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Feelings First is a queer actual play podcast about messy relationships, complex characters, grounded stories, and exploring emotional landscapes. Join Luke, Gwen, Finbar and Ashley as they explore the challenging lives of Teenage Superheroes in Season 4: Masks
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A podcast teaching women how to feel the energy, emotions and essence of their desires FIRST, so that they can turn their reality into their version of wealth. Inside this podcast we cover emotional intelligence, spirituality, breathwork, embodiment, wealth and abundance, and how it contributes to building a life that YOU choose. Here we reject hustle culture, pressure and force, and replace it with slowness, contentment, purpose and fulfilment. This is where we get to live out our version o ...
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show series
When I became a mother, I tried SO hard to recreate my beautiful 2 hour morning ritual. I held on so tightly to this ritual. It was such a big part of who I was. Plus it created the most epic container for me to move through the day in. But the more I tried to recreate it, the more resistance there was. The way I experienced time before becoming a …
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Listen, I was having $20k+ months in my business. Surreal, but temporary. I was in a 6 month 1:1 coaching container with a top tier business mentor, and when I was IN the container with her, I was doing great. But when it ended, I started to wobble, and things began to return back to how they used to be, in terms of my money and finances. I have be…
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Money comes with responsibility, whether its $10 or $100,000. The responsibility is the same. Youre responsible for taking care of it, nurturing it, using it, and creating with it. This is a fact that remains the same, always. But what happens if you have a fear of responsibility? What happens when you believe the repsonsibility is something you ca…
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Honestly, this feels like a calling out. Loving, yet harsh. And sometimes we need that, in order to access the breakthrough that changes everything. We need to be called out, even if its uncomfortable. You are likely disrespecting and abusing your money, and thats a big reason why it ain't showing up for you. Spending it without thinking about your…
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Channeling The Soul of My Spirit Baby Have you read the book, Spirit Babies, by Walter Makichen? You should, he 100% explains all this much better than me haha! BUT, in this episode, I am sharing my own personal experiences of connecting to the soul of my spirit baby. I have this deep knowing they are around me, whether they incarnate on this earth…
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MONEY HAS NEEDS. ARE YOU ABLE TO FULFIL THOSE NEEDS? A healthy relationship, is a result of both parties having their needs met, right? This is common knowledge, I fear. (Is that how the tik tok audio goes?!) So, when we are looking at transforming your relationship to money, we have to figure out your needs, and money's needs. Sounds bizarre, I kn…
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I meditated for the first time in YEARS. Once I found breathwork, I stepped away from meditation. Breathwork feels like a meditation hybrid, and I adore it. But very weirdly the other night, I felt a very strong urge to meditate. So I followed the uge, and asked my question before diving in. The most beautiful memory of my time at school popped up.…
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Recently I have been learning more and more about my spiritual side. A side I have always had, that ebbs and flows when it comes to it’s expression. But I have been following some big nudges, signs and synchronicities lately, and really stepping into this side of me, allowing it to have a more permanent place here. It's a part of who I am, who I ha…
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Back in January, I was feeling so unbothered and bored in life. I just felt meh. The life force energy wasnt there. I wasn't zinging, you know?! And I wanted to ZING. I desired the life force energy back so I didnt have to work SO HARD to get into my desired states of being. So I sat down and began to journal, for the first time in aggggges. I had …
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Your limiting beliefs are not the issue. I know, I know, you've been told otherwise for so long. I am not saying you stop working on rewiring your beliefs around money...no keep doing it, if you feel the motivation and devotion to do so. BUT, you must know that doing limiting belief work on its own is not enough to shift your relationship to money,…
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Gosh, I wish people knew this, so they would actually let out their feelings (in a healthy way). Saying your fears, worries and anxieties out loud, is NOT going to fuck up the manifestation process...contrary to what you may have been taught. In fact...NOT saying these things out loud is far more likely to get in the way of you receiving, attractin…
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I LOVE this exercise. I learned the technique of personifying something back in my early coaching days, and it has served me every single time since! This exercise allows you to truly see the underlying emotions, that are in the way of you having a healthy emotional relationship to "something", in this case money. The way you respond to seeing mone…
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You're angry with money and you didn't even know it. You think you're all fine and cool with money, but deep down in your body, you're pissed. There have been experiences in the past where money has made you mad... ...like, when you had to drain your bank account for a bill. ...or, when the business investent didnt give you an ROI. ...and, when you…
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You've heard me talk about how your body is in charge. It makes ALL the decisions, whether youre aware of that or not. Your mind and beliefs just mimic whats going on within the body. So if, you're wanting to shift your relationship to money, you focus on the body NOT the mind. This means feeling your feelings. It means nourishing and moving your b…
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These conversations arent had often enough, and as a result many women feel alone on their journey. So, my hope is that sharing my story, dissolves those feelings of isolation, even just a little. Please bear in mind, that we are at the beginning of this journey, and while it can be really hard and defeating, I still hold hope and optimism for us. …
