My goal is to help you Build a Better Restaurant by focusing on Eight Basic Fundamentals that lead to a better life and financial freedom. Each week I will share valuable ideas and insights that'll help you grow as a business person and a leader.
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I’ve discovered that there are seven Phases of restaurant ownership…That we all must go through IF we want to make it to the top… And that is what we are going to talk about today…Av Peter Harman
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July 14th 1789 was a bad day for Chefs & Cooks… This day is called Bastille Day… The beginning of the French Revolution… Not only was this a political revolution but it also started a Culinary Revolution when all these chefs woke up the next day and realized – they were suddenly unemployed…OUT of WORK because their bosses had been arrested or decap…
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Why NOT show up every single day and work your ass off and see what CAN happen… Why not BE the best teammate you can possibly be..?Why not be the best leader - by leading by example… And see where that might take you. Why NOT?Av Peter Harman
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There are two ways to look at the world… One is from the INSIDE - OUT – The other is from the OUTSIDE - IN. That’s what we are going to talk about today…Av Peter Harman
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321. What Does It Look LIke When It's Done?
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19:40I talk with a lot of restaurant owners. The one thing they have in common is - They want to Improve. They know they need to change – BUT… They have these long laundry lists of 100 things they WANT or NEED to change IMMEDIATELY. The lists are sooo long and sooo overwhelming – they aren’t sure where to start… So they just pick the thing that is right…
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Conventional wisdom and every coach I ever had - said – there is no I in team… But… after many years of building and leading teams – I have discovered - that there actually is an I in team And that is what I am going to prove to you today…Av Peter Harman
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High Performance Team members adapt to the organization… they work together to do what needs to be done to achieve the mission – no matter what… High Performance Team members put their fellow team members and the success of the mission above themselves… they believe in duty before self.Low performance teams – have individual members who do their ow…
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Are you a DUCK or an EAGLE..?WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE… you say… That’s what we are going to talk about today…Av Peter Harman
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Happy New Year..!I HOPE you are excited to get started and make 2025 the BEST year Yet… I know I am.I want to help you get started… And the best place to start is at the beginning… WITH YOUR VISION STATEMENT. What’s That – A The Vision Statement is about answering the questions - WHO ARE YOU & WHY YOU ARE HERE……
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Imagine… You go to the coffee shop and buy a coffee… it’s is crazy busy in there… The coffee costs $5 - You give the cashier a $20 bill. And they give you back $16 - an extra dollar in change.And you know it – you know they made a mistake.And they gave you a dollar that you didn’t deserve… Do you say something?Or pocket the cash?And leave. Here’s t…
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As we come to the end of 2024…I want to take a few minutes to talk about You and Your staffI want to get you thinking about how you might improve your team in 2025…Av Peter Harman
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Today we are going to discuss Key Moments and Tipping PointsThe Tipping Point is a Key moment – a threshold, a critical mass, or boiling point that leads to Breakthrough - sudden, dramatic, and radical change.The TIPPING POINT in your restaurant could be the point at which… You stop losing and begin to win… The point you go from Getting your ass ki…
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313. Business in a Box Improve, Innovate and Adapt
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21:46Today’s pep talk is part 9 of a 9 part series. If you have not listened to the first EIGHT parts – I recommend that you do STARTING WITH EPISODE # 305 – BUSINESS IN A BOX.Today’s pep talk is about – FUNDAMENTAL #8 – IMPROVE, INNOVATE & ADAPTTODAY my goal is to get your INNOVATIVE juices flowing… The question we need to ask ourselves is constantly a…
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Today’s pep talk is part 8 of a 9 part series… If you have not listened to the first SEVEN parts – I recommend that you do staring with episode # 305 – BUSINESS IN A BOX.Today’s pep talk is about – FUNDAMENTAL #7 – BUILD A BULLET PROOF SYSTEMMy goal today is to get your system building juices flowing… A restaurant is like a house of cards, It takes…
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311. Business in a Box - Manage the Money
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26:36Today’s pep talk is part 7 of a 9 part series…If you have not listened to the first SIX parts – I recommend that you doSTARTING WITH EPISODE # 305 – BUSINESS IN A BOX.Today’s pep talk is about – FUNDAMENTAL #6 – MANAGE THE MONEYTODAY my goal is to get your money making juices flowing…Av Peter Harman
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310. Business In A Box - Increase Sales
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16:46Today’s pep talk is about – FUNDAMENTAL #5 - INCREASE SALES.It is part 6 of a 9 part series. If you have not listened to the first FIVE parts – I recommend that you do STARTING WITH EPISODE # 305 – BUSINESS IN A BOX.TODAY I am going to get your sales juices flowing and get you primed up for 2025… Which is just around the corner……
