show episodes
Dr. John is a 100% P&T disabled American Veteran of the US Army Paratroopers, a doctor of psychology, and Veteran Coach Manager at VA Claims Insider (VACI). Now he’s on a mission to help other veterans heal through self-therapy by traveling across America with one goal: speaking at every stop about how we can all be better caregivers for our own mental health! Listen to Dr. John! New episodes every Tuesday! If you are a veteran and have filed a VA disability claim, have been denied, have rec ...
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Join me and our guests as we speak about Health, Politics, Economics, Spirituality, Education, Psychology, and living an inspired life. Support this podcast:
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From the campus of Stanford University and KZSU 90.1 FM, The Entrepreneurs Show features in-depth, one-on-one interviews with purpose-driven entrepreneurs and high-performance thought-leaders. Our luminary guests are committed to game-changing ideas, outcomes, and a better world. Topics include innovative strategies, systems changing approaches, and disruptive technologies. Hosted by award-winning writer and producer, Tom Dioro.
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show series
12 October, the day after the announcement of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, we invited a panel of experts to discuss the award of the prize to Nihon Hidankyo.You'll meet:• Tuva Widskjold, ICAN• Kjølv Egeland, senior researcher NORSAR• Mika Mayumi, leader of Oslo-department - No to Nuclear WeaponsNihon Hidankyo is awarded the peace prize for its effor…
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12 October, the day after the announcement of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, we invited Jørgen Watne Frydnes, Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee to give a short lecture on awarding the prize to Nihon Hidankyo.Read more about the Japanese organisation Nihon Hidankyo here:…
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I år er det 30 år siden Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin og Shimon Peres ble tildelt Nobels fredspris for sin innsats for å skape fred i Midtøsten, og for sitt bidrag i dialogen om en fredelig løsning på konflikten mellom Palestina og Israel.Året før hadde de tre forhandlet frem Oslo-avtalen. Både avtalen og fredspristildelingen er fortsatt aktuell og …
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Inem Richardson, journalist with African Stream, co-founder of the Thomas Sankara Center/Burkina Books (Centre Thomas Sankara Pour La Libération et L’Unité Africain), sits down with me to discuss the Burkinabe peoples wrestles against colonial and imperialist West, such as France, in the past 4 decades. Inem is also A member and cadre of the All Af…
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Pius returns to conclude his appraisal of the mass struggle for liberation and against the regime in Swaziland. He speaks of international solidarity vs. the so-called international community and which of these can support revolutionary changes in Swaziland. Pius is very candid on whether the monarch has a place in the modern political, economic, a…
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For an appraisal of the struggle for democracy in Swaziland, Pius Vilakati sits down with me. Pius is Central Committee Member and Head of Research and Policy Development of the Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) and a former International Secretary of the CPS. He is former Presidentof the University of Swaziland Student Representative Council (SRC…
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Ahjamu Umi returns to talk about Organizing Lessons from the 60s. Ahjamu is a dedicated activist/organizer/author who has engaged in on the ground work throughout Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, and throughout the U.S. for 4 decades now. His latest work is "A Guide for Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence" - it's a ma…
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Welcome to a conversation about The Power of Dialogue in Northern Ireland's Peace Journey. This is a dialogue between Mr. Mark Durkan, who was part of the negotiating team for the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, and the Director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Olav Njølstad. The conversation is moderated by Kjersti Fløgstad, Executive Director of …
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Om feminismens historie fra Bertha von Suttner til Narges Mohammadi. Marta Breen om sexismens historie og kvinnebevegelsens rolle i fredskampen.Det går en knallrød tråd fra den første kvinnelige fredsprisvinneren Bertha von Suttner til den nyeste, Narges Mohammadi: Kampen for likestilling og mot undertrykkelse, kampen for kvinners plass ved bordet …
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Learn how new technology is used to double down on demonstrants and activists in Iran.Activists used social media effectively in the Iranian protests after Mahsa Jina Amini’s death in September 2022. But the regime is also using new technology to double down on activists and on ordinary women and girls:Face recognition is used to surveil and identi…
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Bli med når vi dykker ned i fredsprisen til Dr. Martin Luther King jr. og blir bedre kjent med en av de aller viktigste personene fra det 20. århundre.I år er det 60 år siden Dr. Martin Luther King jr. ble tildelt Nobels fredspris. Borgerrettighetsforkjemperen og baptistpastoren var kun 35 år gammel da han landet på Fornebu den 8. desember, 1964. T…
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We gathered young activists from Oslo and all over the world for a conversation on the power of youth activism.What are you willing to sacrifice for a cause you believe in?What sparks youth activism around the world?How can young voices reach even further?What does it take to engage youth in developed and privileged societies like Norway?Penelope L…
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Now, as I go through this, you might find it a bit different from what you're accustomed to. Change is inevitable, and sometimes it's necessary to step aside to allow new blood and ideas to build upon existing foundations. ********* Got some questions? I’d love to answer them! Email me at Are you ready to get the VA…
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Traveling through Texas, I found myself in Liberty Hill – as American as it gets. The way this town honors and supports veterans is truly remarkable, and it's been a pleasure to experience. ********* Got some questions? I’d love to answer them! Email me at Are you ready to get the VA rating you deserve? Work with my…