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What would it feel like to forget about money for one whole day? - seriously. The freedom. The relief. The liberation. The expansion. The spaciousness. The JOY. This is what happens when you take your eyes off money, and all the different ways to call it in. Its like when you lose your keys, and no matter how hard you focus on finding them, you can…
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Theres this narrative in the world of online entreprenuership that encourages "retiring your partner" to be a part of your business goals. And this is something I subscribed to. I integrating this into my own vision. I focussed so hard on this vision, even though my own body was naturally resisting it. I didn't listen, and kept going. Until one day…
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I used to find this really hard… Feeling wealthy, without having anything in my present reality that represented wealth. Things like brand name clothing, designer jewelry, a fancy looking home, a bank account with multiple 0’s, a booked out business…you know, all those things we are conditioned to believe mean “wealthy”. But now, fast forward two y…
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How do you know when the wealth embodiment work is working? How do you know when its paying off? Most people search for the big moment, the big realization, to validate all the work theyve put into redefining wealth. Things like large sums of money, a booked out business, marriage etc But, I am here to bring your attention to the micro moments, tha…
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I'm not going to say too much here. But two years ago, my whole life changed, and with it my perceptions of money, wealth and business. The business I had spent 5 years building, no longer worked for me. I had to make some big changes. This is what happens when you receive a breakthrough around wealth, and you can't unsee it or unfeel it. It feel s…
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Your belief of "I am not enough", is a byproud of the way you've been conditioned to respond to your feelings of Scarcity. You have been taught to connect Scarcity to the belief "I am not enough", and you have been unconsciously creating a reality that represents that. But what would happen, if you could be with the raw emotion of Scarcity, decode …
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We have been fed the narrative, that Scarcity is a "bad" emotion. That we need to remove it, fix it, get rid of it. But, what we have failed to realize, is that as with ANY other emotion, Scarcity has an important message for us about the life we are meant to be living. It holds crucial detauks about HOW to align with our version of wealth. It guid…
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I think its quite easy to assume that the people you see on social media, have their shit together. But that is, in fact, not true. Far from it. I just don't share every single thing on my social media. I like my privacy. I like sharing from harmony and balance, instead of emotional chaos. I like sharing to lead you, not trigger you. And this is th…
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"Take aligned action" they said. But how? I was confused, and often forcing myself to THINK of an aligned action to take, so I could have the life and business I wanted. I didn't know how to take aligned action. I understood the concept logically, but to actually do it, that was another story. After FIVE freaking years of being told this, I get it.…
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There is a lot of talk about breathwork these days - have you noticed? There's a very valid reason for this....its changing lives, with the least amount of effort. Aside from showing up for a breathwork session, theres no other "work" involved. BUT, something I have noticed is a lot of apprehension in those who want to try it, but feel like it migh…
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I havent really shared with you, my unique definition of wealth...and I have my reasons. The purpose of todays share is to show you how UNIQUE your version of wealth gets to be. I want to show you how beautiful and deeply activating it is, to land on the clarity of wealth really means to you. The truth underneath it all. If youve been in my world f…
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I think we need to take a moment to validate our desire for money. Its honestly the reaons we start the wealth embodiment journey. We step into the process wanting the cash, and emerge from it having and becoming a whole lot more. Receiving aligned amounts of money and cash is ONE of the incredible by products of this work. BUT... It also guides yo…
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Every single book, course and teaching on manifestation, money and wealth say the same thing: YOU HAVE TO FEEL IT FIRST. You have to know the energy, emotions and essence of your desires before you can see them unfold in your reality. This would confuse me. Like how can I feel something I havent yet experienced? And I know this is tripping you up t…
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We are human. We are literally designed to experience every single emotion there is. BUT we havent learned what to do when emotions rise to the surface, and as a result we get hijacked. This leads to irrational decision making, actions that later end in regret and making moves that pull you so far away from living the life you actually want to live…
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Ugh, there it is, that feeling of defeat. Your bank balance is zero, a huge bill has come in, or maybe your business has had a $0 income month. You're wobbly, and so hijacked by disappointment, that you just want to run away and hide in an abandoned barn. There NO WAY you can experience feelings of wealth while this is happening in your reality... …
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Your relationship to your body is the most foundational piece when it comes to feeling wealthy. Wealth is an emotion, an internal experience. Its sensations and feelings, that come together to bring you into the state of wealth. All of this is happening IN the body. When we are disconnected and disrespectful to our body, it resists us. It will stop…
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Self expression is literally the key to creating a life that represents what wealth is to you. From the words you use, to the body language you hold, it all acts as a bridge between your internal and external world. You have so much power within your expression. When we are unconcious of our emotions and internal experiences, we find ourselves hija…
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Money goals are kinda blugh now. They have a greyness about them and lack the much needed emotional activation, that truly, gets you going. Writing down metrics like $ amounts as a goal, does nothing to the body, and we know, if you want something to happen for you, then your body has to be on board. Its the true decision maker. So when it comes to…
