writing comes into being. Snatching, wording, printing, it gives a paper form to various kinds of literature that have a fleeting life elsewhere. Now its co-founders Mette Edvardsen and Jeroen Peeters present their publishing house and its first pair of books.This …
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The Green podcast: silly and eco-friendly in 7 minutesHouse philosopher Rune Salomonsen interviews selected artists during the Meteor 2019 theatre festival. Sometimes in town, sometimes on the train between Bergen and Arna.This time: Pieter de Buysser:…
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The Green podcast: silly and eco-friendly in 7 minutesHouse philosopher Rune Salomonsen interviews selected artists during the Meteor 2019 theatre festival. Sometimes in town, sometimes on the train between Bergen and Arna.This time: Alexei Tegn from Phurpa:…e-replacement/PS! Unfortunately the powerful voice of …
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Presentation and talks with the international network Create to Connect → Create to Impact It is no secret that many theatre scholars and programmers avoid engaging directly in participatory art. Why do we keep on doing it? Do we have a notion that the general public demands this interaction? What changes when an audience member is asked to join in…
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The Green podcast: silly and eco-friendly in 7 minutesHouse philosopher Rune Salomonsen interviews selected artists during the Meteor 2019 theatre festival. Sometimes in town, sometimes on the train between Bergen and Arna.This time: Andrea Spreafico:…
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The Green podcast: silly and eco-friendly in 7 minutesHouse philosopher Rune Salomonsen interviews selected artists during the Meteor 2019 theatre festival. Sometimes in town, sometimes on the train between Bergen and Arna.This time: The Teenage Songbook of Love and Sex:…
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The Green podcast: silly and eco-friendly in 7 minutesHouse philosopher Rune Salomonsen interviews selected artists during the Meteor 2019 theatre festival. Sometimes in town, sometimes on the train between Bergen and Arna.This time: MaisonDahlBonnema:…
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A showing of work-in-progress, conversation, and a live podcast on how performing arts is created. In recent years BIT Teatergarasjen has recurrently carried on podcast productions, since we seek to document the various discourse events of Rein Bonus while sharing good conversations and inspiring thoughts with a larger audience. This time in collab…
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When Tupajić was in Bergen last autumn, local performing arts critic Rania Broud conducted an in depth interview with her. Prior to the performance both days, the audience were invited to collectively listen to the podcast version, with an unknown number of soft mats scattered throughout Gråsonen. The lights were out, and the space utterly dark.Pod…
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Aldri Mer Srebrenica - noe sted. En samtale mellom Tone Bringa og Stian Nordengen Christensen.Har det internasjonale samfunnet lært noe siden 90-tallet, med tanke på vårt ansvar for å gripe inn og forhindre store massakrer på sivile? BIT Teatergarasjen inviterte til samtale med dette som utgangspunkt i forbindelse med forestillingen Dark Numbers av…
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The Making of Justice is a vulnerable portrayal of seven prison inmates who have been charged with murder. Through conversations with the inmates, Sarah Vanhee encounters individuals in impossible situations, and their reflections surrounding retribution and rehabilitation. The film establishes a subtle tension in relation to questions about the re…
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BIT Teatergarasjen har inngått et samarbeid med Teatertanken om prosjektet Levende kritikk. Prosjektet går inn for å heve kompetansen rundt scenekunstkritikk gjennom å utforske nye former for kritikk – med Vestlandet som utgangspunkt og omdreiningspunkt.I etterkant av forestillingen Love & Emotions 16. februar, ble det arrangert en kritikersalong b…
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