show episodes
A podcast about creating balance in 3 key areas of Wellness, The Body, Mind & Spirit. We'll be talking about health, beauty, healing, self development, energy release, alternative health modalities, exercise through movement & activity, natural beauty, aging naturally and anything that contributes to our overall wellness. On YouTube we are building a motivation and inspirational community that meets on Zoom on Sunday evenings. I LIVESTREAM Rebounding Exercise and Motivational Videos in the m ...
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show series
Episode 252-God Is For Us Do you believe God is for you? Are you living that our in your everyday life? Are there times you think you are all alone and have to protect yourself because you feel vulnerable? Romans 8:31 NIV asks a really poignant question. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” The issue for us is believing completely that God is…
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Episode 251-What is My Destiny? You can probably quote from memory the main verse we’re talking about this week. Romans 8:28 NKJV, “We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” We might see this verse as meaning God is behind the scenes pulling the strings …
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Episode 250-Towards Glory As we’re running this race called life it’s good to remember that we are headed towards glory. Suffering is part of living in our very mortal bodies. But suffering for Christ, either physically or in any other way, is not losing. It is winning. Romans 8:18 tell us that “what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory H…
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Episode 249-Run the Race We have a race to run while we are here on earth. It’s leading us towards a heavenly prize God already has waiting for us. Of course, we know we have an enemy that does not want us to run the race or obtain the prize. One big obstacle our enemy throws in our way is condemnation. He makes us feel condemned or ashamed, guilty…
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Episode 248-The Conundrum A conundrum is a difficult or confusing problem or question. It’s like a mystery we can’t solve. In Romans 7, Paul shares a conundrum that I identify with and I expect if you are honest, you do too. Like any problem or mystery, I want the conundrum to be solved in 30 minutes like a good tv show. I don’t want to be left han…
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Episode 247-What War? We are in a war. We may not realize it as we walk through our daily lives but we are. Romans 5:17-6:23 talks about this as a war between the power of sin and the greater power of God’s wonderful grace. If we belong to Jesus, sin has no legal control over us. We are free to follow God. However, we are just as free to be entangl…
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Episode 246-Patient Endurance If you’re like me, somewhere along the line in Sunday School you learned the nine fruit of the Spirit which include: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are all great virtues we should be incorporating on our Spirit-Led Transformation journey. As I was readin…
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Episode 245-This Thing Called Faith Faith is foundational on our Spirit-Led Transformation journeys. Without it, we have no transformation. Without it we cannot be Spirit-led. So what just what is faith and how do we know if we are really living our lives based on faith? I’m a words person, so let’s see what the dictionary says faith is. First defi…
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Episode 244--Why Forgive Others? An important step on our Spirit-Led Transformation is forgiving others. It’s actually a command from God. He demonstrates exactly what He wants us to do for others when He forgives us. He is teaching us by example. Most of the time, this feels like a really hard thing to do so we sort of just put it in the back of o…
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Episode 243- Forgiven Forgiven. It’s such a great word. This is the second in our series of Spirit-Led Transformation because understanding the depths of being forgiven can set us free to follow God with all that we are and all that He made us to be. However, when we feel like we are not forgiven and feel deep shame and regret, we are stuck and can…
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Episode 084-Flesh Versus Spirit This episode is going to be the first in a series I’m doing based around the book of Romans. It’s really a book that talks to us about Spirit-led Transformation so that will be a topic we’ll be exploring for the next several months. Because these episodes are so foundational I am putting them into a course that will …
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Episode 241-Finding Freedom One minute I was sitting in the green metal lawn chair in my uncle’s front yard, talking and laughing with my aunt while cousins and our children played hide and go seek. The next minute I felt the bending and eventual collapse of the rounded legs of the chair as they slowly lowered me to the ground. Even though I’m sure…
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Episode 240-What God Wants I’ve learned since childhood that I should listen to God. I knew He wanted me to give up sugar and flour and eat more meat, fruits, and vegetables. However, I continued to do the opposite. I was like the people of Jeremiah’s day. “We will not listen to your messages from the Lord. We will do whatever we want … For in thos…
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Episode 239-King of My Heart Who or what is King of your heart, the most important thing in your life? The first stanza of the song, King of My Heart says, “I’m in a war every minute. I know for sure I’ll never win it. I am David up against Goliath and it’s a fight for my attention. I’m being pulled every direction.” However, David’s real giant was…
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Episode 238-Intimacy I love this episode! I love talking about real intimacy with my husband and with Jesus. Intimacy is a deep, close relationship that makes us feel validated and safe In simple language Jesus told us how to be his intimate friends “You show you are my intimate friends when you obey all that I command you … I call you My intimate …