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We all fall into the trap of "chasing". You create a goal, vision your desires, and the immediate reaction is to go out and chase. Chase the person, chase the money, chase the business. Yet, have you ever stopped to question what happens when you chase something, especially something outside of you? Could you pause and ask yourself "what are the tr…
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"How dare you think your life isnt enough", she said. It stopped me in my tracks. I could feel her rage and the depth of her sadness. This is everything she had dreamed of, and I was acting like it wasnt enough. It had been a while since I had heard her voice, and this time it was loud. I was so shocked... Dive into today episode to find out what t…
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I recently experienced the most profound breakthrough about the life and business I truly desire to have. It brought me to tears and I felt the biggest wave of relief wash over me. It was like my body was saying "finally, I have been waiting for you to have this breakthrough, and make the shift". Since owning my truth, and acknowledging the life an…
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Is mindset work done? Are we kinda over it? Well, yes and no. I have a new perspective on mindset work, and I truly believe that on its own, it is no longer enough to create long lasting change. One thing I have noticed with only focussing on mindset, is that the transformation is temporary. In order to make it permanent, we must merge mindset work…
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One of the most important parts of the manifestation process, is learning to FEEL IT FIRST. Understanding how to get your body into the state it associates with your desired life style. While this is the single most important part of the process, its over looked and quickly brushed over. You're given a lot of information about it, but not the suppo…
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Ok, juicy topic for you today. The feeling of wealth, and the feeling of being provided for are the same. When you are leaned back, and allowing your needs to be met and accepting resources to help you create the life you desire, you're feeling provided for (aka wealthy). Having a healthy relationship to being provided for, is the foundation your w…
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Wealth and money are not the same, and I will keep saying this until my very last breath. The idea that these are the same thing, have led to some many beautiful humans limiting themselves when it comes to feeling wealthy. You have power and ability to feel and experience wealth, whenever you desire. You can trigger this feeling at any point. Whats…
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For so long, wealth has been only associated with money, which had lead to so many people feeling limited and distanced from feeling wealthy. Over the last few months, I've been witnessing a huge shift in wealth expression and the definintion of wealth. It is moving away from the masculine (money) and more into the feminine (feeling). This is so so…
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Ooft, coming at you with some sass in this weeks episode. A few months back, I ran an experience called Wealthy. Inside I offered some new, exciting, refreshing and RELIEVING perspectives on wealth, that encouraged the women to retire their old ways. Inside this episode I share with you one of the womens break throughs, around the good girl identit…
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I am still in disbelief that uncovered such a mammoth belief, program and pattern. Something that had been stood in my way for years and years and years. I had unconsciously been choosing to suffer and be in discomfort because it provided me with something my heart needed. This had been something engrained into my cells since I was really little, a…
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The collective feeling that all online entrepreneurs are experiencing right now, is OVERWHELM. Why? Because you are so plugged into the external noise, of everyone and their aunt telling you what to "do" in your biz, that youve become so disconnected from yourself. As a result your feeling stagnant and chaotic, doubting yourself. What every entrepr…
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This is not talked about anywhere in the business coaching world. The sales process is one of the most revealing parts of entrepreneurship. When we stop to really look at why sales feels hard, often we see how linked it is to relationships. Patterns you have in relationships are mirrored in the sales process. Its so powerful to realize. Knowing thi…
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Todays episode is a little unique...its the prework to IDENTITY, the free 3 day experience to guide you back to who you are and what you’re here for. In order to build a business that can thrive and attract the abundance you desire, you must first know what youre doing that is in alignment, and what isnt. What are you doing that feels good for you?…
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People buy based off other peoples life experience. They buy because of what they feel. The facts don't matter, if theres nothing felt. You can throw the most amazing information out there, but if the buyer does't feel something, or they feel some sort of emotional discomfort then they will disconnect. If you're wanting sales to feel effortless, th…
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The idea of big money can bring up a lot of emotions and resistance, and for many, its the reason they are hitting a plateau in income or enrolments. Does it mean more work? More responsibility? Less spaciousness? For some, big money doesn't feel safe, so instead they block it, even though they're mind is saying they want it. In this episode I shar…
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Earlier last week, I had a massive breakthrough about an offer, and had to pause mid-launch and completely pivot! A business faux par? Probably? Did I let the fear of judgement stop me, nope. Lets talk about this, and why its SO important to listen to your body when it comes to growing your business! JOIN IDENTITY - a free 3-day experience to guide…
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Entrepreneurship is one of the biggest personal development journeys you will ever embark on. You will get triggered AF, and you're unsure how to navigate and hold space for your triggers, you'll end up building a business that feels wildly out of alignment. Our past experience will influence the way we make decisions as business owners, until we m…
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