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Now, as I've been traveling and meeting people, I want to discuss something and hopefully inspire you not to fall into the trap of what I call clickbait. They post sensational content, prompting you to click on their site by suggesting issues with the VA or imminent changes that could make it tougher for you to process your claims. ********* Got so…
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I've had discussions, including one with a veteran asking about motivation. I use the mirror technique: spend five minutes each morning talking to yourself in the mirror to stay focused on your goals. ********* Got some questions? I’d love to answer them! Email me at Are you ready to get the VA rating you deserve? W…
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The ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has resulted in catastrophic suffering for the civilian population. In a devastating situation where hope seems distant, it is important to remember that war is not the solution.Palestinian Bassam Aramin and Israeli Rami Elhanan have both lost a daughter in the conflict. But instead of succumbing to …
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Last week's episode delved into the backstory of "Don't Let the Old Man In," Clint Eastwood's connection, and how Toby Keith wrote the song. This is part two. Connect with the veteran community for valuable support. Visit the VA or chat with veterans in a cafe to aid your journey. ********* Got some questions? I’d love to answer them! Email me at d…
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Exciting topic today from Dallas, Texas! It's a fantastic place for me with my love for the Cowboys, Stars, and Rangers. Stay active, engaged, keep moving, and keep those blood and brainwaves flowing right. ********* Got some questions? I’d love to answer them! Email me at Are you ready to get the VA rating you dese…
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After traveling through Florida, I couldn't resist exploring a place that's always intrigued me – New Orleans. Something about the history and unity during the battles there speaks volumes, sending a powerful message to us all. ********* Got some questions? I’d love to answer them! Email me at Are you ready to get t…
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I actually have a different kind of message or concept that I'd like to discuss today: taking a proactive stance against the bullies. Go ahead and ensure that you stand up to them if they're causing trouble or creating situations that halt or delay what you're doing. ********* Got some questions? I’d love to answer them! Email me at docontheroad@va…
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I got an interesting subject for you today because I know that we've covered a lot of areas just in the last couple of weeks and I want to help you get To be part of this community that does create positive thoughts, positive actions for America's heroes. ********* Got some questions? I’d love to answer them! Email me at docontheroad@vaclaimsinside…
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I'm seeing some veterans here at VA Claims Insider that have a lot of excuse in continuing their VA claims. Maybe they can't move forward in writing their statement. Why not? That's my first question. Why not? It just shocks me. If you have come here, you came here for a reason, why delay it anymore, get to it, get with your coach, get your strateg…
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In this episode, Africans from all over the world share their thoughts about the honourable Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s legacy and contribution to the world struggle for justice and humanity. This episode published just a few days after King's birthday - January 15. We are greatful for the Africans who have taken their time, space, intellects and e…
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Now, there's a series of questions that have been flying around a lot lately, especially since the VA has come out with all these proposals that have been out for a while. My advice, you need to go ahead and sign up with VA Claims Insider. Go get a coach so you can plan this out and make sure that you get it done as quick as possible and in the rig…
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I've spent my Christmas and New Year at Destin Florida and the really cool part about this place is the white beach. I got the opportunity to relax. And I don't know about you guys, but when I get to a situation and I start relaxing, a lot of different things become a lot clearer. Being relaxed has its advantages, like for example when you're deali…
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In this episode, I got a special guest for you my brothers and sisters in uniform! The resident expert on TBI at VA Claims Insider is here! Matter of fact, he's taught me a lot of stuff about TBIs and how important they are and how we really need to look at it because it is a tough claim! We want to educate you about this and this is how we do it, …
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In filling for VA claims, there's a number of different things that actually come together, but the most important thing is you need to have a strategy that puts all these pieces together, puts all this stuff together. This ensures that you can actually have a better situation and make it easier on yourself, make it easier on the practitioner for t…
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We connect with Imani Na Umoja in Guinea Bissau to talk about the recent political upheavals in the country and the lessons that can be learned by rest of Africa from Guinea Bissau's democratic centralism. We further discuss the history of Amilcar Cabral's party, the Party of Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), struggle against western c…
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Pan-Africanist and organizer with the All-African People's Revolutionary Party, Salifu Mack, is my guest in this episode. Salifu simply refers to himself as an African that was born in the United States (South Carolina), but is currently organizing in Burkina Faso - organizing for the unification and total liberation of Africa under scientific soci…
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Journalist og forfatter Sevda Barazesh og stortingsrepresentant Mahmoud Farahmand samtaler med Civitas Eirik Løkke om Irans historie fra 1979 og frem til i dag.10 . desember deles Nobels Fredspris ut i Oslo Rådhus. Prisen for 2023 tildeles Narges Mohammadi for «hennes kamp mot undertrykking av kvinner i Iran og hennes kamp for menneskerettigheter o…
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My brothers and sisters in uniform, thank you for all your support and joining me in this journey. Welcome to Season 5! I am excited with what I’m gonna share with you guys as I visit and meet people from different places. In the meantime, I’d like for you to remember that in all the negativities, we need to stay positive. We need to go ahead and m…