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309. Business In A Box - Customer Focused Brand
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17:57Today’s pep talk is part 5 of a 9 part series… If you have not listened to the first FOUR parts – I recommend that you dostarting with episode # 305 – BUSINESS IN A BOX.Today’s pep talk is about building a – CUSTOMER FOCUSED BRANDThese are some of my favorite points on BUILDING GREAT CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS and I’m excited to share them with you.I a…
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308. Business In A Box - Team Building
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18:34Today’s pep talk is about one of my favorite subjects – TEAM BUILDING. These are some of my favorite points on team building and I’m excited to share them with you. Today’s pep talk is part 4 of a 9 part series… If you have not listened to the first three parts – I recommend that you do... That way this will all make more sense……
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307. Business In A Box - Owner Mindset
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28:57Most Americans say they are stressed out and frustrated… BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO BUSY. The truth is - They are not stressed out because THEY are doing too much… They are stressed out because they are doing too little of what they KNOW they SHOULD be doing… Or what they ultimately NEED to do to achieve their goals… That is what is REALLY stressing peop…
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Today’s Pep Talk is about Goal Setting…This is PART TWO of a 9 Part Series about building a business in a box. If you missed PART ONE – I recommend you go back and listen to part ONE Episode # 305 before listening to this one… It will all make more sense that way… Today we are going to talk about one of The Eight Basic Fundamentals of Building a GR…
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Lots of people talk about the concept ofWORK ON YOUR BUSINESS – NOT IN YOUR BUSINESS… Today we are going to talk about what that REALLY MEANS and how you can use it to WORK ON YOUR RESTAURANT.My goal is to help you - Build a Restaurant in a Box…Today’s episode is PART ONE of a 9 PART SERIES…Av Peter Harman
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Today we are going to talk about why you should stop treating all your people the same...Av Peter Harman
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Today we are going to get some wisdom from one of the great American Entrepreneurs - Henry ford… This is a long one so sit back and get comfortable and maybe even grab your note pad…Av Peter Harman
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Today I am going to teach you how to increase your sales by 10% starting today. This technique will not cost you a single dollar to execute. It does NOT involve Social Media. It does NOT involve AdvertisingIt is REALLY simple and it IS something that YOU can do in house by yourself… You do not need to be a genius. You do not have to be Super Human.…
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If you own a restaurant or any type of business please keep listening. If you are The person with their SKIN in THE GAME – With Your personal money riding on the success of your business… keep listening. If you are NOT a business owner and you do not have skin in the game – Today’s podcast will not make any sense to you. So you are excused from tod…
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Today we are going to talk about how CLOSE You really are to the life of your dreams… So get ready – for a little enlightenment…Av Peter Harman
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How much money would you pay somebody (other than you )To do the work that YOU did last week..?Av Peter Harman
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Impossible Things are NOT IMPOSSIBLE… for everyoneThey are Just impossible for YOU!!The true measure of a Man or a Women is what it takes to make them STOP - in their quest to succeed. The true measure of a person is how far they can go – BEFORE They Give Up or Tap Out or Throw in the Towel and Quit..…
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297. Five Steps Of Restaurant Onwership
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19:58Today we are going to talk about something REALLY EXCITING… Today we are going to discuss the FIVE PHASES of RESTAURANT OWNERSHIP… Buckle Your Chin Strap - because this will be a Wild Ride!Av Peter Harman
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Imagine you are in a room – a very large room. In that room is every person you have ever met in your entire life… Wow!Now that you are mentally in that room with all those people….WHO WILL YOU SEEK OUT FIRST? WHO is the person you most want to see and to talk to?Av Peter Harman
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295. 5th Wave Part 2 - Six Sales Pillars
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33:12Do you NEED to increase the sales in your restaurant IMMEDIATELY. Are you getting less than GREAT results from your Social Media Campaign… That doesn’t really work… Let me tell ya - You are NOT alone… The TRUTH is – Facebook doesn’t drive sales… Instagram doesn’t drive sales. Social media doesn’t drive sales. Social Media is for Sharing Your Life… …
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Today we are going to do something DIFFERENT… I was recently on a Podcast called The 5th Wave With Jeffery Young. Jeffery is the founder of The Allegra Group - And the Editor in Chief of 5th Wave… Jeffery currently lives in London and has his fingers in a LOT of really cool projects… Many of which revolve around the Global world of coffee and hospi…