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One of my issues growing up was I was the oldest child and my mother had many issues that caused her to be unable to do a lot of household duties. Many of these fell to me because otherwise they wouldn’t get done. So, as the oldest child of three, I stepped into a controlling, bossy mini-Mom. From an early age I took on a works mentality. I took ov…
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Episode 236-Hiding from Fear? Are you afraid of people, things you failed at, things that want to make you go somewhere and hide and never come out again? Many are. This episode contains a fictional story about a woman who wanted to just live never having to deal with fear. When she thought about stepping outside the room, she felt naked, exposed, …
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Episode 234-Who Am I? Who am I? Who are you? Many times in our lives, people knowingly or unknowingly tell us who we are. This happened to me when I was six years old. At the time, I didn’t really know what was said would define me. I tried to push it out of my mind. It stayed there until another similar statement when I was an adult jogged my memo…
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Lisa, Personal Trainer and Program Director with The Great Age Movement shares how their non-profit offers FREE programs for seniors age 55+ At The Great Age Movement, our mission is to create innovative community wellness programs for seniors in public spaces in Houston. The outdoor program is Houston's first Great Age Fitness Park™ with 21 fitnes…
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Episode 233-Forgiven I sat on the back deck of the lodge at the north rim of the Grand Canyon while my family was hiking. I just wanted to sit there forever and take in the glory and the splendor of God’s majestic, vast creation. The canyon is miles across. It looked huge. I thought of the song, “There is a cross to bridge the great divide.” The wi…
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Episode 232-Am I Greedy? I never really thought of myself as greedy, but my journey has really been one of greed. What is greed? The definition of greed is “an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.” Did you get that? It’s not just an intense desire for money or position. It’s also a selfish desire for food! Ar…
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Episode 231-Deception A person who deceives is one who misleads by a false appearance or statement. Isn’t it interesting Satan can appear as an angel of light. One big deception the enemy threw to me was that I needed food to eat so I could eat all I wanted to. The devil is a deceiver who turns something, which looks good, into something which lead…
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Episode 230-Prayer Answers For many years I was frustrated because I would pray and it felt like God wasn’t answering my prayers. I knew the Bible said He would, but I didn’t believe it because I wasn’t experiencing the answers I wanted, which was to have my mother healed of her bipolar disorder. They weren’t selfish prayers so why wasn’t He answer…
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Episode 229-This is My Surrender The other day I was listening to a church service and they were singing, “I will Make Room”. As I sang along with them the words arrested me. “Here is where I lay it down. Every burden and every crown. This is my surrender. This is my surrender.” God stopped me and asked, “How are burdens and crowns alike so that wh…
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Episode 228-Backdoor Grace "Crisco, Crisco fat in the can" churned around and around in my head for decades after a three-year-old said that to me when I was 11. He said it so he could distract me. Thoughts of I am fat went through my conscious mind and were archived in my subconscious right then. Our childhood emotions can lie dormant for years re…
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Episode 227-Lies or Truth? It’s hard for children to separate truth from lies. When we grow up lies from childhood still chase us and take us down treacherous roads. Then my lies sounded like this: “I can eat whatever I want whenever I want it. If I want sugar or dessert I can eat as much as I want. It doesn’t hurt me. If I’m upset foods with carbo…
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Thomas and Lydia talk about the body's magnificent ability to heal thyself. It is a journey for a lifetime in most cases. Having a guide like Thomas to help you walk that challenging journey can often times help. This episode my challenge your beliefs, and perhaps help your beliefs that are supporting your suffering transmute and transform. To lear…
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Bibbi, one of our Avanti Community Participants has been rebounding for over 75 days in a row. She is experiencing amazing benefits as a Dialysis patient who has to go 3 times per week. She has noticed her potassium levels have gotten into normal range and she no longer has to take iron because her hemoglobin is doing so well. She wants to share he…
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Episode 226-I Can't Lose Weight I CAN’T lose weight, I just can’t. I carried this feeling of defeat with me for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I was always outgrowing my clothes. Hey, it’s what kids do. They grow. It was true, as a child I couldn’t lose weight. I was designed to grow, not lose weight. The difficult part, especially for a ch…
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Avanti Community Participant, Limitless Lindy, a Self Proclaimed Carnivore, has lost over 500lbs eating a primarily meat based diet. A few weeks ago she started rebounding, using a mini trampoline, and has found greater levels of health than any other type of exercise. She introduces us to her amazing journey of weight loss, the trials and tribulat…
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Bibbi, one of our Avanti Community Participants has been rebounding for over 54 days and she shares with us all the health benefits she has experienced while she manages her 3X a week Dialysis Treatments. We are sharing these personal story as a way to inspire others to continually search for ways to improve your own health and wellness. Always con…
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Episode 225-Listen to Gdd All the time there are at least three voices vying for our attention: my voice, the tempter’s voice, and God’s voice. For years, though, I listened to the tempter’s voice constantly. It always has an element of truth to it. What he tells me is half-truth, half-lie. In the past he hadn’t needed to be too subtle. He just put…