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Krigen i Gaza har kostet tusenvis av sivile liv. Noen mener at tiden for dialog er forbi, men dagens panel påpeker at det er enda mer naivt å tro at mer krigføring vil løse den fastlåste konflikten.Lær mer om hva som ligger bak freds- og forsoningsarbeid i siste episode av «De som lytter, flytter verden». Etter de grufulle terrorhandlingene fra Ham…
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My guest in this episode is Ahjamu Umi (from Sacramento, USA) and we speak about separating Judaism from Zionism. Ahjamu is a dedicated activist/organizer/author who has engaged in on the groundwork throughout Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, and throughout the U.S. for about 4 decades now. His latest work is "A Guide for Defense against White Suprem…
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In this episode we seek to tap into the record the establishment, historical development of the The All African People's Revolutionary Party (AAPRP) a political party engaged in organizing all people of African descent for The total liberation and unification of Africa under an All-African Socialist Government. I have invited seasoned organizers fr…
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Rafiki Morris is my guest for this episode. Rafiki is Muralist/Artist, Writer, Poet, Lecturer Politics: Revolutionary Pan-Africanist and cadre and a Central Committee Member in the All African People's Revolutionary Party. Some of the Works and/or Novels written by Rafiki are “The Call of the Drum”; “The Giant and the Fire”; “Leaving Eden”; War: Th…
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My brothers and sisters in uniform, we’ve come down to the end of Season 4! This past season we’ve discussed a few things and had guests who imparted their knowledge to us! As we recap and look back, I am grateful for your continued support! We have a lot in store for you on this upcoming season so stay tuned! ********* Got some questions? I’d love…
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A special episode for you my brothers and sisters in uniform, with our very own Veteran Coach Managers Stacey Allen and Caleb MacLagan! We are all part of the Hundo Club and to those of you don’t know what that is, it’s what we call when veterans achieve the 100% VA disability rating! It’s really amusing that we’ve gone through the same process her…
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Last episode we talked about the SEM Method which stands for Strategy, Education and Medical Evidence. Prior to that method, we have what we call the “Gameplan” which is basically the list of conditions that a veteran is eligible to go after. It’s important that you know your Gameplan to be able to properly strategize your path to the rating that y…
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In filing for VA claims, there's a process that we use here at VA Claims Insider. It's called the SEM method. That's S-E-M, stands for Strategy, Education and Medical evidence. This method works in a way to where it covers all the bases. It covers everything! When you follow this process, it’s gonna be easier and give you more confidence once you'v…
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When your cable went out and you called the customer service and you don't get the right answer from the person you're talking to, what's the first thing you always say? I want to talk to your manager. That’s the same type of situation with the higher level review. You are requesting another review from a senior rater on your denied claim. HLR is o…
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Joining me today to talk about the Non-Profit Industrial Complex, is GeeChee Yaw. Geechee is a published author, activist, organizer - has organized in the UK, the Baltimore and DC area and also organizes in Central America. Geechee is a member of a number of organizations like BPM. He provides research work and curriculums for a number of organiza…
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I met a Canadian veteran when I visited the National Veterans Museum and had a really interesting conversation. But there was one thing that he talked he talked about American veterans being tighter as a community. And then that actually brought up a couple other thoughts while I was there, that we should be doing that! We should be reaching out to…
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The subject of this episode is ‘Recapturing Black Culture’ and I and Erica Caines have a great discussion. Erica Caines is a poet, writer and organizer in Baltimore and the DMV. She is an organizing committee member of the anti war coalition, the Black Alliance For Peace as well as an outreach member of the Black centered Ujima People’s Progress Pa…
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In filing for VA claims there are various ways you can go about it. You can connect with a VSO to help you, maybe a lawyer. Some immerse themselves in forums online to get information. Some get connected with an education-based coaching and consulting company like VA Claims Insider. There are different ways and they produce different outcomes as we…
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When I visited the American Indian Museum, I noticed a lot of things there to where if things could have been just done a little bit differently, if there could have been just a little bit more respect for both sides, we probably wouldn't have had some of the mistakes that were made. When I looked at it, I realized that we just need to pick up wher…
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I had the chance to spend an afternoon talking to a veteran who has been a little sour in the whole process of going for claims and being recognized for situations that took place while he was in. And when I mean sour, I mean very sour. He was very negative. I couldn't see past that things have to happen in a certain way. So we talked, and had an o…
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Mandla Hlatjwayo, Chairman of Letfu Sonkhe Institute for Strategic Thinking and Development returns to the show. Letfu Sonkhe Institute provides an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, educators and politicians to meaningfully engage and discuss the on-going challenges of Swaziland. Mandla has provided leadership in a litany o…
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There's an old TV show called 'Dragnet,' and one of the officers or the investigators would always say "just the facts." And that's basically what you have to do in filing for VA claims - you have to say just the facts! You gotta keep it as simple as possible. The more elaborate that you try to get with this and try to build up a story like you're …
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