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Do you ever feel like this..?You work your ass off and finally take a few steps forward And then… the next day you walk into the restaurantAnd all your hard work is GONE!You're three steps back – because someone quit or resigned or moved on... All your forward progress is wiped away… by the incoming tide – like sandcastles on the beach..?I don’t kn…
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Today we are going to discuss how to BUY a Restaurant. How to determine what a restaurant is worth in both the short and long term. And in the process – you MIGHT see what your restaurant could be worth… Or maybe YOU can use this information to take a few steps to increase the value of your restaurant so that day... When you eventually decide to se…
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When I look at you I see THREE people.I see… The person that you are right now… TODAY.I See… The person that you will become if you stay on your current path…AND – I see… The person you COULD BECOME if you have the guts to believe in your own personal GREATNESS…Av Peter Harman
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If you continue on your current path where will you be in 5 years..?How about 10 years..?Is your current path going to put you where you really want to be or are you headed - the wrong way..?Av Peter Harman
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289. Hidden Keys to Your Management Style
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15:31Whether you know it or not… You have a management style.Your management style was developed over the course of your lifetime.Some management styles are better than others.Some Work Wonders – and others repel people like the smell of a skunk on the side of the road. Today we are going to delve into some of the foundational thoughts and beliefsthat h…
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Today we are going to discuss WHY it is easy to move the ball forward in your restaurant some days and impossible at other times. Today I'm going to introduce you to the concept of Offense / Defense...Av Peter Harman
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Everyone thinks their competition is the biggest obstacle they must overcome. Most people think finding the right customers and the right employees is the biggest obstacle they must overcome… This is NOT true.The biggest obstacle you must overcome is Your Procrastination & Laziness. Your Bad Habits & Negative Mindset. The Biggest Obstacle that You …
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Today we are going to discuss the power of WORDS… Specifically – YOUR WORDS and their power to do GOOD or BAD. Betty Eadie said…"If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them much more closely. If we understood the power of our words, we would prefer silence to anything negative…In our thoughts and words, we create our weaknesses …
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Friedrich Nietzsche said – When you stare into the abyss – the abyss stares back. Wow!Today we are going to discuss – how this strange quote - can help you and your restaurant!Av Peter Harman
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Today we are going to discuss a simple formula for success that will help you become successful in any economy and any market?Av Peter Harman
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Discipline is ignoring something you want right now… Today.In exchange for something you REALLY – REALLY want… Later on… In The Future.Av Peter Harman
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Today we are going to talk about how to use the Pareto principle – also known as the 80/20 Theory to create a quantum leap in your restaurant.Av Peter Harman
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Imagine a sheet of paper on your desk. Draw a line across the middle of the paper. This is called THE LINE…The area Above the line represents GOOD THINGS - that you MUST DO - And the area below the line represents BAD THINGS - That you MUST NOT DO…Got it..? - Great...Because that is what we are going to talk about today.…
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280. A New Way To Think About Labor Cost
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18:43I like to throw different ideas at you to keep you on your toes.Today – I want to discuss a NEW way to look at your staff and the labor cost in your restaurant.Av Peter Harman
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The modern business owner is struggling to find and hire peopleand when they do find someone to work, they only get about 50% of the employees effort… Do you know why that is… Well that’s what we are going to talk about today.Av Peter Harman
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Today we are going to do something a little different. I am going to take you behind the scenes to my staff meeting at Martini’s Grille.Every three months we have a quarterly staff meeting… Where we do three things#1. I address the entire team.#2. We hand out bonuses#3. We share a great mealI think you will find this interesting…
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Do you know who you are… ORAre you chasing the hottest trends - trying to please everyone else..?Av Peter Harman
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Are you HIRING the wrong people - just to fill a position?Are you putting things on the menu - that don’t fit?Are you agreeing to do things that you really don’t want to do. If the answer to any of these questions is YES – You’re in luck because today - we are going to talk about how to fix - that error.…
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