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Episode 224-Fighting the Battle Eleven years ago I weighed 430 pounds. Now let’s be honest that’s really, really large, especially for a woman who isn’t that tall. I’ve lost 250 pounds and I feel a whole lot better. However, to me the more important thing is I’ve undergone a total lifestyle change of a slow, steady weight loss. No matter what the q…
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Sally and Stephanie, also known as the Trophy Twins invite you to check out their YouTube Channel @IJumpInstead Connect with Sally and Stephanie as well as find more resources and merchandise at At the Avanti Wellness Community: We are having a great time encouraging, motivating and inspiring each other along our individual jou…
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Ginger, an Avanti Wellness Community Member lowered her AC1 with Rebounding Exercise and a Nutritious Diet. Learn how she has experienced the many benefits of rebounding in her interview. We are sharing these personal stories as a way to inspire others to continually search for ways to improve their own health and wellness. Always contact your medi…
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Elaine is a participant in the Avanti Wellness Community, and we support and inspire each other on our personal wellness journeys. Listen to Elaine's amazing health update and report that she shares from her recent eye visit. Here Doctor said he had never seen that before on such an old injury. We are thrilled for her rebounding benefits and look f…
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Episode 223- God's Great Adventure Most of us love a good adventure story. I love Sunday nights when we’d hear foreign missionaries tell us about their adventures. They seemed so different from my life, which was very boring in comparison. I longed for a bit of adventure, and a great adventure with God would be even better. Back then I didn't have …
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Introducing Avanti Community Participant, Doodie, 90 years young, vital and energetic. Doodie wants to inspire others to consider rebounding at any age or fitness level. She shares her health and wellness secrets as well as how she is celebrating over 70 days of consistent rebounding since December 2023 to present, February 2024. If you'd like to h…
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Episode 222-Confessions of a Sugar Addict I am a sugar addict, set free by God Almighty. Most people greatly dislike the concept of surrender. It feels too hard, too difficult, too unnerving to actually give in to God. To me it is just the opposite. Surrender is beautiful because we finally discard everything we’ve been holding on to that is keepin…
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Avanti Community Participant Highlight: Sierra, @sierrasoulbizarre Community Highlight Talks Tracking Her Results/Metrics on a Fitbit. You can follow Sierra at her channel on YouTube SierraSoulBizzare and keep up with her here in our community or with her channel. We are having a great time encouraging, motivating and inspiring each other along our…
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Avanti Community Member, Mike Sewald (70 yr old) inspires the community on his dedication and prioritization of exercise in his life. He enjoys hiking in Colorado's landscapes as well as his new love for Rebounding. He says he does 10 - 15 minutes 3 times a day on average. Get to know Mike and learn what keeps him motivated. If you'd like to be par…
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I am thrilled to introduce you all to Suzanne Harrill and her latest book, Wake Up! Your Body is Telling You Something. How to Grow and Evolve from Health Challenges and Life-Altering Circumstances. Here's the book on Amazon. I recommend you add this one in paperback to your library. It's a great read and keep for the future.…
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Episode 221-Eating Myself to Death Most of us want to blame someone else for any problem we have. I knew good and well no one was to blame for my extreme weight gain, but me, myself, and I. My desire to do my own thing regarding what I ate and how I didn’t exercise or listen to God about my health was not working well for me. As a matter of fact, I…
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Nikki with Earth and Owl introduces us to her YouTube Channel. She has LIVE workouts, membership as well as great information. She can be found and connected with in the following ways. YouTube Channel: Website: Private Facebook Group:…
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Episode 220-Move My Mountain In order to lose weight and keep it off we have to begin and continue. We have to be committed to transformation. I was a reluctant loser, but God helped me lose 250 of the 430 pounds I once had on my body. I say I was a reluctant loser because God told me to give up sugar and I didn’t want to. Today, I'm a Christian we…
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Episode 219-Overcomers Academy New God called me to coach others with weight issues after I lost 250 pounds. With His help I’ve been coaching now for 10 years. I was hesitant, but I have learned if God calls me I don’t have to worry about my qualifications. When God asks us to do a specific task, He and He alone will qualify us. He goes before us t…
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Episode 218-God's New Thing I read this somewhere and it resonated with me. I don’t know the author. “God is telling me today, rest in Me. I am already ahead of you, working in your life. I will turn around every bad situation you are in. I will bless you and your family with all that you need. I will heal all that needs healing. I will wipe away o…
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Episode 217-Here's My Heart, Lord You’ve likely gotten all kinds of gifts for Christmas already, but I want to give you another one. When I take the love language test, mine comes back words of affirmation, imagine that. It’s what I love to receive, but it’s also what I love to give. Words can build us up or tear us down. I hope these words, which …
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Episode 216-Season for Temptation It’s the season for temptations especially for a sugar and comfort food addict like I used to be or like you may be right now. How can we resist falling into temptation? If we are surrendered to God it can help us resist temptation. Overcomers Academy link:…
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